Ocean Master

Chapter 288 - The Doppelganger And Invisibility Unique Skill!

Entering the Sea King Inheritance ground was a life-changing encounter to Sebastian, it was an encounter that changed his story for good.

Inside the inheritance ground, Sebastian chewed on mana cores and even the natural cores like candy, he fulfilled a pivotal goal by evolving to the purple tier, he learned a lot of priceless information, but still, all these gains could not compare to one of them.

Getting his 2nd unique skill trumped all these gains by a sizeable margin.

For a long time after he transmigrated into this world and after the unique skill hunter mission was revealed to him, Sebastian made hunting for these special priceless skills his main goal alongside his ultimate dissection ambition.

To achieve this goal though, Sebastian could guess the threats involved and easily decided to stay prudent and to accumulate strength first.

Accumulating strength to face a Sea King who was at his peak in normal circumstances may take decades if not centuries to complete, but Sebastian never gave up hope, always believing that he was special.

His lean on being special was not too pitiful though, it was not every day that a nigga could boast of transmigrating into a magic world, right?

Sebastian held tight to this perception of special, and it helped him in subtle ways that he sometimes could not detect.

Through little coincidences that could easily be overlooked, he slowly rose in strength within just 3 months. When he was captured by the Atlantian soldiers, it seemed like he was doomed but it was actually a blessing in disguise.

That was when he met Tonado, it was during that period that he got the system clue concerning the unique clue, and it was also during that period that Tonado became his pseudo-teacher.

Through a series of even more extreme coincidences, here he was, against all odds, he was the one who got the ultimate inheritance.

Even when he was pitted against a Sea King though a weakened one, against all odds, he still survived and snatched the Sea King\'s unique skill.

If Sebastian didn\'t believe in luck before, now he believed in it. Luck was such an ethereal but mighty existence; it was also the main reason why he was able to make it and get to this position.

After getting to flex for 3 months with his Water transmutation unique skill, Sebastian now had a second unique skill.

He could not wait to explore its abilities, but before he could go further, he was interrupted by a system notification that appeared.

[Congratulations! You have completed 2/7 of the Unique Skill Hunter mission!]

[Mission Reward: 10,000 Skill points and 10,000 Adaptation points.]

[Additional Mission Reward: Special system clue.]

Out of the blue, Sebastian suddenly grew 20,000 points richer. He of course felt ecstatic, and he felt even more ecstatic about the special system clue since the system already clarified that it would be clues on how he could get stronger.

He felt tempted to see the special system clue now, but he felt even more tempted to check out the abilities of his new unique skill first.

The argument was not sound, he easily went for his unique skill first.

[Unique skill: Doppelganger and Invisibility!]

This time, perhaps writing it down was too cumbersome but Sebastian\'s system directly transmitted the relevant knowledge that he craved inside his head.

Sebastian spent a few seconds in silence before he understood the full gist of this new unique skill that he got after going through a lot of challenges.

After his encounter with the Water Transmutation unique skill, Sebastian\'s overall rating for unique skills instinctively increased exponentially but it seemed that he was still underestimating this unique skill a bit.

The first ability that this unique skill gave was invisibility.

Unlike with the Water Transmutation unique skill, activating invisibility did not drain too many mana points. The skill activation was very smooth, making it seem like an instinctive ability after Sebastian tried it.

The only factor that affected the invisibility ability was the origin law comprehension of the mutated beast who made use of it.

With Carcarot Gorgoneon\'s comprehension ability, this Sea King could silently enter the invisible state and no degree of detection ability could sniff him out, at least those in the power range below the myth realm.

This was how he was able to fool both Sebastian and the Sage living in his head, Carcarot Gorgoneon was a master of this ability.

As for Sebastian currently, with his measly origin law comprehension, he could still enter a state of invisibility but he was not immune to all detection methods and his state of invisibility was temporary.

With his current comprehension, he guessed that his limit was 30 minutes. After this, he had to spend 30 hours before he could make use of this ability again.

As for the 2nd ability of this unique skill, it was an ability that was powerful enough to be called an epoch-changing ability.

After going through the limits of the Doppelganger ability, Sebastian was floored completely as he finally knew why Carcarot Gorgoneon was such a notorious Sea King.

The main ability of the Doppelganger ability was to create living Doppelgangers. In essence, this meant that Sebastian could create another Sebastian and live with 2 bodies.

These 2 bodies could evolve separately, they could experience different opportunities and develop in different trajectories, it was like living in Oceania but with 2 lives since Sebastian could survive even if his other Doppelganger died.

The only shortcoming was that Sebastian\'s base attributes would experience a temporary decrease after the creation of a living Doppelganger and the death of any living Doppelganger would affect the other.

Sebastian didn\'t care though; the practical uses of this ability were so good that the shortcomings were as gentle as a baby\'s smooth touch.

Sebastian didn\'t know the limit of how many living doppelgangers that Carcarot Gorgoneon could create at his peak, but since this ability also involved origin law comprehension, the notorious Sea King must have gotten to the level where he was able to create dozens if not hundreds of living Doppelgangers.

Just thinking about the implications left Sebastian shuddering.

"How on earth was he assassinated?"

Sebastian could not help but think about the amount of effort that the allied army of variant humans put in to deal such staggering damage to this notorious predator. Just thinking about it left him feeling dizzy.

Sebastian could continue admiring the absolute might of Carcarot Gorgoneon for ages, but doing this would not make the Sea King\'s might his, his origin law comprehension decided his limits.

With his current origin law comprehension, Sebastian easily deduced that he could create 2 Living Doppelgangers.

This was a terrifying ability since it meant that Sebastian could then exist as 3 different Sebastians, which directly meant that he would have 3 lives.

"F*ck! How can this unique skill be so messed up?!"

Sebastian got a whole new appreciation for the might of unique skills.

Apart from this main ability, the Doppelganger and Invisibility unique skill also could create normal Doppelgangers.

By making use of his mana, Sebastian\'s current limit was being able to create 10 normal Doppelgangers that could fight alongside him for 24 hours.

Of course, the Doppelgangers could die beforehand if they sustained enough damage but this still didn\'t remove anything from the practicality of this ability.

Sebastian could not help but envy the previous Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King, how many normal Doppelgangers could this beast create?

Sebastian did not dare to think too much about this.

One of the more exciting perks of this unique skill\'s abilities was that the creatable Doppelgangers were not just restricted to being mutated beasts, Sebastian could create any type of Doppelganger that he wanted.

This perk alone made the unique skill extremely versatile and practical. 

Another slight shortcoming was that Sebastian could only create 1 living Doppelganger by expending all his mana points now. To create another one, he had to wait for one month.

This time could decrease once his origin law comprehension increased. The excitement that Sebastian got on exploring the capabilities and limits of this unique skill was so much that his body vibrated as a reflection of his amazement.

In the end, after studying the pros and cons of this unique skill for dozens of minutes, Sebastian finally calmed down.

It was time for him to create his first doppelgangers.

[You have activated unique skill: Doppelganger and Invisibility!]

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