Ocean Master

Chapter 280 - The Battle Of The Mind [1]!

Sebastian was first attacked by the Mind Entanglement skill before the Mind Possession skill at the end and he was immediately relegated to a position where he could only suffer this oppression passively.

Though the Sea King was at its weakest state in centuries, it was still stronger than Sebastian by a despairing margin.

It could bully Sebastian with just its soul power alone.

When the attack plan was made by Sage 54 to deal with the Sea King, Sebastian had a lot of misgivings about the plan but he had no choice but to comply. A beggar was not a chooser.

Since the Sea King already had its eyes set on him, not deciding to comply with the Sage\'s arrangements was plain stupid. It was not like he had a better idea to annihilate an injured Sea King.

It was not every day that he would encounter circumstances to enter a mana-saturated state to battle higher-tiered predators, and this time, even entering a mana-saturated state could not save him.

During the plan execution, Sebastian was extremely tense as the Sage took the central stage, taking full responsibility for most of the attack.

At that moment, he was prepared for death since anything could happen. Having little hope was better than having ambitious hopes and having all of it ruthlessly crushed in the end. 

Fortunately, nothing untoward happened.

The outcome even exceeded his expectations by a large margin. Not only did the Sea King not retaliate furiously like he expected which would have proved fatal, but this notorious Sea King also became as docile as a cat on hearing the name Sage, calmly accepting its death.

Though it sounded ridiculous at first, having witnessed the Sea King\'s act, Sebastian believed it from the depths of his heart.

He believed the Sea King\'s words, they sounded too believable to be true. Even the Sage in his mind was deceived which showed the terrifying and well-refined means of this notorious Sea King.

He thought he was free, he thought he was the greatest benefactor, he thought he was the lucky protagonist of this play while everyone else was side characters but he could not have been more wrong.

It was at this moment that he knew how naïve he had been, it was at this moment that he knew that he f*cked up.

He f*cked up for ever believing the words of a century-old monster chameleon. For a Chameleon who was a master of disguise to grow so strong, becoming one of the strongest predators in Oceania, it easily showed its wits.

It grew so strong by outsmarting predators that were more talented and had pinnacle bloodline inheritances compared to its puny chameleon bloodline.

Sebastian severely regretted underestimating his opponent, a Sea King.

In his laws of how to be a Great White Shark, Sebastian already outlined the importance of not underestimating any opponent. Since he drafted those laws, he always followed them but the Sea King\'s case was a shocking exception.

The Sea King\'s act was so meticulous that from the depths of Sebastian\'s heart, he started underestimating his opponent which now proved fatal.

Sebastian concluded resentfully; the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King is an old, cunning, evil, lecherous, and every evil adjective associated predator.

He loathed this ugly old monster.

Despite all these, Sebastian was suffering. As soon as the Sea King attacked, he was pushed to the brink as the powerful invasive mind started tyrannically tearing his mental defenses to access his memories.

[You have received staggering damage!]

[You have received staggering damage!]

The mind is the most sacred part of any creature\'s body. Having this private space violated is such a traumatizing encounter that no one ever wants to experience, and this was exactly what Sebastian was experiencing.

For the first time in his life, Sebastian really understood and felt what rape victims felt. This act of the Sea King was equivalent to rape.

This was a rape of the mind!

Even as his mental defenses were tyrannically torn apart, and more of his memories were explored by the terrifying Sea King, Sebastian could only yelp in pain as more damage stacked up in his mind.

His health points drained like water, his mind was now too fuzzy, the interference was so much that he didn\'t even know which of his memories the Sea King was currently exploring.

The ruthless Sea King dived deeper into his mind, ravaging everything that he saw in the process as he absorbed more and more information.

In the Sea King\'s perspective, Sebastian\'s mind was like a bee tree that was surrounded by honeycombs. 

The individual honeycombs were the numerous memories in Sebastian\'s mind. To get them all, the Sea King explored each honeycomb hole while going deep enough to see the deepest memories and most hidden memories.

To Sebastian, it felt like centuries, but the Sea King only took 2 seconds before he explored all the memories that Sebastian accumulated since transmigrating into this world.

This was when the Sea King encountered an anomaly.

If Sebastian\'s mind consisted of a free-flowing sea of memories, then after his Oceania memories, everything else that followed was compressed into a round glowing ball of memories.

Whereas everything else was randomly flowing and loose, all his subsequent memories were compressed into a ball with a sturdy outer surface.

"What is this?" The Sea King was shocked but nonetheless attacked.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The compressed ball of memory proved its mettle by withstanding the first few mental blows, but the third was what breached its defense.

As soon as the Sea King shattered the defense, his soul power eagerly rushed in to explore this peculiar set of memories then he experienced the shock of his life.

"…earth, a balanced world that is divided into water and land, nations, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, Antarctica, anatomist…"

"…what in the name of names is this?!"

It was the Sea King\'s turn to be flabbergasted.

The Sea King surprisingly could not explore this particular set of memories in detail, but just a casual sweep with his soul power shocked this powerful predator.

The Sea King was so shocked that his soul form vibrated intensely.

"W-what the hell are you?!"

This was Carcarot Gorgoneon, the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea, the ruler of the Black Mist, an overlord of a Sea in Oceania, stammering!

For centuries, not even when he was still an insignificant chameleon was this Sea King so rattled out. At this moment, Carcarot Gorgoneon was so shocked that he was convinced that he was facing a monster.

"…sage 54, transmigration…"

It was when his mental sweep started touching sensitive topics like this that the backlash came, and it came with full force.

This was classified information that was exclusive to the Council of Sages, no other creature in both realms was qualified to access it.


A backlash force of gigantic proportions lashed out at the Sea King\'s soul, dealing astronomical damage that left the soul form flickering weakly.

This directly dissipated the remaining invasive power momentum that the Sea King already gathered for the past few seconds, then it got stuck.

The mechanisms of the mind entanglement skill meant intertwining a soul with another and letting the stronger soul become the dominant soul.

This way, both souls become intertwined. The only outcome of this was one of the souls dying and being assimilated, while the other emerges victorious with all the benefits.

As for the mind possession skill, its mechanisms could only work with those of the entanglement skill. Its only function was to aggressively infiltrate and explore the memories of the target.

Like the first mind skill, it had a shortcoming. If for some reason, the aggressor is unable to maintain its dominance, the situation changes and the infiltrator becomes the infiltrated.

The damage dealt by the backlash force was so powerful that the Sea King\'s will now only clung to life by the thread of a needle. Suddenly, Sebastian\'s soul power was the vastly more powerful one.

Instantly, Sebastian\'s soul became the dominant force and the 2 shortcomings of the mental skills automatically came into effect.

Sebastian bit back tooth for a tooth.

He entangled the Sea King\'s soul with his vastly more powerful soul, then he started aggressively infiltrating the memories of this once powerful overlord.

The Sea King\'s soul groaned and resisted but was firmly suppressed.

Like a movie, Sebastian started watching the story of this Sea King\'s life.

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