Ocean Master

Chapter 6 - Going To The Tunnels.


"The heck did I just do?"

Sebastian woke up from his nap feeling spooked by the sight that presented itself before him. Bits of flesh and blood left by the Tuna that he ate, alive!

He practically got a stroke thinking about it.

In his previous life, he was a lot of things but a carnivore was certainly not one of them. After waking up, he felt energetic and refreshed but the memory of him ravaging the flesh of the Tuna could not leave him at all.

Remembering something, he quickly stole a peek around the area.

The small fish was gone. He didn\'t know what heaven-defying luck the fellow had; 2 predators were going after it but shockingly they ended up battling each other to the death while it escaped easily.

This was when he remembered that the system was about to say something to him before he slept. "System, what did you say?"

[Congratulations! You have eaten the meat of a low-tier predator: Mutated Bluefin Tuna- Level 11. Basic profile information of the Bluefin Tuna has been unlocked.]

[The mutated Bluefin Tuna is one of the higher surface oceans\' fastest, and strongest predators. It eats a variety of prey but prefers pelagic fishes and invertebrates that they can swallow whole.]

[As a mutated fish, it already has the power to make use of the lowest-tier magic. Beware of its glows before attacks, you never know when you\'ll get crushed by one of them.]

[You have leveled up once.]

[You have leveled up once.]

Seeing this, Sebastian quickly checked his status again. He was surprised by what he saw, he was level 3 now. And not only that, his critically low health was now back to full.

After savoring the feeling brought by this, he finally turned his attention to the gifts that the system showered on him after he killed the Tuna.

Asking the system, he quickly got the hang of the use of all the points that he was given. Apparently, the skill points were for him to purchase new skills later when he was about to evolve.

According to the system, he had to get to level 5 before he would become eligible for an evolution. And according to it, he would have the option to learn magic skills then too.

Thinking of the magical abilities that were used by the Tuna, he felt himself salivating. Thinking back to the battle, it was really a close fight that any mistake could have led to his death.

At the heat of the battle, he was not even the one in control of his body again. All his reactions then were all based on instinct.

Maybe it was because he prayed for survival before the Tuna came, he was glad that he emerged victoriously.

For the adaptation points, according to the system, they were for him to buy utilities such as the map and body mutations. He needed 20 of those just to get the map, he felt like crying on thinking of it.

To improve his skills, he didn\'t have to spend his skill points on them again. All he had to do was to use them in battles, and they would level up after they have been used enough.

It felt unreal, but after undergoing one battle in this new world, he suddenly started craving it. It was a close battle, but the rewards that he got from it were worth it for him to find it himself.

He needed to grow strong, which could not be debated. For him to explore this world, dissect all its creatures, find the Atlantis said by the system, and a lot of other things, he needed strength.

And to do that, from the example of the Tuna he had to find more fish to kill.

Obviously, he was still not strong enough to explore the outside world beyond the cave yet. Despite this, he was confident that he could explore the depths of the cave without dying.

He hauled his body from his hole, the seawater washing the dirt away from his body as he took that important swim downwards.

He didn\'t know if it was because his swim skill upgraded in the last battle, but his swimming ability improved a lot. He suddenly felt like he could swim better, which was evident in his movements immediately.

He was still moving like a thrashing SpongeBob, but come on, compared to the previous time he\'s improved by a lot.

Encouraged by that, he continued taking that crucial swim downwards.

From the gains of the last battle, he finally believed the words of the system. Perhaps, maybe it was really called the Ocean domination system and could help him become the overlord of the 7 seas.

Even if it was a scam, bro, a shark could dream.

Swimming much less thrashingly than before, Sebastian\'s eyes saw the underground that was at the bottom of the cave again.

Not panicking like the first time that he came here, he was able to notice a lot more details that he couldn\'t before. He noticed that the water here was rushing faster than the one at the top.

The dirt here became less, the walls and floor mostly covered with stones of various colors, making it more beautiful the deeper he went.

As the cave became narrower, he also saw the features more clearly. He saw a few blood marks that stained the sparkling rocks with a few cuts too, he guessed that this was caused by some other aquatic animal.

The perplexing thing was that as he got deeper, he noticed that instead of the surroundings becoming darker, it was instead glowing in a green color. The exact same as the one outside the cave.

This made him wonder about the energy that was powering the green light.

A few meters below, he saw colorful grass growing underneath the cave just in front of the 3-tunnel junction. With their different colors blending together, it formed another beautiful sight.

He didn\'t know what was waiting for him at the end of these tunnels, but what he saw already gave him a good feeling about it.

Getting to the tunnels, he didn\'t do any complicated maths. A little alert now, he entered the tunnel that was closest to him.

If he did it one at a time, he was sure he would achieve results.

And from his previous battle with the Tuna, he already confirmed that the creatures in this world were like those on earth. Humans still dwarfed them in intelligence.

With such an advantage, he was a little more confident in his chances.


Not hesitating again, he plunged into the tunnel at the far-left side before quickly disappearing in.

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