Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System! [BL]

Chapter 180 - 7.18

"Let\'s end this soon! X-Scissor!" 

XuanLake charged towards the android with his sword crossed. This attack was a close range, fatal attack, and it would kill with only one slash since this android was fragile. 



XuanLake successfully slashed the Lost Android in two. The Lost Android short circuited as it exploded in a flashy manner. XuanLake jumped back towards Yunyu and ZeroCheat. 

"Did we kill him?" Yunyu asked anxiously. They saw the HP of the Lost Android kept decreasing until it reached 0% and was gone for real, "WE DID IT! WE DEFEATED THE LOST ANDROID!" 

Yunyu screamed enthusiastically. He didn\'t expect this ultimate monster to be really easy to defeat. ZeroCheat and XuanLake were still focusing on the Lost Android. They did not believe that an ultimate monster would be this easy to defeat.

And they were right. The Lost Android 0% HP suddenly refilled back to 100%, and a deafening ringing sound was heard. ZeroCheat knew what that sound meant. He hurriedly smashed the ground with his Rock Hammer and chanted, "Rock Dome!" 

ZeroCheat created a dome made out of a rock to cover them. The Lost Android exploded, creating a nuke that destroyed almost half of the Abandoned Metropolis. 





The explosion was proven to be too intense that all of them got blasted away after the blast destroyed the rock dome. However, the protection was enough to save their lives, at least. 

\'XuanLake: HP 40%.\'

\'ZeroCheat: HP 60%.\'

\'Cutiepie69: HP 30%.\'

Yunyu was the one who got hit the hardest since he was the most fragile. They were groaning in pain, but ZeroCheat immediately recovered to protect Yunyu again when he heard the second ringing sound. 

"Rock Dome!" ZeroCheat summoned another rock dome as the Lost Android attacked them with a massive energy blast. Luckily, this time, the explosion was not as intense as the first one. Although the rock dome was destroyed, the three of them were saved.

But they could not do this forever. ZeroCheat also had his limit, they needed to find a way to kill this monster before they got obliterated. 

They used appraisal to check the current status of the Lost Android. 

\'Lost Android (EX) || Level 100 || HP 100% || Passive: Limiter Removal\' 

The android was standing in the middle of the city centre again, but they couldn\'t get close. In fact, they couldn\'t do anything at all. Because that monster kept on attacking them with the mega blaster. 

ZeroCheat had created almost ten rock dome and already spent 70% of his mana. If this continues, they would only die due to exhaustion. XuanLake was not reliable for now because almost all his skills were close-ranged except Getsuga Tenshou, and it was a final attack. 

If they used it too fast, they might have lost their trump card. 

The only hope here was Yunyu. Yunyu summoned his magic wand again and then thought of something. 

[Since we can\'t get close to that android, then I should just make an area attack!]

[Pupa: You can just use Jupiter\'s oak evolution. It covers a vast range and will hit that android, I guarantee.]

[Oh, great idea! Hehe, how do you know that? Are you also a fan of Sailor Moon?]

[Pupa:… You\'ve forced me to watch all episodes of Sailor Moon, including the movies four times in total, of course, I will remember.]

[I mean, it\'s a good show!]

"I will try this!" Yunyu took the chance after another rock dome was destroyed. The android had a short duration of recharging. He flew up high and then raised his wand up high, ""I summon upon the power of Sailor Jupiter, give me the wrath of thunder!"

The wand turned into a crown on Yunyu\'s forehead. It had an antenna that sparked electricity, "I shall electrify you with my cuteness! Yunyu\'s… Oak Evolution!" 

Yunyu spun like ballerina mid-air. The electric crown created many electric balls. The electric balls shot to all directs as Yunyu turned around. Luckily, one of them hit the Lost Android and chunked the android\'s HP.

\'Lost Android (EX): HP 70%.\'

The lost android fell on the ground after getting hit, giving time for them to attack, "It\'s really fragile, go now!" Yunyu commanded.

