Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 646: Spandam put up the flag

   As long as they follow the track leading to Judicial Island, they can find the sea train that escorted Tom.

   "Brother, there is a small boat on it. It seems to be Tom\'s human disciple in the boat, and there is a free-swimming frog beside him!"!

  Their swimming position is not too far from the sea surface, and they can roughly see the situation on the sea surface.

   "Brother Tiger, that kid seems to want to save Tom too, should we change our plan?"

  「No, he has nothing to do with us.

   Let them send people to Judicial Island, then we will have no chance. If he has an idea, it will be fine. After his action, the vigilance of the enemy may be lowered, and the original plan will remain unchanged. "

The track of the sea train is laid for a long distance. Tiger chose the middle reaches of the track, where the ocean currents are relatively the most dangerous, making it easier for them to move. As long as the sea train can enter the water, those currents will bring them enough trouble .

  Normal tracks cannot be built here, but the track of the sea train is very strange. It is not as strong as the rails on land, but floats in the sea like a soft rope, so it can exist in the dangerous ocean currents. .

The metal used to make it is not ordinary steel. Not only is it highly resistant to corrosion, but it also has strong ductility. It will rise and fall with the waves. When there is no sea train passing by, the track is basically located underwater, allowing most Ships pass over it.

   Otherwise, with the completion of the track, the capital of seven waters will become an isolated island in disguise.

  Tiger and the others continued to swim forward in the current. After a while, the current around them became much more turbulent than before, which also meant that they had arrived at the predetermined position.

   "It\'s almost done. Break this section of the railroad track and rescue Tom here. It\'s a pity that this is also Uncle Tom\'s effort. Aaron, you take people over there, and I will get here."

  Looking at the winding railroad track in front of him, it took Tom and others 14 years to build it, but this is the way with the highest success rate to rescue Tom.

  They can do it if they break into the train directly, but that will inevitably cause certain casualties. It is inevitable that some of these agents are stronger, and it is most beneficial to turn the environment into their own home field.

  Tiger also advocates peaceful coexistence, but the enemy is not in this range.

   Several murlocs took out hatchets and machetes, and slashed at the rails.

  But soon they discovered that this was useless. Even if the murlocs were stronger, their weapons would only leave a few white marks.

   "Brother Aaron, keep doing it!"

   "Yeah, the rails are so strong that my knives are curled."

  Tiger was alright, relying on his own brute force, the rails gradually deformed like twists in his hands, but the other side was different. Ordinary murlocs had nothing to do with the solid rails.

  「Get out of the way, let me do it!」…

   Aaron pushed away a few younger brothers, came to the railroad track and bit on it.

   Teeth and metal made harsh friction sounds. At this time, Aaron was like a rodent, bit by bit eating the railroad track in front of him.

  The shark murloc gave him the ability to quickly regenerate teeth, and it took several sets of teeth for Aaron to achieve results.

   "Brother, it\'s done!

  「Everyone dive down and wait for my signal before attacking. Don’t be in love with the fight. Our goal is to save people. Retreat immediately after rescuing Tom!

  Then they used some seaweed to temporarily

  The railroad tracks are temporarily connected, and you can\'t see its crumbling appearance from the train, but as long as the sea train passes by, those few seaweeds can\'t withstand this kind of force.

  Tiger and others waited for the opportunity underwater, and the sea train was also driving at high speed.


   On the train, except for the agents of the world government, only

  Only Tom was an outsider. Because he didn\'t trust the ordinary drivers, Spandam let his men take over the control of the train.

   And he himself was lying in a luxury car wrapped in bandages, before he was hit in the face by the **** of a gun from an angry Frankie.

   This blow directly disfigured him, the kind that even plastic kicks can\'t save him, and besides his face, his body was also wrapped in bandages, making him the most severely injured person in all CP5.

   And his subordinates are no longer surprised by this. His boss is a waste, from CP1 to CP8, even the secretary in the office is better than him.

   "That idiot Carter Flam actually used his body to resist the sea train. He should be dead now. It\'s a pity. I still want to hang him with my own hands after dealing with Tom."

   While talking to himself, the movement of Spandam\'s mouth touched the wound on his face, and his expression suddenly became very colorful. He wanted to move but dared not move, so he could only lie back on the chair like a zombie.

  「Hey, how long until Judiciary Island?」

   "Report to Chief Spandam, it will take about an hour, do you need to let the driver go faster? This sea train seems to be able to speed up."

   "There is no need for an idiot like Carter Fram to have another one. Let him drive steadily. When we get to Judiciary Island, I don\'t think that stinky murloc is still talking hard."

  Judicial Island is a place of trial in name, but in fact it is just a process. Prisoners sent to Judicial Island have never been innocent.

   No matter who was wronged or what, as long as you go to Judicial Island, your only identity is a sinner.

  Either death penalty or life imprisonment, there has been no exception in nearly 800 years.

  It is also a key organ of the world government, and there are nearly 10,000 defenders stationed there all year round. It can be said that as long as he gets there, he doesn\'t have to worry about accidents.

  Compared to the speed, the wound pain caused by the bumps made him feel upset.

  「Contact me a doctor, what are those quack doctors in the capital of seven waters bandaging me?」

   Before Spandam could finish complaining, he suddenly felt dizzy, and then his face touched the glass of the carriage, and the sound of wailing suddenly resounded throughout the sea train.

  「Asshole! What’s going on? What happened!」

  Spandam, who was under the pressure of several agents, pushed away the people under him, and questioned the people around him angrily.

  The designer of the sea train has considered the accident of derailment. Except for the locomotive, its carriage is lighter as a whole and can even be used as a ship directly after being split in half.

  The impact of the derailment caused the locomotive to plunge into the sea, but most of the carriages were still floating on the sea.

  「It’s no good! Someone snatched the prisoner! It’s a murloc! Ah!」

   Before Spandam could slow down, an early warning was sent from the nearby carriage, and another strong current rushed in along the carriage.

  「Murloc Jiu-Jitsu·Shuixin·Sea Flow Over Shoulder Throw!

  Tiger held the strong sea current and poured it directly into the carriage, and other murlocs also attacked the carriage from all directions.


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