Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 172 - Defeating The Fused Fragments Of The Forbidden One


Chaos dug underground while his clones distracted the Demigods, as he reached towards where he felt the presence of the powerful Fragment of the Forbidden One!

He suddenly felt as if he came across something quite hard, a wall of sorts, no, a ceiling!

He gritted his teeth as he began to gather energies into his claws and then…!


A flood of sand began to slowly fill the temple where he arrived, as he released several flames around to illuminate the place.

"The temple of an ancient civilization… this is where the Fragment is- Huh?"



Without even waiting for him to get closer, a massive black scorpion with several crimson-red eyes rushed towards Chaos, surging from the temple\'s depths!

"Gahahaha! Food! Finally! More food!" it laughed, its pincers clapping eerily!

Chaos readied for battle as his allies came out once more to assist him!

The creature was an enormous scorpion of over 10 meters of height. It had eight sharp legs, each one as sharp as a knife or a blade, piercing the floor and making strange and painful-to-ear sounds!



"Let\'s burnt this!"


Ifrit and Belphegor combined their flames, Phantasmal Fire and Infernal Fire combined into a spiraling flame vortex, engulfing the entire monster with it!




The giant black scorpion cried in pain as he began to be roasted alive!

Chaos began to conjure several spells at the same time, as he accumulated Chaos in one hand and light in the other and fused them together to create a sphere of incandescent chaotic light!



The beam reached the scorpion at an incredible speed, piercing through its head and through all of its body!


The entire scorpion should be dead!

But it wasn\'t…

"Kukuku… A good fighter! But you\'ll need a bit more to kill me. In fact, I cannot be killed." It said, as it rushed towards Chaos by converting into pure darkness and showered him in powerful attacks, the darkness converted into dozens of scorpion stingers as they bathed Chaos entire body!


Chaos squinted his eyes as his body was reinforced multiple times through several spells and skills conjured over his body.

Light Barrier, Muscle Reinforcement, Chaotic Strength Enhancement, Ice Winter Veil, Super-Hardened Ore Skin, Blazing Muscles, Blood Pump, Dark Soul Enrichment, Light Halo, Chaos Embodiment…

His mind worked at a phenomenal speed as he conjured several spells that enhanced his body and his defenses in a mere split of a second, the scorpion fragment monster saw as he suddenly was shrouded with the power of various elements at once, something that shouldn\'t even possible!

"How many elements are those?!" he asked in horror.

"Elemental Fist."

Chaos concentrated several elements within his fist, all of them flashing with colorful rays of elements, combining into a flashing, and sparkling dark light!


The powerful combination of elements released a tremendous shockwave of dark colors, the scorpion was disfigured completely and thrown into the ground, its entire dark body exploded into pieces!


At that moment, Belphegor, Ifrit, Lilith, Abyss, Boxxy, Yuki, Erebus, and the rest combined their efforts and showered the still living creature with their attacks!

A vortex of phantom and infernal flames burned through it, a distorting wave of illusions destroyed it, a powerful space-warping shockwave damaged it, a strong dark beam devastated it, a deadly biting power torn it apart, and freezing winter ice froze it and crushed it! All in just a few seconds!


And Chaos rushed right afterwards, his body overflowing with dozen of elements shrouded in chaos attribute, as he covered himself with a powerful crimson-red armor and began to pulverize the creature with his fists!



The monster was still alive and kicking, its exoskeleton suddenly formed countless plates that defended it against Chaos power!


"This plate…!"

Chaos suddenly realized something! This being… It wasn\'t simply made by a single fragment!

It was many of them combined together!

This was why it resisted so many onslaught of attacks and continued to regenerate in the first place.

The exoskeleton it had was already a Fragment, while the stinger it had was also another fragment, and even the pincers were two more fragments! Chaos had detected at least four fragments in this amalgamation of fragments!

Has it been dormant this whole time waiting for a good source of energy then? Chaos wondered this as he began to think. Perhaps this monster was desperate for energy more than anything. And without it, it would cease to function properly!

Fragments were not able to make their own energy for some reason, and required to parasitize other beings to bring them the power they require.


Chaos continued to fight with everything he had as his companions at his side overcharged their bodies with elements and continued to pulverize the wall of exoskeleton shields one by one!

Chaos utilized the power of the fragments he already had, he used [Eye of The Forbidden One] to generate countless floating eyes and overcharge them with various elements and skills, firing powerful and deadly lasers from all of them in unison, pulverizing the metallic plates made of exoskeleton!

The [Fragrant Flesh Organ of the Forbidden One] was utilized to release a powerful magic and physical damage-boosting fragrance from his body, enhancing his allies power ruthlessly!

And lastly, [Evil Heart of the Forbidden One] absorbed any negative energy around this entire place and converted it all into pure dark energy and mana for Chaos to absorb and nourish himself with!


With all this power, he pierced through the barriers and reached the innermost areas of the monstrous abomination in front of him, the Fragments of the Forbidden One!

"GRRAA! Get off me!" roared the Forbidden One, as he began to use his stingers to pulverize Chaos body, his barriers were easily broken!


Chaos gritted his teeth as he continued to shapeshift and receive damage, monstrously fighting against another monstrosity with everything he had!


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