Ocean Master

Chapter 298 - The Might Of The Rabbit Monarch!

Once the Generals of the different variant human races that were opportune to witness the appearance of this pinnacle predator took arms, the atmosphere in this part of the water experienced a huge shift.

Against an enemy that was far stronger than them, the least that these veteran soldiers could do was to project a strong front against this challenge.

Through this, they ensured that morale remained high in their various armies since this was an extremely pivotal parameter to winning any battle.

The arrival of the Rabbit Monarch brought along a pressure that constantly made them all feel like a sword of Damocles was hovering right beside their neck and was ready to behead them at the slightest mistake.

The suppression that was induced by the predator\'s aura that went deep into their souls was just one of the terrifying facts of this pinnacle predator!

All of them were suppressed both psychologically and physically.

Despite all these disadvantages, the Generals of the different variant human races did not hesitate to lead the charge. They were not the only ones, the Rogue Snake Overlord and Ancestor Horamon also followed.

The fate of these 2 predators was already decided once the Rabbit Monarch died. If the situation proceeded normally, they would definitely die.

They no longer had any hope of escaping, their only hope was to join in this reckless gamble to fight an esteemed pinnacle predator and hope for the best.

With General Saber at the very front, this quick alliance of powerhouses seemed intimidating but not to the Rabbit Monarch. Not to the Rabbit Monarch, a 30-meter-tall powerhouse who absolutely dwarfed his opponents.

This pinnacle predator was too lazy to engage in mind games, he just attacked.

"Battlefield Skill: The Eye of Ikaros- Death!"

As soon as the Rabbit Monarch said this, his full might was unleashed!


The water space shook violently as chaotic space rifts appeared in the water through which an abundant amount of shadow magic invaded this world.

This action revealed a lot of things, the Rabbit Monarch was a shadow domain magician, a terrifying one. Despite knowing this, the Generals and Red tier predators could only helplessly watch as the shadow invaded fully.

Once it completed a full invasion, the shadows under the Rabbit\'s control spread out towards a wide region that encompassed more than 30% of the beasts that were currently before the giant Rabbit.

General Saber felt the danger already, but he did not stop since he was relentless in his plan to stop the attack.

Before he could defend though, the shadow finally detonated.


This powerful detonation revealed the power of a Black tier predator!

The force of the shockwave and the might of the explosion was not material, these forces of nature moved like shadows as they invaded the bodies of their opponents and attacked from inside.

All the mutated beasts and variant human soldiers seemed to have suffered a mental attack. Some seemed to have been attacked by a seizure, others experienced even more extreme cases as the power of the Rabbit Monarch was displayed in its full splendor.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Mutated beast heads suddenly started exploding, Atlantian soldiers briefly held their heads in pain before also exploding in a brilliant moment of glory.

Death itself seemed to sweep through this battlefield!

Thousands of mutated beasts and Atlantian soldiers died to this single attack, excluding only those that were out of its range like Sebastian and his group and the variant human Generals who were powerful enough to resist it.

All the Generals suffered some form of damage as blood seeped out of various orifices in their bodies, but they survived.

This attack intimidated him, but General Saber\'s stubbornness did not allow him to succumb, he refused to lower his head in defeat.

"Kill this beast!"

"Roaring Blood, answer to me!"

Stimulated by the pressure, General Saber resonated with his magic sword to a degree that he had never felt before. For the first time, he could feel his sword\'s sword spirit actively resonating with him.

In this battle, General Saber underwent a minor breakthrough!


This Atlantian General swung his massive sword towards the Rabbit Monarch. The water space distorted as time and space seemed to have been squeezed, all these were partial depictions of the power of this attack.

The Rabbit Monarch was stunned and was unable to react on time as the sword was about to strike his majestic skin, but what happened next was shocking.


General Saber flew backward like a homeless and hopeless vagabond.

At the last moment, before his sword could cut deep into the hide of the Rabbit Monarch, this Black tier predator kicked.

Rabbits were renowned for their terrifying kicking strength and speed, and the Rabbit Monarch was no exception to this rule. Unlike mainstream predators, his legs were his trump cards, they were his most powerful weapons.

Just one kick left General Saber in a state as good as being dead.

"Battlefield Skill: The Rabbit Kick Fighter!"

Perhaps, this terrifying black tier predator was incensed by the Atlantian General\'s daring attack or he finally decided to drop his laid-back attitude but once he moved, the Rabbit Monarch moved with death!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

3 variant human race Generals suffered each of the first 3 kicks and without doubt, were all annihilated from the surface of Oceania.

3 Generals that had the effective strength of Red tier predators died so easily and effortlessly, it was terrifying and the Rabbit Monarch was not done.

Bam! Bam!

Perhaps his rabbit kick fighter skill never had an end, but the Rabbit Monarch moved like an inexhaustible machine as his terrifying kicks led to the end of one powerful opponent after the other.

While this happened, this pinnacle predator did not forget the foolish and greedy opportunistic predators as he specially prepared attacks for them that completely vanquished them on sight.

Of the over a dozen Generals that led the charge to attack the Rabbit Monarch, only 3 survived the Rabbit\'s terrifying kicks.

Of the 2 Red tier predators, the cunning turtle cultist, Ancestor Horamon detected the danger on time and retreated, thereby safeguarding his life but the once tyrannical Rogue Snake Overlord died from just one kick.

The overlord of this ocean volcano region, a predator whose tyranny and reign have lasted for decades if not centuries was finally put to rest.

The Rabbit Monarch was on a rampage!

Anything that obstructed his path, ranging from Atlantians to mutated beasts, to different warships, this pinnacle predator simply vanquished.

The death rate rose so high that the flow of the water in this region could no longer keep up with the rate at which blood kept on pouring as the area was quickly saturated by the thick presence and smell of blood.

Just one predator was the cause of so much destruction.

In just 2 minutes after the Rabbit Monarch attacked, it seemed that he was already about to annihilate all his opponents but something suddenly changed.


Another enormous space rift appeared in the water; this was smaller than the one that was formed when the Rabbit Monarch arrived but the divine aura that was already being unleashed from the other side froze every battling predator.

Every other beast and variant human except the Rabbit Monarch and the Atlantians suffered another layer of suppression, and only the Atlantians cheered.

After a nerve-racking 2 minutes, reinforcement was finally here. Commander T.Y heaved a sigh of relief as an expression of respect overcame his face.

As for the severely injured General Saber, his face literally depicted worship!

"The Chosen of the gods!"

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