Infinite Realm

Chapter 132 - 128 : Seiichi

Shinjuku School of Engineering and Mechanics wasn\'t so far from the Gamebox Guide so Sato and Yato decided to go on foot.

Shinjuku School of Engineering and Mechanics couldn\'t be exactly described as a very prestigious school but it was still prestigious to an extent; far beyond the current standards of colleges back in the Old Era [1]. After all, it was the main college of the 2nd class city, Shinjuku city, so the architecture wasn\'t planned too badly. As technological advancements were achieved, society in general improved for the better (and maybe for the worst too). Some schools offered to hold classes in a physical meeting while others decided otherwise. Some majors in Shinjuku School of Engineering and Mechanics also operated this way as such, there weren\'t a lot of buildings in the campus.

The main gate of Shinjuku School of Engineering and Mechanics was a M-shaped gate that gave off a feeling of being produced with advanced technology. At the main entrance of the SSEM (abbreviation of the school) was a huge hovering spherical silver orb that projected a light gate. This orb was a actually the generator that supplied the entire campus with power. Yes. So absurd were the school management that they used their generator as a main gate. According to the first head of the school, he said that using a generator as the gate would show the world of their zeal towards technology and their pride as an Engineering school. Ignoring the fact that it was a power engine, the orb was quite pretty and it gave off an ethereal feeling especially with the rainbow coloured light it displayed at nights.

The orb was about 4 stories tall and was \'hovering\'. This hovering effect was actually as a result of it being held by a gundam. Yes, a freaking gundam. It stood at the middle of the M-shaped gate and was creation as tall as a 7 story tall. Though it was made with metals, it wasn\'t actually operate-able but more for aesthetics, though a rumor that went round the campus claimed that it was a failed experiment for the ISJ that ended up as a doorman.

With such an overbearing entrance, one would expect the SSEM to be an advanced school for the rich kids or a talent training facility or something. But in actual fact, this was just a regular school with a weird taste in architectural design. The even more prestigious schools had way more better looks than the SSEM with some of them actually located on a floating piece of land; a floating island and not floating water but in the air! When compared to such amazing schools, the SSEM supposed awe-inspiring bearing, was nothing.

Walking through the gates of the campus, Sato and Yato headed over to a building by the side. There were actually a total of 6 buildings assigned as male dorms and they were all located at the North-Eastern part of the school; the main gate was located South. From this, it could be seen that the distance was quite far. In order to enable students make it in time for classes and activities, and also minimise traffic incidents due to vehicles, the school had an inventory of hover-boards and special road bikes, designed for fast, smooth and comfortable mobility round the campus. The building they went to was the pick-up site for these special class rides. Sato and Yato logged in to the server through the aid of an AI and borrowed the road bikes from the android in charge before heading to the dorms. Thanks to them, the original 15 minute journey to the male dorms site only took 3 minutes.

The dorm Seiichi stayed in was just a 4 storied building, a bit bigger than the energy generator in front of the campus. It was at the edge of the other buildings and it looked quite simple with no excessive designs or anything.

"Call him out." Sato said to Yato right after they stopped their bikes. He glanced behind at a huge tree that seemed ordinary, trying to peer into the darkness underneath the trees branches.

Yato wanted to argue why he should be the one to call Seiichi but he gave up seeing as Sato wasn\'t paying him any attention.

In a room on the 3rd floor of the male dorm that Sato and Yato stood in front of, a student in glasses sat in front of a desktop system seated on a table. This wasn\'t actually like the advanced systems that the Modern era[2] but was a desktop from back during the Old Era. Actually, it wasn\'t those exact ones but it was made with the exact same parts and style as those ones; but it was improved a bit to be more faster and capable. Displayed on the screen was a title \'Dark Souls 3\'. Apparently, the student in front of the system had just loaded a game from the Old Era. In between his hands was a game-pad from back in the Old Era.

"The Old Era did have a few nice games. It would have even been better if they were in VR mode though. But playing with pads are still better. I spent a lot to get my hands on this antique and I hope it\'s worth it."

The student nudged his glasses as he stared at the screen waiting for the game to finish loading up.

*Ding* *Ding*

A cellphone like object beside the monitor began to ring as lights akin to the phenomenon of the Northern lights, move back and forth on the sides of the object.

