Incubus Banishment

Chapter 41: Burn, Penis Sword!

It was the burning penis sword that I manifested using Penis Form Change level 10.

「What’s that magic sword……!?」

The demon of Armor Ant Queen, Regina was watching with her expression twisted in shock.

But that shock immediately receded and she put on a mocking smile.

「I see, so it’s a magic sword that can change shape as well as attribute by using magic power. You mustered your last remaining magic power because Armor Ant’s weakness is fire magic. You’ve played your trump card. Kishi kishi kishi. But too bad. Even if Armor Ant’s weakness is fire element, there’s no way my carapace can be broken through with such half-baked magic!」

Regina said that and charged.

It was just as she said, even though fire was her weakness, there was no guarantee that it would be able to go through her carapace that was strengthened with magic power.

In the end this attempt would only end with me getting pushed back if my magic power was insufficient.

I would really have no other way anymore if this burning penis sword got blocked.

My penis would be crushed, the people here would be massacred, then Regina would go into hiding until her threat became something truly terrible.

Naturally, even Alicia would also be killed.

It felt like the various terrors were going to blot out my heart. But, that was exactly why,

「Penis Sword──Inferno」

Set your heart ablaze, set your dick ablaze, and cut down Regina with everything you got!


Regina’s claws that looked like they would be able to cut apart adamantite easily and my burning penis sword clashed.

The next moment,


The one who screamed was Regina.

Her metallic claws cracked and even looked half-melted. They were sizzling and smoking.

The adamantite penis that was filled with tremendous heat successfully went through the enemy’s magic power defense and carapace.

「It didn’t manage to bisect her into two but, I can win with this……!」

The burning penis emitted bright light.

I tightened my grip on my penis.

「Damn, you……don’t get carried away you DAMN HUMANNNNNNNNNNNN!」

Regina roared.

「Armament Skill──Steel Wrapped Silk Claw」

The claws that grew on Regina’s hands rapidly lengthened.

And then they fell off from her fingertips and fused into one, turning into a single big sword.

It was the claw version of my penis sword that detached from my crotch and transformed into sword. I’m jealous.

「Don’t think that you’ve won just from getting through mine carapace!」

Regina yelled and slashed forward.


The burning penis sword and Regina’s great sword clashed.

The part that touched the penis sword melted a little, but Regina’s great sword still managed to block my penis without problem.

Regina smiled smugly in triumph. But,

「Form Change」

There wasn’t any fixed shape for penis sword.

My penis maintained its scorching heat as it changed shape to wrap around the enemy’s great sword.


The great sword that managed to lock sword equally with my penis just now completely melted down. It dripped down and formed a puddle of magma on the ground.


Regina was taken aback and froze.

There was no way I would overlook that.

「You’re full of opening.」

The burning penis sword took the shape of a sword once more and struck Regina’s body.


This time Regina got blown far away.

It wasn’t lethal because she blocked the sword using the carapaces on her arms, even so she must be seriously wounded.

Regina stood up with both her arms dangling down powerlessly beside her. She looked at me in disbelief.

「Impossible……impossible impossible impossible! A lowly human who isn’t even a Holy Knight, against this me……!?」

She must have realized that she was in disadvantage at close quarter combat.

The surrounding ants swarmed me under Regina’s command.

At the same time Regina opened her mouth wide.

「Skill──Melting Acid!」

That wasn’t a simple acid.

Its penetration power easily went through the ants around me. It was like a fast water blade being fired in succession.

But it was meaningless in front of the burning penis sword.


The acid got evaporated before it could touch the blade when I used the penis sword as shield.

I dispersed the acid attack, mowed down the ants, then closed the distance to Regina once more.



I struck with a branching penis sword.

The carapaces all over Regina body was smashed and she fell on the ground. She lied prostrated on that spot.

「Ga……hah……!? I’m, losing……!? What the hell, is that human……!?」

Her beautiful face twisted in humiliation and resentment when she realized her defeat.

