The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

Chapter 82: Bond (2)

Sable continued to exude a dark blue holy power, as if the energy he used till then was nothing more than a joke.


Jamie choked at the suffocating feeling around him.

This level of power was something he had only seen in the past.

And this made him realize that monsters like this were still alive and living among humans.

“You need to avoid it!”

“I guessed that.”

This time, Marquis Bell wasn’t being stubborn.

The two turned and ran to where Ricky was.

Ricky gulped at the current situation, he was too occupied with healing Lars.

“What happened?”

“Brother, I am scared…”

Anna trembled and grabbed Ricky tighter.

Although she was blind, her sixth sense was more sensitive than others, so she was able to feel the energy from Sable.

Lars hadn’t regained consciousness yet.

“We will leave. If we stay here, we all may die.”

“… fuck.”

Ricky slammed his fists to the ground as he swore.

Why were the wicked people so strong?

Why were the weak ones constantly persecuted?

Jamie understood what was going through Ricky, but now wasn’t the time to be angry.

“I need your holy power. We can buy some time.”

Pyro didn’t descend, instead she gave Ricky enormous holy power.

And that was enough to match with the holy power of Sable.

And that could prevent them from dying instantly.

“I get it. Keep an eye on brother Lars, his wounds have just been healed.”

“Do not worry.”

Jamie began to reconstruct the image of Gremia in his mind.

The form of an airship which could move quickly.

With an invisibility function and equipped with multiple defense devices.

To not be lacking, he decided to use a solid material to block the sword.

‘Not enough mana.’

The Thunder Dragon Sword, Gram was able to provide constant energy, but Jamie’s mana wasn’t that efficient now.

Although he was able to hold it strong while maintaining the Whole Body breathing method, there was a clear limitation to such detailed transformations.

‘Even if I increase the mana, it won’t be enough.’

“Jamie, I am ready.”

While Jamie was concentrating, Ricky, who gathered the holy power, announced his preparations.

“Apostle, are you fine doing it alone?”

Marquis Bell asked Ricky with a worried face.

Ricky seemed nervous, but he smiled and answered.

“I can.”

The horror he felt in the Chimera lab was terrifying, but the fear he was feeling now couldn’t be compared to it.

But he had no intention to run away just because he was scared.

‘I am the Apostle of the Goddess.’

He wasn’t sure why he was given such a role, but Jamie believed in him.

Hasn’t Jamie always helped him?

This one time, he thought of biting that hateful dog of Zenith.

Marquis Bell smiled as he looked at Ricky who made up his mind.

“If everyone survives, let’s throw a party. A very extravagant one.”

“… will we have fried chicken?”

“Anything you want to eat.”

“Hehe. I look forward to it.”

“I wish you good luck.”

After a brief silence, the Marquis headed to Jamie’s place.

Although it was a brief conversation, Ricky’s tension was relieved a little thanks to that.

The war of holy power was near.

His hands were shaking, so was his heart beating through his chest. Legs were shaking so bad that they would collapse any moment.

Even in that situation, Ricky clenched his fists.

As Pyro’s holy power wrapped around his body, it soon began to expand.

And Sable lightly landed on the cliff.

Beryl, the half-corpse was in his hand.

“There is no point in resisting, little Apostle.”

The clear figure was engulfed in the dark holy power, and only a shadow could be seen.

Ricky spread his arms wide without answering.

“Petty. It is really petty.”

Sable threw Beryl aside.

“I will give you a much more painful death than him. And like you…”


Ricky’s eyes lit up with a glow.

“Am not going to take a single step from here.”

“… I’ll see that.”

The war god’s holy power intertwined.


With Sable’s brilliance, the dark blue sword aimed at Ricky with holy power.

It was the time when the sunrise had just begun.

The reddish sky was now dark blue.


Ricky’s body was pushed back.

He tried to endure it with his small legs, the aura of a Sword Master with archbishop level holy power wasn’t something a kid could handle.


