What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 818: Battle Of The Three Monarchs

Chapter 818: Battle Of The Three Monarchs


Ok… There\'s now three queens from three different countries in the same room standing in front of me. Alright, one of them is a former matriarch and the other is actually an empress but that\'s not the issue right now.

"First of all… How did you get here, Guiying?" I asked.

"Oh! I placed an inscription on you, Master! It let me know when something threatening was happening which would allow me to teleport through it over to you!" The empress proudly explained.

"You placed… And inscription on me? When? And what was so threatening about my situation?"

"Eh? Remember that ring I gave you back during the war with Dongs? I made use of its tracking function and added a teleportation Technique on top of it! As for the situation… I guess I kind of felt my position as your Queen threatened?"

I don\'t even know how to respond to that…

So instead, I turned to Luna, "And what about you? Last I checked you were still having trouble using your Quarks?"

"Oh! I trained especially hard to learn this teleportation Technique just so I can come to Husband whenever I want!" She giggled. "Are you proud of me?"

Well… It really is quite impressive for her to be able to do that in such a short span of time so I patted her head to praise her.

I sighed, "Ok… I guess introductions are in order… Umm… This is Tatiana, the High Maiden of Sun which I guess means she\'s the Queen here…"

She eyed the other two girls cautiously, "It is as my God has said. I am High Maiden Tatiana, current ruler of the country of Sun and the one who had received a commandment from God himself to create this country under his name!"

I couldn\'t even refute that because it was technically true, since I did tell her to create a country of her own…

Moving on…

"This is Luna, the former queen of the Spiritual Plane where I had spent those three years."

She tilted her chin upwards to simulate the action of looking down on them, not that she needed to, considering how tall she was.

"The only person in existence who can call me that is my beloved husband. To the rest of you, I am Lunamaeniera Sharrow, you may call me Mistress," She boasted.

The other two snapped their heads towards me.


I raised my hands in a placating gesture, "It is Luna\'s term of endearment to me, I am still not married."

They sighed in relief upon hearing my words.

I then moved to the last person in the room, "And this is Guiying, the current empress of the Beiyang Empire."

Guiying puffed up her chest, "As MY Master had said, I am Guiying. I am indebted to all the care Master has shown me all these years."

Ummm… I don\'t remember doing much? Oh wait, I did technically save your life so I guess that counts.

But still, did you have to emphasise so much on the \'my\' word so much?

Tatiana crossed her arms, "Hmph, all of you are mere children scrabbling over each other to get the attention of my God. I was the first one to ever receive God\'s favour and built up a religion to thank and praise our God!"

Thankfully, I didn\'t have to explain how I messed with time to Luna and Guiying as they only asked if what she said was true and asked nothing else after I affirmed her authenticity. It\'s as if hearing about me appearing a few thousand years in the past to give a commandment wasn\'t that impossible of an idea to them.

"Hmph, being so proud just because Master told you to do something?" Guiying sneered. "I managed to create a home for Master to live in comfortably! Master chose my country as His home! That is the highest honour a monarch can have!"

Well… I didn\'t actually choose Beiyang as a home… Actually… You know what? Now that I think about the state of the other countries, I\'ll let Guiying have this one. I definitely don\'t want to live in the other three.

Luna turned up her nose at the other two, "Hmmmmph! Getting a little proud just because of this? None of you could even claim to love Husband more than I do! So what if you built a country or made some religion about him? Neither of you even know Husband for who he is! Just look at how perfect his hair looks! Always shimmering like the eternal night sky! His perfectly curved eyebrows that adorn his face, it\'s at the perfect angle that is neither too steep or flat! His nose that gently curves out from his face, it perfectly accentuates his eyes that you can just get lost in! His fully kissable lips that would lift upwards into the most perfect smile and reveal his perfect teeth beneath them! And the way his cheek--"

I cleared my throat before Luna could go any further, "Even I can get embarrassed, Luna…"

"Oh my, oh my, husband is truly too precious!"

Well, that\'s only part of the truth. I didn\'t stop her from saying any more because I was getting embarrassed by her long praise, but because I saw Guiying and Tatiana actually nodding along with her. The last I needed was another two Lunas walking around.

While I was preoccupied by my sense of relief, the three of them had looked at each other and nodded their heads before turning back to me.

"My God!"

"My Master!"

"My Husband!"

"""Who is the best Queen?!"""

Why did I already see this coming?

I made a face at them, "Umm… I can\'t even answer that since none of you are technically queens?"

"Eh? What do you mean, Husband?" Luna cried out, shocked.

"I mean… Guiying\'s an empress now, not a queen. Tatiana is more like the head of a religion than a queen too… And then Luna had already given up the title after you stepped down from your throne…"

"Ah, of course! As expected of Master!" Guiying clapped her hands together, looking really satisfied with herself for some reason. "But if Master had to choose, naturally the answer would be me, right?"

Tatiana crossed her arms, "Nonsense! Neither of you even know about the Ritual of Cleansing! Of course Founding God would pick me!"

Luna huffed, "You\'re both delusional! Neither of you could even begin to appreciate Husband\'s perfection, it goes without saying that the answer would be me!"

"No, me!"

"No, no, no. Me!"

"It\'s definitely me!"

I looked at the three squabbling women with a tired face.

All three of them are, or were, rulers of an entire country you know? But yet they\'re arguing like little schoolgirls. One of them is even a few thousand years old too…

Just as I was considering slipping away from them to go find my disciples, Guiying suddenly blurted out, "Well, Master took my virginity!"

The other two women froze before slowly turning their heads towards me.

Oh great… I can already guess where this is going…

Right, time to do some stretches so that my hips won\'t hurt…

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