XuanLake found and opening and dashed as fast as he could towards the Lost Android. They needed to end this soon, or they would not survive. XuanLake used the same attack again, "X-Scissor!" 

He charged towards the Lost Android, but the android seemed to notice it. It started creating a ringing sound again before XuanLake\'s attack reached the android.

ZeroCheat knew that he needed to save both Yunyu and XuanLake. Since he could only use one skill at one time. XuanLake was now close to the explosion, while Yunyu was with him, quite far from the android. Thus, he decided to activate his passive, "Passive skill activated: Earth Scale!"

Suddenly, XuanLake\'s body was covered by rocks that protected him from harm. ZeroCheat decided to just use his body to protect Yunyu. Another explosion from the android\'s body happened, and it blew all of them just like before. 


XuanLake was safe because of the earth scale, but he still got blown away anyway. 

Meanwhile, ZeroCheat and Yunyu were thrown away far, both suffered damage, but ZeroCheat was the one who got hit the hardest. He suffered a severe injury after trying to shield Yunyu. 

\'XuanLake: HP 35%.\'

\'Cutiepie69: HP 20%.\'

\'ZeroCheat: HP 5%.\'

"Urk!" ZeroCheat fell on the ground with his back severely burned after the explosion.

"Brother Zero!" Yunyu hugged ZeroCheat. His health bar was on the red line. He was afraid that Brother Zero would die after protecting him. Yunyu took a high-grade health potion and chugged it to ZeroCheat\'s mouth, "Drink now!" 

ZeroCheat drank the health potion, but it only recovered his HP to 10% since he was a tank with high HP.

"It\'s no use. I don\'t think… we can do this, Yunyu," ZeroCheat smiled, and he closed his eyes. Though he didn\'t die, it already depleted all his strength. 

ZeroCheat fainted. 

XuanLake recovered from the explosion. His ear was ringing nonstop since he was so close to the android when the explosion happened. He saw how Yunyu was shocked when ZeroCheat fainted after the explosion, it was down to them with their remaining HP to defeat this monster, or they would all lose.

XuanLake found an opening again. He tried to attack before the android used a mega blaster at him, throwing him away far from him and completely destroyed the earth scale.


\'XuanLake: HP 20%.\'

Yunyu glared at the Lost Android. Since ZeroCheat had fainted, and XuanLake already lost his strength, it was down to him. 

[That Lost Android is much more dangerous than I think.]

[Pupa: Is it time?]

[Of course!] 

[Pupa: Moon crisis power?]

[Nah, moon prism power is enough!]

"I shall defeat you, evil thing!" Yunyu turned his magic wand into a pen with a moon symbol in it, and he yelled, "Moon Prism Power: makeup!" 

A bright light engulfed Yunyu as he took the whole three minutes to transform. Pupa watched from aside and rolled its eyes;

[Pupa: Why do the enemies always wait so patiently until Spicy Chicken Yunyu finished his transformation? If I was them, I would just shot Yunyu while he was busy changing his robe and brushing his hair.]

The bright light disappeared as Yunyu finished his transformation. He was in the mood for a bright colour in this bleak, abandoned city. Thus, he wore a light pink robe with a glitter belt on his waist.

He spun around and then made his own pose by giving blowing a kiss on the air, "Constantly having mediocre ranking in class because of his laziness, but he has a heart of gold nonetheless! Cute Soldier is here, Sailor Cutiepie! I shall punish you with the power of love, Kyun~."

[Pupa: Oh my god, so embarrassing.]

[It\'s not embarrassing, it\'s cute and strong, just like me!]

The Lost Android didn\'t do anything. It only watched Yunyu in standby mode, as if it was waiting until Yunyu finished his transformation. Pupa had the urge to slap this android, so he could just blast Yunyu\'s ass to oblivion. But it seemed that this world favoured Yunyu\'s cringy transformation so much, everything went on pause when he transformed.

Pupa rolled its eyes again.

[Pupa: Where is logic, like, seriously?] 

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