Ocean Master

Chapter 266 - Sebastian And The Human Soldiers!


Sebastian went racing like the wind through the secret exit.

His plan didn\'t change because of the alarm. His contingency plan in the case of a scenario like triggering an alarm, he simply decided to penetrate the mansion\'s defenses instead of infiltrating which was his original plan.

He was pretty sure that the soldiers manning the mansion were already working on pinpointing his current position down, and if they already did, a large group of soldiers was probably already surging his way.

All these warranted that he moved as fast as possible, he was simply not stopping. Stopping now would make subsequent attempts 10 times if not a hundred times more dangerous.

The secret escape passage was built like a huge tunnel. For already aging men like the U.S President, they would probably have a hard time sprinting inside it as they had to bend just to move safely inside it.

This didn\'t apply to Sebastian though, who already tested the effects of his advanced dash skill in a land scenario.

Sebastian literally turned into a different version of the Ghost Rider!

With his body bent, he moved like the wind, like a small rat scurrying through a lair full of large cats who were all ready to devour him at the slightest opportunity. 

As soon as the alarm rang and Sebastian started sprinting, the emergency defense measures of this escape passage against intruders activated.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

From the walls, from the ground, and even from the upper ceiling came deadly metal spikes as they all flew towards Sebastian.

While this was still happening, the ground opened at opposite sides of his position as heavy boulders emerged before they started rolling towards him with the intent to crush the sh*t out of him.

"The intruder is here!"

"Shoot on sight!"

Sebastian\'s ears twitched as he also heard these orders. His body became tense, his muscles felt freer and more flexible, he could feel adrenaline already coursing through his body as his blood pressure increased.

Then, he exploded!

[You have activated skill: Spike Attack!]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram!]

Bone spikes crazily jutted out from Sebastian\'s body, turning him into what seemed like a spikeman. Adding his battering ram skill to this and his already activated advanced dash skill, Sebastian turned into a mobile fortress.

Before the metal spikes could touch his body, he yelled to gather power, then he raised his magic Trident and jumped.

The harnessed origin magic formed a green corona around the Trident, making it seem like an energy weapon. Then, while still mid-air, Sebastian started furiously rotating his body.

Bam! Bam!

Clang! Clang!

Metal spikes collided against bone spikes.

In normal physics, it was simply too illogical for a military-grade metal to be outmatched by mere bones. But this was earth physics, Sebastian came and he was operating with Oceania physics.

His bone was far stronger than the metals. On collision, a cracking sound first reverberated before quickly being followed by a shattering sound.

All the metallic spikes shattered on contact with Sebastian\'s bone spike.

With this taken care of, Sebastian continued rotating in mid-air as his already gathered momentum propelled him forward with speed.

While this happened, the 2 enormous boulders finally came close enough to put him in harm\'s way but Sebastian was prepared for their arrival.

He grabbed his Trident tighter and swung with full force for a full-dive stab!


The reinforced metal boulder shattered into pieces. The one from behind him arrived also, but Sebastian easily shattered it to pieces.

When the fog of destruction cleared, Sebastian saw his real enemies.

The humans were of course shocked by the feats that he just achieved, but as elite soldiers, they had enough willpower to ignore everything and to only focus on their mission which was to exterminate this intruder.

With faces as grim as an old monkey\'s, the soldiers at the front kneeled and aimed, those at the middle stood and aimed, while those at the very back lifted their heavy weapons and maintained steady aim.

Ballistic rifles, high-pressure rifles, electromagnetic guns, and a bunch of other exotic gun types that were definitely beyond Sebastian\'s earth era were aimed at him.

The soldiers unleashed hell after maintaining their aim for a second!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sebastian was engulfed by the firepower rain as his rapidly advancing figure quickly got obscured by the debris, dust, and metallic fragments that were flying about, induced by the fierce firepower.

2 minutes later after a long period of bombardment, the soldiers finally stopped as silence descended into the long escape passage.