That day, the resentment and anger he had experienced before he met with Pyro was still hidden inside his heart.

So he wanted to endure this somehow.

‘Even if I need to be sacrificed.’


If you are watching, give me strength.

Look over this little Apostle!

“You aren’t the only one who has a God.”

At that moment, a sticky voice embraced despair.

The dazzling holy power split in half.

A dark blue sword that pierced the sky and fell to the ground.

In the desperate sight, Ricky couldn’t say anything.

“Goddess. You have made a mistake.”

Sable expressed his gratitude for the Goddess who didn’t descend directly.

And without losing the smile, he tried to use the word to kill the Apostle.

“You did well, Ricky.”

Sable’s eyes narrowed.

Was this an artifact?

No, whatever it was, the Apostle had to be killed.

His power of Reversal of Causality has been activated. All he wanted was the death of the Apostle!

“You are wrong.”


“You should have stopped.”

Something was released.

What appeared was a huge gun barrel with a pure white appearance.

Consisting of four metal panels, it slowly opened up with purple sparks around.

Jamie grabbed the launch pad from inside the Gremia.

Two purple eyes within.

Slightly purple black mana gathering something.

‘Normally it should have been an airship.’

The moment Sable had moved to take down the holy power shield Ricky had made, Jamie realized it.

It was impossible to run away from the monster.

So he decided to use Ricky as bait and hit the man.

“Eat this!”


Powerful energy was condensed into light and then emitted from the elongated barrel.


Sable hastily used aura on the sword and holy power to attack, and used his ability with the result to be ‘cutting the beam’.

‘Cut it!’

The sword and the beam collided.

The process rushed to his mind at a crazy pace.

In order to reduce the scars on his body as much as possible, Sable concentrated all his energy to cut down the beam.


Still his body was being pushed back.

He was a Sword Master with aura and holy power. Just what was this power?!

‘My holy power is being scattered.’

Sable’s eyes trembled at the incomprehensible strange phenomenon.

A little while ago, when Beryl disappeared and reappeared with the artifact’s help, he wasn’t this flustered.

He had been through several fights, but not once had he been through such a thing or heard of this.

‘This is like the opposite power of the holy power?’

Sable didn’t know.

The power which Jamie was using.

It was a black mana called, ‘God Kill’.

“It is a power created to annihilate you!”

And now that power was being freely used because of Gremia.

Jamie brought out the black mana to the limit.

“Damn… it!”

Sable kept getting pushed back.

However, this attack was only pushing him back, not hurting him.

He lifted his foot, and slammed it hard into the ground.

And then he did the same with the other leg too.

The force pushing back was reduced.

Sable, who managed to take a deep breath, twisted his sword downwards a little.

“This much should be enough.”

His ability was already activated.

And the result-


The beam was lifted to the sky.

The powerful mass of energy reached an altitude and exploded, coloring the sky purple.

However, as soon as he saw the scene unfolding behind him, Sable’s face contorted.

“I told you. You are late.”

Jamie, who was out of Gremia, smiled and said.

Having exhausted most of his mana, he leaned against a tree. He couldn’t feel anything.

The half-corpse Beryl, Marquis Bell, a blind saint, a Holy Executioner and the Apostle of the Goddess.

All of them vanished.

“… it was meant to buy time.”

In extreme anger at what happened, Sable tried to calm himself.

Jamie thought that Sable would kill him right away.

Jamie sighed at that.

“Did you realize that escaping was impossible, so you teleported away all the others?”

“Right. No matter how much I thought, this was the only way.”

“So you decided to sacrifice yourself.”


Sable’s eyes narrowed at the unexpected answer.

“Are you going to risk your life like a crazed being?”

“Then what…”


At that time, Sable felt his side hurt.

Someone had stabbed him with a sword.

He staggered and checked his opponent.


The person who stabbed him in the side was the Holy Executioner Lars, who shouldn’t have regained consciousness yet.

He couldn’t feel the presence of anyone other than Jamie even now.