Now I just needed to finish her off before my magic power ran out……! As I thought that,

「Don’t screw with me……! How can I get taken down in this kind of place by a human who isn’t even a Holy Knight……! That’s not funny, not funny at all……I won’t let it end like this, now that it has come to this I’ll teach him a lesson!」

What’s she planning!?

Don’t tell me, she has some kind of suicide skill!?

In order to finish her off right away, I instantly transformed the penis sword──it was then.

An intense feeling of discomfort assaulted me.


I immediately realized from where the discomfort came from.

The ants that were swarming Alicia and me until now started running away to outside all at once.

Even though their queen was about to get killed.

It was as though they were just given an order that was even more important than protecting the queen, an order that came straight from the queen herself.

「What’s wrong? You aren’t going to finish me off?」

Regina smirked fearlessly even though she was dying.

Seeing her attitude made me felt a chill and thought 「No way, has she already done something?」. As I hesitated to finish her off,

『This is Goudo of the nest encirclement team! How’s the situation inside right now!?』

The communication crystal that Sunflower of the Wide Sky brought with them let out a yell from the guild master.

And then the next words that came from it made me doubted my own hearing.

『All the ants are rushing out from the nest, they’re heading toward human settlements! Similar reports are also coming from the observation teams that are monitoring other nests……they numbered too many it’s impossible to stop them all! This is unprecedented! Quickly kill the queen who gave the order!』


The instruction that Goudo-san screamed.

But I couldn’t move.

The reason was,

「Kishi……kishi kishi kishi kishi!」

Because the cause of the abnormality, the queen of the ants──Regina who must be the one to give the order to the ants was laughing joyfully even though she was at my mercy.

「Kishi kishi kishi……you’re sharp. That’s right, the strength of my command skill after turning into demon is incomparable from normal Armor Ant Queen or General. Even if you kill me here, mine children will continue to carry out my last order. The order of 『destroy all human settlements as long as you’re still alive』.」


「In the end it’s just an army of mostly level 40 small fries. Mine children will be annihilated with not even one left alive when a squad of Holy Knights gets dispatched. But……no matter how strong the Holy Knights are, they still won’t be able to instantly kill all the ants who are scattering to everywhere. The total number of my children is easily more than ten thousand. I wonder just how many village will vanish, how many town will perish, how many human will die before all the children are killed.」

Regina smiled viciously.

「But in the end this is just a demon’s nonsense. Perhaps mine children will stop without problem if I’m killed you knoww? Come, how about you give it a try. But, if my children don’t stop even after you do that, it will become a mistake that cannot be taken back I thinkk? You will become a mass murder who abandoned countless humans to monsters by refusing to negotiate with me and abandon the chance to stop the rampage of the ants. Kishi kishi kishi, now, what are you going to do, aren’t you going to finish me off? Kishi kishi kishi!」

Regina’s mocking laughter echoed inside the underground cavern.

「Shit……! What have you done……!」

Should I finish off Regina, or not.

It was checkmate either way. This was a devil’s choice.

Not finishing off Regina and negotiating with her. This was impossible to do.

Regina surely wouldn’t take back her order even if I agreed to any kind of unreasonable demand she made.

But it was also hard to say that I should finish her off.

Looking at Regina’s triumphant expression, it was unthinkable that her order would be lifted off if she was killed.

Even if she lifted off her order……the ants that had came out of hiding would still look for food and end up attacking human settlements anyway.

In order to save everyone with certainty, the only way was for Regina to give the order to the ants to stop. No matter what needed to be done for it.

That was why I──could only make the decision.

「……Alicia. I have a request.」


I called to Alicia whose expression was stiff from listening to Regina’s words.

「I want you to watch all the passages and prevent other adventurers and Armor Ants to enter this room.」

I said that before turning my gaze at Regina with a strong resolve.


「I’m going to violate a taboo right now……by raping that demon!」



Regina who was having a smug look until now let out a stupid sounding voice while looking at me like she was staring at a guy with a screw loose in his head.

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