Ocean Master

Chapter 228 - Battle Preparation.

The next day…

[You have been affected by a skill: Sound Waves Manipulation.]

"Gooday everyone, this is your Elder Dangle speaking".

"Today, I have an extremely important piece of information so please listen carefully. We received news that our home as we see it may not be the same in about a week to 2 weeks from now".

"Because of this, a clan-wide hunting mission was issued by the clan head. Every single shark of the clan is to respond to this mission summons".

"From today, precisely this morning, every shark is to engage in rampant hunting missions. To face the incoming challenge, we need the best version of ourselves which means that every shark needs to train and develop".

"By taking on hunting missions, battling other predators, and killing other predators is the basic way for predators like us to develop".

"This is why this mission is compulsory, and it is effective immediately".

"About the danger that is about to befall our home, detailed information will be sent to you in due time so be alert and always prepared".

"Also, in this mission, all 3 of the elders will be mobilized for safeguarding. When hit by an unsolvable obstacle, we would swoop in to help to maintain the stability of the large-scale mission".

"Good luck, siblings, I hope that none of you dies".

With that, the sound waves that tyrannically invaded the peace and privacy of the sharks finally subsided under Elder Dangle\'s manipulation.

After the sound waves stopped transmitting, all the sharks in the clan cave fell into a long silence as they assimilated the contents of the announcement.

Though some of the sharks were super-intelligent, most of them still just had basic intelligence. Most of them didn\'t understand what the announcement meant, but they understood the term that their home was in danger.

They also understood that what they needed to do to save their home was to go take on hunting missions, hunt predators, and train with them and use them to develop their skills and power.

Immediately after the sharks started comprehending the full meaning of the message, they started flocking towards the Mission/Reward Hall. 

By the time that they got there, the hall was already filled with numerous sharks of various sizes as they all scrambled to get a mission for themselves and their hunting team.

Sebastian was among the early comers.

As the one who revealed the truth of the Sea King inheritance to the clan and was partly in charge of the planning, Sebastian was already aware that today and tomorrow were the preparation days.

Of the preparation stage of the plan that Sebastian proposed, this part was the clan preparation phase.

2 days were for the clan preparation phase, while the last week was for the scouting preparation phase and the insertion stage of the plan.

As Sebastian waited, it did not take long before it got to his turn.

>Wide-scale Hunt Mission- The Hunt Training Order<

- Mission Details: Either individually or as a team, the worker is expected to go out and hunt stray creatures, killing them for the experience and the growth. Rewards shall be given according to the hunt result that is submitted.

>Confirm Mission Acceptance: Yes/No?<



With that, the Ultimate Dissectors hunting team officially was thrown into the game of preparation before the ultimate struggle at the inheritance ground.

Sebastian did not waste any time, having informed his team members of another hunt mission this morning, unlike other hunting teams, they were ready and were already waiting for him outside.

As soon as he swam out of the cage, they left.

While they swam away, Sebastian gave an order to his system. "System, please improve my luck points".

According to his system, the increase or decrease of the luck points was what took the most energy. Stabilizing luck took less energy which was why Sebastian could do this after his system stabilized it not too long ago.

With this problem addressed, Sebastian felt a lot more confident in himself.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash!]

[You have activated skill: Shattering Bite!]


[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite!]

[You have activated unique skill: Water Transmutation.]

[You have created a magic manifestation: Pressurized Water Blades!]

Bam! Bam!

[You have killed a purple tier mutated Boa- Level 22: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 37 Skill points and 50 Adaptation points.]

Finally! After a fierce battle that dragged across a kilometer, Sebastian finally put an end to this powerful mutated Boa\'s life.

The day was already getting dark but Sebastian and his team members were not done. Due to his increased luck that also infected companions that were around him, this was the hunting team\'s second purple tier kill in just a single day.

This record was completely outrageous.

They would have increased the tally to 3 kills but the 2nd purple tier predator that they saw, a Deep-Sea Monkey fled after exchanging just a few moves with them and discovering the disparity in strength.

Apart from the purple tier predators that died to their hands, Sebastian\'s hunting team also killed over a thousand other predators that were not purple tier creatures already.

This record was astonishing and now, some of the sharks in the team who had dimensional magic rings already indicated that their rings were full.

The speed of the hunting team\'s progress was mind-blowing.

For the problem of transport, the team didn\'t disband because of it because Sebastian already anticipated it and also already created a contingency for it.

The members of the Ultimate Dissectors hunting team were not big enough for complicated methods yet, but they were more than capable of basic methods.