And he wondered why he didn’t feel it.

“You tricked me….!”

“Then why did you let yourself get tricked?”

Jamie smiled.

At that moment, Lars rushed back and kicked Sable’s hand with his foot. The sword in Sable’s hand bounced off and got stuck in a tree.

And then, Lars drew his sword again.

“You won’t avoid it this time!”

A different situation from before.

Beryl didn’t have any strength to move let alone attack, but Lars was able to cut off Sable’s head.

“As if I would let you!”

Sable grabbed the incoming sword with both his hands.

Blood dripped from his palms, but he wasn’t seriously cut as his body was surrounded in aura.

Lars took out a dagger he was carrying just in case.

And stabbed.


Right side of the chest.

Pierced the lungs.

Somehow, they had a winning chance here.

The last chance which Jamie had created wasn’t wasted.

With bloodshot eyes, Lars used all his power.


He could hear the raspy sound of breathing from Sable.

Despite the fact that he was a Sword Master, even the head of the Seven Knights. At this attack, he had no choice but to die.

“I won’t give you the chance to recover!”


A tired hand swayed through the air.

He wanted to stab the heart, but at the current condition of Sable, a couple moments and Sable would die.


That was the moment.

The struggling hand which was moving in the air, tapped Lars shoulder, then arm and grabbed the forearm. The grip was weak, but due to the horrifying things which kept happening, Lars was flustered.

Sable’s eyes moved backwards.

He clenched his teeth and cried out.

“… Ahhhh!!!”

Crack- came the terrifying sound.

Lars’ arm broke.

Clearly, this man couldn’t have the power to break bones.


Lars tried to heal the broken arm by supporting it with divine power, but the more he did, the stronger the grip on his arm.

“Like I… could… die…”

Despite being pierced in his lungs, he was able to move his body.

Sable pushed himself.

And Lars began to get pushed back.

“N-No way!”

This was the same as fighting a monster.

Lars even thought that he was an immortal who was unable to die.


The sword was broken.

The hand holding the blade of Lars’ sword began to recover.

The fading holy power of the war god began to rise.

Sable grabbed the dagger which Lars had stuck him with and pulled it out.

Blood gushed out at the action.

“I will not die.”

He seemed fine enough to be able to move.

Sable picked up the broken blade which fell down.

Lars was down on the floor with a look of despair.

A spear of thunder flew right in, but it didn’t work on Sable anymore.

“… won’t fall for it.”

The thunderbolt was created by Jamie using all his power, but it didn’t even work.

And now he was so drained that the whole body breathing method was taking time to gather mana.

Sable passed by Lars and walked forward.

“A great enemy.”

Honestly, Sable was shocked.

The fact that he was driven to the brink of death.

And that all of that was designed by a 7 year old.

If the kid was a little older, it even crossed Sable’s mind that he would have been the one to die.

Just imagining that made his neck ache.

“I am so glad that I get to kill you here.”

A boy with such dangerous potential was more terrifying than the Apostle of the Goddess.

Jamie looked at Sable with tired eyes.

The purple sky changed and the bright sun began to touch the ground.

Thanks to that, Sable’s face was shaded, and created a more grotesque atmosphere.

“I don’t like you.”

The broken blade moved for Jamie’s head.

‘… for my end to come in a place like this.’

Jamie closed his eyes.

An opponent who cannot be defeated by any means.

At the bitterness of this truth, he could feel his heart crush.

However, the sword didn’t reach him.

That time.

When he first arrived in Apton, Marquis Bell had given him a necklace, and that one was shining now.

‘This is an artifact which will be of great help to you once.’

The words of Marquis Bell echoed in his head.

Sable’s eyes widened.

The moment he thought of it, an unexpected miracle happened.

In front of Jamie’s eyes, a woman very similar to Sears, but different at the same time, appeared.

The woman looked at Jamie in the most loving way and nodded.

That was the last thing Jamie remembered.

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