Ocean Master

Chapter 181 - The First Real Life And Death Battle!


Rocks fell, hitting Sebastian\'s enormous body as the force of inertia made him almost crush the Blue Tang fish beside him that was barely hanging to life despite his ruthless manipulation and dissecting.

From the way that the hole shook, compressing his body further, it only needed a little more effort before a passage was breached through but he did not care much at this moment because of his discoveries.

The excitement in his heart could no longer be subdued, not even by the threat of death. The significance of the discovery that he just made was so enormous that he literally felt blinding scales falling from his blind eyes.

He was now blind, but he could see clearer than when his eyes were intact. 

Oceania now seemed more believable and explainable to him, he no longer felt as out of place as he felt before, he felt good!

His observation was on point, the blue magic power empowered the fish.

His eyes of observation were already stuff of legend in his previous life, and it was proven here again though it was better-called electroreceptors of observation this time.

Apparently, the magic organ that the Blue Tang fish had was the physical magic organ. Instead of giving it the ability to manipulate magic through magic domains, it was focused on internal body empowerment instead.

And this was the reason why the Blue Tang fish was still alive.

Despite the traumatizing and painful dark arts that Sebastian did on its body, this Blue Tang fish tenaciously clung hold to life and this was possible only because of its magic organ.

The blue glow of the magic organ submerged and bathed the fish\'s internal organs daily, cleansing them of toxins, strengthening and energizing them, and even empowering them as time went on.

Sebastian also guessed that the theory of assimilating magic essence from eating the meat of dead predators was also related to the physical magic organ.

A lot of things that happened to him before and things he saw that when looked at from an earthling\'s perspective seemed ridiculous were now explainable.

He finally understood why he could breathe through his gills properly even when he was stationary, it was all due to the empowerment of the physical magic organ that he bought during his first evolution.

Perhaps, due to it not having a tangible and eye-catching effect like his material magic organ after purchasing it during his evolution, he already classified the physical magic organ as one of his most useless adaptations but he could not have been more wrong. 

If his guess was right, the physical magic organ was like the stabilizer of the body. When he assimilated magic essence, it was responsible for breaking it down to pure energy for the body\'s use.

And it was also responsible for delegating this pure energy to engage in useful activities such as healing his injuries and other important things. 

When he assimilated the magic power stored in magic cores, it was probably also responsible for breaking it down to pure mana for his accommodation. 

He guessed that the physical magic organ was responsible for a lot of things that he didn\'t even know of yet. He finally knew why even though creatures with low-ranked bloodlines don\'t have magic domains, they still had basic magic.

Sebastian was submerged in knowledge all of a sudden, he felt terrific!

He observed a lot of things from seeing this Blue Tang fish\'s internal organs that ideas and realizations continually hit his brain like bouncing ping pong balls.

If he had the time, he would have preferred to sit down and carefully devour this knowledge but he no longer had that luxury. His enemies were here.

Perhaps, it was because of the excitement that he felt from successfully dissecting his first test subject in Oceania, but the will to live now bloomed more than ever in his heart.

"I don\'t want to die!" 

"I can\'t die!" 

"At least, not until I dissect all the species that Oceania has to offer or I dissect the strongest monster on Oceania!"

After his first successful dissecting, he wanted more, he needed more.

Of course, Sebastian still didn\'t know how he was going to escape and survive but he was optimistic that his brain would cook up something and it was not idle.

He didn\'t ask his system for help still, he just dissected this Blue Tang fish himself even without his water transmutation skill, who said he couldn\'t find a way out of this dangerous situation?


The gradually crumbling hole added more pressure to him but his brain was still hyperactively working like a tireless horse.

Even at the last second, he could not arrive at a seamless plan. Despite this he didn\'t give up, he rather went with the flow, following his heart.

He checked his health points. 

[Health Points: 431.]

Sebastian\'s brain followed the flow that his instincts suggested as soon as he saw this, this was when he remembered something. 

In that moment of life and death when he still hadn\'t entered this hole and was cornered by his 4 enemies, he entered a peculiar state where his brain activity became outrageous and spiked to a super-shark level sharpness.

In that state, he was able to notice flaws in his 4 enemies, flaws that he could take advantage of if he planned well and had basic strength to back it up.

At this moment when he was out of ideas, he settled for this.

"I\'m brute-forcing my way out".

Immediately after he made this decision, the wall of rocks that were blocking the entrance to the hole from outside fell mightily.


[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim!] 

This time, Sebastian used the full essence of this skill\'s name as he swam in reverse out of the hole with astonishing speed. 

When the hole was covered with rocks, his tail was injured a bit but his brute force and willpower overshadowed this little inconvenience. He drove his enormous body out of the hole like the ghost rider. 

Like a Dragon that was trapped in a cave for 10,000 years, he finally came outside to see the glow of the Green Mist Sea again.

In other battles that he\'s engaged in before, he always had something to rely on, things like his water transmutation skill and other trump cards. But at this moment, he was with none of them.

This was his first real battle with his life on the line.

This was his first real life and death battle!

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