The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 269 - Sneaky

"I\'m sorry, Miss. But I cannot let you enter," the castle guard apologized to Laina. 

She furrowed her eyebrows in shock. But the former crown princess kept her calm. Lucky for her, traveling to Dracona was simpler with the use of portals. She was close to seeing Dante. 

But since she was no longer the Crown Princess of Kinshearth, she could not enter through the main gate of the castle. 

"If you would be so kind as to inform Da- King Dante that I am here to see him. I\'m sure he will clear this up."

The royal guard did not respond to her. He simply carried on with his duty. Laina clenched her jaw as the smile disappeared from her face. She had to find a way to get in. No matter what it took. 

She walked away from the entrance as she thought of a plan. She touched the pendant for a moment. Contacting him would solve the issue in the blink of an eye. 

"But where\'s the fun in that?" Laina chuckled to herself. 

Dante had always entered her quarters unannounced. Perhaps it was time for her to return him the favor. How hard could it be? Laina turned back to look at the castle. She squinted her eyes a little, noticing a thin film that covered the entire castle. 

It was protected by a protection spell.  Laina sighed. She knew it was not going to be easy, but she will find her way in. When nightfall came, her opportunity presented itself. Without any hesitation, she sprung into action. Entering the castle was only the beginning. Now she had to locate his quarters. 

"If only Titan was here," she sighed. 

Just then, the soft jingle of a bell caught Laina\'s attention. She could not see anything under the cover of darkness. But Laina shivered where she stood as she felt soft fur caressing the side of her calf, followed by a familiar meow. 

"Shadow?" she whispered. 

Laina risked it, as she produced a sphere of flame in her palm to help her see better. She was right! It was Shadow, looking up at her as she curled her tail. 

"It\'s been a while," Laina whispered as she ran her fingers beneath Shadow\'s chin. 

The cat purred as she did so, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the attention. From her spatial storage, Laina took out a cat treat and fed it to her. 

"If you would be so kind, could you lead me to where Dante is?" she asked Shadow politely. 

Using the treats as a lure, "I promise to give you more if you do."

Shadow seemingly understood. After circling Laina twice, she led the way further into the castle. 

"I\'ll take that as a yes."

Shadow led Laina through multiple hallways. It was difficult to make them out under the cover of darkness. However, Laina was certain they were abandoned. Cobwebs lined the passageway and there were no lamps or light sources insight. Though she was a little worried they were going the wrong way, Laina put her faith in Shadow. 

The lack of guards was a relief to Laina as well. If they saw her, she would have been arrested for trespassing immediately. 

Shadow stopped in her tracks, facing Laina. She let out a soft meow, before tilting her head upwards. Laina looked up. She could see an open balcony on the third floor. When she looked back down to look for Shadow, the shadow cat had already climbed up the trellis on the walls.

"How am I suppose to get up there?" Laina muttered to herself as she looked up. 

How could she have forgotten? With a quick and easy spell, Laina lifted herself off the ground. She landed safe and sound on the balcony, just as Dante walked out with Shadow trailing next to him. 

"This is a surprise," he said to her with a wide smile on his face. 

It was clear to anyone that Dante was very happy to see her. He could barely keep it hidden. 

"Surprise!" Laina said as she came up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

Just as she was about to pull away after the kiss, Dante pulled her back in and kissed her on the lips. 

When they parted lips, he cupped her chin as he said, "You didn\'t think you were going to get away with just a peck on the cheek, were you?"

Laina shied away from him for a moment. But she quickly returned to meet him at eye level. She caressed his left cheek. She could feel the cold temperature of his skin. 

It was icier than before. But Laina tried not to think of it. Laina\'s warmth brought a smile to his face. He touched her hand, holding it carefully in his. 

Laina did everything to keep herself from shivering from his touch. 

"So, to what do I owe this visit?" Dante asked. 

Remembering what she had come for, Laina pulled him into the room. She was worried he might catch a cold from being out in the cool night air for too long. 

"I brought you these," she said as she revealed the elixirs, "I need you to take one a day."

Dante picked one up. He recognized it immediately. 

"Marius said you prepared this especially for me?" Dante asked as he drank one immediately. 

He did not question it. He knew Laina would never do anything to harm him. Everything she did, she did with love. 

"Yes. It\'s blessed water. Blessed for your health and safety," Laina added as she walked up to him. 

Upon drinking it, Dante could feel warmth spreading across his body. He felt like he had a boost of energy. Perhaps it was because of her visit, or the liquid in the vial. Dante had noticed the spread of the cursed veins. Since he had gotten back to Dracona, they had begun to spread again. 

"Well then, I\'ll be going now," Laina declared as she pretended to walk towards the balcony. 

She took small steps, slowed down her pace as she waited for Dante to say something. And he did. 

"Where do you think you\'re going?" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist just as she was about to take one step out into the balcony. 

"Going back to Luzernia of course," she replied. 

Dante grinned. He knew what Laina was playing at. He kissed the nook of her neck, softening her resolve. 

"Stay for the night. It\'s cold without you by my side," Dante pleaded with a husky voice. 

Laina shivered with delight. She had been waiting for him to keep her here. Though she had things to settle back at Luzernia, it could wait. She was going to make up for the lost time they had spent being apart. 

Laina made an audible sigh, "Oh alright, I\'ll stay.. But just for tonight."

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