Ocean Master

Chapter 30 - Gluttony; The Sacred Way Of Sharks.

Swish! Swash!

The ocean water made swishing sounds as Sebastian swam across in a leisurely manner. After ending his chapter with the Leroy clan, he took a secret tunnel route showed by Leroy to leave the water expanse.

The current him was too big to force himself through the tunnel pathway that he took to arrive at the expanse, after his evolution, he gained a few more kilos of flesh which meant his time in caves was over for good.

As he swam, he could not help but think back to his experience with the Leroy clan. Their time together was short, but to him, it was nothing short of a memorable experience together.

Through the few companions that he got there, he knew more about Oceania, got more Intune with his body, and grew significantly in strength.

The current him, though he was not as strong as Leroy yet when it came to pure physical attributes, his tyrannical skills after evolving were enough to make up for this shortcoming.

If a real battle was organized between him and the clan head turtle, the winner of the battle would be hard to predict as his skills could do a lot of damage if not avoided properly.

Thinking of the unique skill that he got from the system only left him even happier, he felt like giving the system a treat to commend its generosity.

The Water Transmutation skill was the main reason that gave him the confidence to face the outside world despite all the horrifying stories that Leroy cooked up to scare him pre-evolution.

To the turtle then, it thought it was planting a seed of fear in him, little did it know that this only made him more excited and curious about this strange fantasy world.

To him, if this world was really as described by Leroy, then it was the perfect heaven to someone of his profession.

Now, his greatest ambition was to find and dissect all the strange creatures that were birth by magic in this world. According to Leroy, the strongest creatures in this world were the legendary Dragons and Leviathans.

When Sebastian heard that, his brain practically started floating in the skies.

"I want to dissect a dragon". This was his reaction.

Despite the excitement that he felt about this world, he was rational enough to know the degree of danger also.

He planned to take it slow and steady. After getting to the outside ocean world, he would first lie low and observe from the dark. After he was confident enough, that was when he would burst out with a bang.

And, already experiencing the benefits of the first magic organ left him super excited. He wanted to level up fast, get to level 10, evolve again, and get the material magic organ without hesitation.

He felt anticipation swell in his heart on thinking of the numerous possibilities; fire, wind, shadow, time, sound, space, gravity, the options were too varied making him even more excited.

From the various movies and anime that he watched in his previous world; he could easily list over a hundred magic abilities that he would love to wield.

And after the elaborate battles with the Leroy clan soldiers, he learned something. Before the soldiers could wield weapons, they all had some specific adaptations during their evolutions that enabled them to wield weapons.

This was a very important point that he missed.

If he decided to get an adaptation like growing a pair of limps, this would enable him to wield weapons. Though a pair of limps was weird for a shark, magic powered Oceania Afterall.

With a pair of limbs, a whole lot of options to use in battles will open up to him, making him stronger than ever.

Thinking of the strange illusion during his breakthrough where he saw what seemed to be his home, and the enormous highly evolved shark, he wanted to grow stronger as fast as possible.

And after the last decisive battle between the Leroy and Sting Tail clan that he participated in; he learned some new principles about his skills.

For all his skills, he could decide to attack normally with them purely with his base attributes. But if he wanted to deal extra damage, he could decide to empower them with his magic power.

The only skills that required his magic power to work constantly were the magic teeth skill and his water transmutation. His magic power was needed for the rapid regeneration of teeth as he shot them at opponents in battle.

For the Water Transmutation, the skill was powerful but it was a mana drainer. It was the main reason why his mana got exhausted so early in the battle.

For every energy manifestation that he created, it took his magic power, and it also required his magic power to sustain them in battle. And this could siphon all his magic power in just minutes.

This brought him a conundrum. If it was possible, he badly wanted an avenue to increase his magic power reserves. It was his best trump card currently.

By the time that he thought through all these, he already arrived at the end of the tunnel. With a pop sound, he came out of the cave and faced the outside world again for the second time.

As he already admired the beautiful scenery of the ocean during the last time that he looked, he wasn\'t shocked in place like a lovestruck prince again, instead, he smoothly swam along the outwards slope body of the cave down.

[You have activated skill: Electroreceptor.]

The movement of his tail immediately became silent, his eyes remained trained on his front as he navigated his way down the slope through the help of his 2 extremely sensitive sight organs.

He would follow his plan for the first few hours, which was to lie low, stalk, and observe from the dark.

As he swam slowly, he noticed a few small organisms moving through the surface of the rough cave\'s slope but he did not pay them any attention. Suddenly, his stomach made a sound that made his face change.


His expression darkened. "The heck, I just ate such a huge feast".

[As a shark, most especially as a great white shark, you need food to survive in Oceania. Without abundant food to sustain yourself, your chances of easily dying to hunger are greater than dying to a predator.]


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