They cautiously looked through the fog to try if they could see the intruder. He was definitely dead, right?


Before the soldiers could react, a heavy weapon with 3 deadly sharp tips appeared as a soldier was slammed on the face by the weapon\'s blunt edge.

The soldier\'s head got smashed to bits of blood and flesh immediately.

Sebastian had no qualms with massacring these soldiers because he was once human. He knew that these were mere projections of pinnacle light magic no matter how realistic they looked.

Ptui! Ptui!

Before the soldiers could react, the heavy 3-tipped weapon struck again, wiping the life of 4 soldiers consecutively with only 2 impeccable stabs.

Horror gripped the soldiers\' hearts!

This was when they saw the real form of the intruder. Sebastian was like a typical enemy soldier to them, but at this moment, they saw a huge blue shield that protected him without any shield generator in sight.

"How is this possible?"

"Kill him!"

The soldiers were shocked, including their team leader but team leader John was able to keep his cool enough to order his soldiers to attack.

Even if they had no choice but to die, they would make sure to inflict as much damage as possible on this intruder to weaken him for their comrades.

None of the soldiers echoed their leader\'s order, they were not pirates, they were well-trained elite soldiers. Silently, all the soldiers overcame their fear for the unknown and overloaded their weapons before shooting recklessly.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

All the bullets hit the shield and were deflected but they never gave up hope, they kept on shooting as their life depended on it.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Reflection!]

The loud sound that engulfed the passage was suddenly reflected. The tunnel\'s narrow form alone already acted as a loudspeaker, so Sebastian needed no further augments to show this skill\'s lethality.


All the soldiers were annihilated.


"What just happened?" Captain Devon was shocked as he removed his earpiece to let the ringing sound in both his ears alleviate a bit.

None of the technical soldiers in this hall answered him, they were busy typing furiously at their computers as they tried to access the situation.

"Report, team leader John!"

"Team leader John!"

"Is anyone still alive?!"


The Captain tried a few times before he placed the comm down, his face was now grim as he clenched his fist subconsciously.

"We are facing a formidable opponent, converge all the military outposts and mobilize all our soldiers, we\'ll be confronting this enemy head-on!"

"Yes, Captain!"


Sebastian slipped into the next corridor as he closed the door gently.

After annihilating the first group of soldiers that appeared in the escape passage, his journey from there was a lot smoother as he advanced at a remarkable speed, evading most of the detection methods of the humans.

With his map adaptation, he was able to mark out the areas that he already passed, and comparing it with the mansion\'s map that he had a glimpse at, he was able to rapidly navigate through the mansion.

More groups of soldiers kept on surging his way at virtually every minute as more units of soldiers from the various military outposts arrived.

He was able to evade these soldiers through his superior detection skills. By noticing them first with his sound detector, he was able to react faster to evade them while making sure to destroy every CCTV camera that he saw.

This destruction vaguely revealed his position to the soldiers, but he was always faster than their fastest speed by a margin.

Of course, as more soldiers came, his area of maneuverability decreased but he was able to give himself more of an advantage by using his sound control skill to create distractive sound constructs.

With his sound domain abilities, he was able to buy himself enough time until he arrived at the door that led into the President\'s room.

By this time, he knew that some measures to protect the President would have been made already but he never detected the President being transported.

Also, his speed was too fast to enable any meaningful rescue measures, it was only 2 minutes from his first step inside the escape passage.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Drill {×3}.]

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The heavily reinforced door revealed cracks after 3 consecutive hits from the deadly sound drill skill.

Sebastian added the finishing touch.

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram!]


The heavily reinforced door finally collapsed.

As soon as Sebastian stepped inside the big mini-apartment that was exclusive to the U.S President, he swept the area with his sound detector, then he froze as no signs of the President were in sight.

The room was clean and intact, signs that this was an apartment that had not been stayed in for months or probably years.

Sebastian was deceived!

The U.S President was not here!

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