Sebastian simply divided the team into 2. With a companion like Tonado helping in his team, he could afford to do this.

While he stayed behind, leading the sharks to engage more predators, Tonado led the other group of sharks whose dimensional magic rings were full back so that they could empty them in the clan.

This way, the efficiency of the hunting team remained top-notch throughout.

The performance of the Ultimate Dissectors hunting team was phenomenal, but they were not the only phenomenal hunting team.

The Gigantic White hunting team…

Boom! Boom!

This ferocious hunting team was back to its best after the setback more than a month ago. At this moment, together, the elite group of Great White Sharks bombarded the group of mutated Cobras to bits.

Elite sharks die, other sharks become elite and replace them. This cycle of growth and death was the reason why this hunting team was still alive. 

As soon as Tungsten recovered, he worked hard in rebuilding his team and now they were back at their very best.

They battered their opponents until the enemy predators could only beg for mercy. Their killing efficiency was mad, they moved like unstoppable grinding machines with no brakes.

The result of their first-day hunting was also nice. Though they didn\'t kill a single purple tier predator, they already killed over a thousand predators that were below the purple tier.

Tungsten was the cornerstone of the team with his light domain magic, at this moment, he was on fire.

The Genius White hunting team…

Torpedum hovered over the battlefield like an ancient blood asura as his space skills repeatedly bombarded the enemies, slicing space and flesh apart as a bloodbath was left in his wake.

Unlike other hunting teams, his Genius White hunting team had only 5 members but they were all OP Great White Sharks.

Torpedum only accepted genius sharks with genius magic domains like his. Even if it was not the legendary space domain magic, sharks with rare and unique magic domains were his only recruit targets.

Of the 5 members of his hunting team, 2 had a strange magnetic magic domain, 1 had an augmentation magic domain, while the last 2 were powerful Mystery Pryer Great White Sharks.

Together, on just this day, they already killed 1 purple tier predator and over 800 predators who were below the purple tier.

The Shark Power hunting team…

If Torpedum was like an ancient blood asura, on this battlefield, Strong was like a reincarnation of the mythical god of war.

A heavy brown aura like a magic field revolved around him as he moved about, wreaking havoc everywhere as predators after predators fell before his tyrannical advance like weeds before the cutlass.

His presence was mighty, any movement of his body was like the shot from 10,000 planetary grade destroying canons. No beast stood a chance against him when he charged, he was like a bull facing a group of cute rabbits.

Unlike the other prodigies though, his Shark Power hunting team was entirely made up of Great White Sharks who were condemned as untalented as they could not mutate a magic domain.

This meant that all the sharks in his team followed the strength path. But without his advantages, this group of sharks was the lowest of the lows.

Fighting with such a handicap, he only managed to kill over 500 predators that were below the purple tier but due to a stroke of luck, they met an injured purple tier Golden Crab.

Without hesitation, Strong engaged the injured beast. After a fierce battle, he emerged victorious, clinging to their first purple tier kill.

This way, they propelled themselves to the top among the hunting teams with the best results on the first day of relentless hunting training.

Today, this region and all its inhabitants experienced a shark plague.

Some hunting teams retired for the night after the day grew too dark but Sebastian\'s Ultimate Dissectors hunting team and other top teams persevered, hunting throughout the night like there was no tomorrow.

By the end of the second day, this region was practically devoid of any other predators since the sharks already wiped them out of existence.

On the evening of the second day, Sebastian and his team members finally returned to the clan for the first time since they started the hunt.

Sebastian benefited greatly from this hunt, through it, he was able to fulfill the phase of his plan that was personal preparation.

[Your Empowered Tail Fin skill has leveled up to level 5.]

[Your Empowered Dorsal Fin skill has leveled up to level 5.]

[Your Advanced…]

[Your Advanced…]

Of his body skills, he succeeded in leveling them all to the limit of level 5 except the cardiac sphincter constrictor skill that was at level 4.

Of his material magic skills, magic teeth and magic shield leveled to the limit, rejuvenation was stuck at level 4 while supersonic speed was stuck at level 3.

Of his sound domain skills, sound control and sonic drill leveled up to the limit, sonic reflection was stuck at level 4, sonic dissonance was stuck at level 3 while water cyclone was stuck at level 4. 

This was a huge bargain that Sebastian could smile at forever.

On getting back to the clan, Sebastian also fulfilled his last urgent wish.

{Congratulations! You have used 18,000 Shark points to purchase the Hero\'s Song magic gadget.}

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