"Arghhh. Who is it?" Seiichi dropped the game-pad and picked up the communicator [3] and answered it without checking the ID.

"Who is it?" Seiichi asked.

"What do you mean who is it? Didn\'t you check the ID?" Yato\'s voice sounded from the other side.

"...this voice…you\'re already out?" Seiichi asked with a slightly higher tone.

"Why wouldn\'t I be out?! Did you think I got hospitalized for a deadly disease or something?!"

"Who knows? You might have gotten AIDs or something." Seiichi replied.

"Who the heck still gets AIDs?! [4]. Just come out of your rabbit hole. Sato and I are waiting for you outside." Yato said.

"You guys are outside?" Seiichi asked with surprise.

Yato then replied, "Yeah. What else did you think I said? It seems like all those hentai you\'ve been watching with earbuds are finally affecting your hearing."

"...I\'m coming out now."


Before Yato could laugh at Seiichi\'s awkward tone, the call had ended. Even so, he still chuckled.

As Seiichi had said, he didn\'t take long to arrive from the dorm\'s entrance. He wore a brown jacket with a black vest within. On his feet were a pair of stylish black trainers. Coupled with his signature glasses, Seiichi glanced at the duo.

"So, what\'s up that you guys couldn\'t wait till morning?"

Yato didn\'t say a thing but glanced at Sato instead.

"Would you like to be a part of our club?" Sato asked directly.

"A club?…what are your goals?" Seiichi nudged his glasses.

"Let\'s take a seat first." Sato said spoke.

The trio began walking away from the dorms, towards a bench that was at the parking lot. After they took a seat, Yato brought out a cigarette packet and asked, "Anyone interested?"

The cigarettes he had brought weren\'t like the ones in the Old Era that was too unhealthy. Thanks to advance research, the dangerous content of cigarettes had been replaced with some neutral or less deadly contents. The even more expensive ones were kinda healthy and not bad for the body. The good thing even was that it still had that ability to grant relief and emotional detachment, aiding the body to release a suitable amount of dopamine that isn\'t dangerous to the system. The bad thing though was that some were even more addictive but this was limited to some.

Both Sato and Seiichi took one each and lighted it before enjoying the smokes. They had already puffed out the 3rd time before Sato spoke again.

"The goal is as it always has been; to make money. I know you don\'t really need money but don\'t tell me that you plan on living off your parents forever, even more so with your family\'s state."

As he listened Sato\'s words, Seiichi sucked in another breath of smoke before puffing it out with a slightly melancholic expression.

Not a lot of people knew this but Seiichi was actually the son of a billionaire. Yes, a billionaire. Apart from Sato, the only one who knew this was Yato. That was why Sato had allowed him to come with him. Seiichi\'s father started out as an average man but managed to work his way to the top before starting his own company and reaching this status, a net-worth of at least 1.2 billion ALDs , all within 30 years. Quite impressive right? Seiichi however, wasn\'t so happy about this.

As one already knows, the more powerful a man, the more ambitious he not only becomes, but also his children. He had two wives with one giving birth to 2 children and the other 4. Seiichi was the 3rd son in a family with 6 children; 4 males and 2 females. Though 3rd, he was the first of the second wife with his sibling being the last born girl. Their father didn\'t go the regular path of leaving his inheritance to the oldest but to the one who deserves it. As such, an intense battle for succession began in the family. The eldest of the children and also the 1st son, Kosuke, felt that he deserved it most as he had helped his father start up the business. The second son, Eiji, also felt the same way and so only considered Kosuke as a threat since the rest were younger an didn\'t matter. But in other to make sure, he had dealt with his other siblings. Of course, he couldn\'t go as far as murdering them but he made them quit having any ideas of their father\'s inheritance using dirty tricks. Kosuke knew this but was in tacit support of it. Seiichi was disgusted at his siblings behaviours and acts and so escaped from the family as a result, Eiji\'s clutches couldn\'t reach him and Eiji didn\'t bother since he saw Seiichi\'s act of running away as cowardice and tacit denial of the inheritance.

Despite leaving though, his mother still sent him some money to survive on. That \'some\' though, was quite huge of an amount for regular people. Seiichi had used it to live his life free from his family\'s clutches, just the way he wanted, but deep down, he wanted to go back. 

Seiichi wanted to go back, and teach his brothers a lesson; one they wouldn\'t ever forget.

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