Ocean Master

Chapter 330 - Employed.

"So, you\'re the shark who says you want to be an anatomist?"

"Not that ma\'am, I want to work here as an anatomist". Sebastian answered the huge crab\'s question with a wide predatory smile on his face that spooked every other anatomist in the lab.

The reason for being spooked was not anything complicated. Of all the anatomists in the anatomist department of the Aurora Hospital, none of them were sharks or were related to sharks.

The reason for this was even more self-explanatory. Throughout history, sharks were known for savagery and predatism, nothing else.

The prospect of a huge Great White Shark suddenly becoming their colleague was so frightening to these anatomists that they all freaked out.

"This is not a contest to see who has the sharper teeth, damn!"

Though none of these anatomists spoke, their restrained nature revealed a lot, they kept cursing in their minds, not that Sebastian gave a damn though.

Seeing all these was already grating at the nerves of the lead anatomist of this department. The giant crab felt troubled, if she had free reins, she would have dismissed the shark already but the situation was out of her control.

Orders from above came and she had no choice but to follow them. Though she didn\'t know much about the shark yet, just this suppression that went against her will already made her resent the shark.

"Umm, ok". The crab finally said as she directed a look at her colleagues before turning back to focus on the huge shark.

"So, what can you do? I mean, anything, anything that you can do".

"I can do a lot".

"…Ok, I can see that".

"What is your name?"

"My name is John Cena, but if calling that feels burdensome to you, you can simply call me J.C". Sebastian smiled, revealing his spooky rows of teeth.

Perhaps, she got annoyed by the shark\'s confident answers or she simply got fed up with working around restraints, but this giant crab suddenly decided to be mean and no longer play nice.

"Good, I can see you\'re a very confident shark. But in my rules, before anyone can enter my department, you have to know what anatomy entails".

"Oh! Really? Very simple then".

"An anatomist is a biological scientist who studies the structures of living organisms. They mainly focus on the anatomical form and functions of humans…"

"No, variant human and mutated beast bodies".

"A career as an anatomist comes with specialization in several fields of biology such as biological imaging, genetics, molecular development, cell biology, histology, and other relevant specializations".

"Please, ma, should I continue?"


"I take that as a yes".

"An anatomist\'s daily job routine involves examining organ systems of various bodies by dissecting and comparing structures of various species".

"An anatomist is responsible for determining the ability of the bodies of various living organisms to regenerate damaged parts".

"Also, another important fact is that anatomists study and experiment to ensure the possibility of transplanting organs in living organisms from one living body to another, simple".

"I guess that\'s all the basics to know about an anatomist".

"Ma\'am, did I pass your evaluation?"




"Holy freaking Jesus!" A clownfish exclaimed.

On hearing that, Sebastian was shocked as he turned to look only to see a clownfish who looked like he just swallowed a living crocodile.

Sebastian only had to think a bit before he removed it from his mind. 

The motherf*cker lord visited the seamount where he once stayed, and the Lizard Lord knew how to speak the motherf*cker language, who said the same couldn\'t be replicated here?

With that, he turned his gaze back and focused on the giant crab who at this moment looked like a monkey that was just struck by lightning.

On noticing his gaze, the giant crab flinched as she tried to reconcile with the facts in her head only to feel that she was really f*cking dreaming.


This giant crab had to deliver a vicious hit to her head before she confirmed that she was not dreaming. This was when it finally dawned on her, this was all real. 

"I…, I\'m overwhelmed!"

"I know". Sebastian smiled which only spooked them more.

"I guess, you\'re hired".

Sebastian got hired into his job in the most convincing manner possible.

With the higher-up music master behind him smoothening the path ahead for him, he gained smooth entry to meet the lead anatomist of the anatomy department. From there, he took over.

Even if he didn\'t understand much, having lived as a shark for months now, he knew what went on in the mind of these predators the most.

For others, it was impossible for a shark to suddenly decide to be an anatomist unless the shark was crazy. This was the reason why he decided not to hold back but to go all out and awe them from the beginning.

This was not some xianxia world where he had to hold back and keep a low profile to keep himself alive, this was the real world.

If he wanted to get the best possible start for himself, he needed to go all out from the onset which was exactly what he did.

The knowledge that he showed awed the resident anatomists so much that their brains were left smoking bamboozled after the reveal.

These cutting freak nerd beasts loved knowledge and anatomy, but seeing it in such a raw and direct fashion from a shark, they were spooked.

They didn\'t see Sebastian at work yet, but he literally oozed anatomy.

Adding all these together, there was no way that Sebastian missed his job. The giant crab would be sick in the head to try bringing him down. Despite her doubts and confusion, she did the needful and employed the shark.

Right now, Sebastian was already with the professionals as he went through the basic evaluation to go through his history and professional career.

From today, Sebastian who was now John Cena was officially a worker of the Aurora Hospital. Precisely an anatomist of the anatomist department.

In here, his identity as a purple tier Megalodon didn\'t matter much, it was his extensive knowledge as an anatomist that really mattered.

After so long, Sebastian could finally live the dream.

2 hours after Sebastian was employed.

At the last room at the furthermost end inside the anatomy, department stood the office of Doctor Craban. It felt weird, but yes, the giant crab, the lead anatomist of the anatomy department was referred to as a doctor. 

At this moment, 2 knocks were heard before her door was opened. A group of 5 clownfish entered, greeted her respectfully before dropping a file at her desk. 

Once the clownfish left, this giant crab took hold of the file with her pincers and opened to the first page.

{File Name: John Cena.}

{Species: Megalodon.}

{Power Tier: Purple tier.}

{Age: 6 months old.}

{History: ???}

{Career History: Nil.}

Seeing this, the giant crab\'s mood turned even more confused.

"6 months old? Unsearchable life history? No career history?"

The giant crab didn\'t believe the data. In her opinion, the higher-up backing this shark pulled strings again and the data was altered.

There was no way for such a powerful Megalodon to be only 6 months old. Also, there was no way for a Megalodon with such extensive knowledge about anatomy to not have a career history.

Every data inside the file reeked with lies which frustrated her.

"J.C, what exactly are you, and what is your motive?"

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