Ocean Master

Chapter 341 - Anatomy Book- Sebastian And Jakren's Research On Mana Cores.

Sebastian reported to work the next day with a different swagger in his swim steps. It was no trivial matter to being a senior anatomist so he deserved it.

Back on earth, he could not also boast of himself being the best in his field though he voted his passion for anatomy as number 1. Now in this world, getting his main occupation validated again left him feeling excited.

"I wish Dave was here to see this, I\'m now a magic anatomist".

Sebastian swam to the main lab feeling super excited.

"Welcome to work, Senior anatomist John Cena!" All the junior anatomists yelled excitedly as the main protagonist of yesterday\'s drama finally arrived.

On seeing the surprising welcome that he was not used to, Sebastian looked suspiciously at Jakren who at this moment looked like a celebrity anatomist.

In the end, he shrugged his comrades\' shenanigans off. He would not be able to persuade them to not call him in the first place, so he simply gave up.

On entering the laboratory, Sebastian grinned as everything was already put in place for him to work. Due to there being no major anatomical experiment today, everyone had the luxury to do anything they liked and here they were.

Originally, the junior anatomists either go to the internet to enjoy quality time during moments like this or go downtown to enjoy arena beast battles but this all changed after Sebastian arrived.

Seeing this as an opportunity to improve rapidly, during all their free time like this, Sebastian managed to entice his comrades into joining him in research.

It was this habit and their determination to achieve it that led to all the activities of the previous day and 2 of them receiving the coveted promotion.

As for the others, though they didn\'t receive a promotion, having participated in the research, they all received monetary and other benefits.

Today, Sebastian dedicated it to finalizing their research, performing tests, and culminating all the data that they derived to form a research book.

Yes, they succeeded in dissecting a predator, implanting a 2nd mana core inside it and it succeeded but the method was still pretty primitive.

The intense reaction between the 2 mana cores while they just met revealed that the method was not refined yet. This success could be attributed to luck because any mistake could have caused the Elephant to explode.

Well, before they could talk of improving the crude method that they developed to do the job, they had to write down and understand the crude method properly first.

At this moment, the massive test subject which suddenly felt a lot more intimidating than yesterday was already firmly held in place and suspended by the heavy mechanical metal chains of the main lab.

After swimming to a high enough vantage point to take note of every change that transpired, Sebastian finally gave the order for the tests to commence.

"Octaman, do the thing!"

"Yes, senior".


Once the octopus anatomist activated dozens of mechanical modules at once, the hidden machines in the main lab came to life.

8 large mechanical arms came out of the walls of the lab as they went closer and touched the massive Elephant, injecting special sedatives inside its bloodstream that caused the Elephant to fall asleep after 2 minutes.

With this done, they finally went to work.

With Sebastian and Jakren taking the lead, a lot of machines in the lab were utilized as they performed numerous surface tests on the massive Elephant to confirm its current physical state.

After spending hours on the beast\'s massive exterior, the current state of the Elephant was confirmed. Though it still suffered from some injuries that had not healed yet, overall, it was fine.

The life stabilizers that Sebastian tested and prepared for the experiment proved their worth in gold, they were pivotal to the Elephant\'s survival.

The Elephant\'s body was fine, the only problem was its eyes. Its eyes never became normal again, they remained bloodshot like someone who got punched in the eye and received a scar.

From the tests, it was also discovered that the Elephant\'s visual ability became impaired. It could still see, but its vision became a lot less effective.

This was the first side effect of the experiment that Sebastian discovered, and it was the only real physical defect.

After writing down all that, Sebastian commenced the magic tests. This was done completely by the processing supercomputer as it was the only one capable of penetrating the mysteries of the mana cores to discern their current state.

As expected, the mana cores did not emerge out of the tug of war unscathed. Both mana cores had cracks across their surfaces, it was not anything fatal but it was still a defect that proved that the experiment was not perfect.

Apart from that and the increased stress when channeling mana, the mana cores suffered no major damage which was an acceptable tradeoff for now.

Sebastian and Jakren performed a few more tests on the massive Elephant to confirm their discoveries before they finally wrote everything down.

After writing the results of the experiment, Sebastian also calmed down as they wrote down the process of the experiment. He knew the process best since he was the one who came up with the idea so he wrote it alone.

After the sessions that he spent in the basic library, Sebastian got inspiration from what he read and sought to replicate it in a wilder form.

After guessing that the organic matter in a beast could probably affect the ability of a beast to take more mana cores, he started researching on it but for a whole week, all his simulations failed.

Frustrated, he was about to give up until he came up with another radical suggestion. This suggestion originated from the inspiration that he got the same day after reading on beast adaptations. 

What if another mana core could not simply stay in a body alone, what if the rejection was because they were not supposed to remain bare in the same condition and body environment? What if the solution to this problem was creating an artificial carrier for the 2nd mana core?

He rationalized that as beast adaptations could be seen as the weapons of mutated beasts, why not see a 2nd mana core as an adaptation of a sort too?

What if creating an artificial beast adaptation for it and mixing it with the organic flesh of the said beast while treating the mana core as an adaptation was the solution to prevent the rejection?

Once he thought of this, it was like flood gates of ideas opened up in his head. Sebastian went to work, this was when he sought Jakren for help, and together, they created the artificial mana core box beast adaptation.

Together, they researched the topic more, refined the design of the artificial beast adaptation more until they decided on the date for their experiment. Unfortunately, their first experiment failed.

They didn\'t give up, they refined their techniques some more, corrected their previous mistakes, and tried again. This time, they did it.

For the first time since his transmigration, Sebastian\'s hyperactive imagination enabled him to deduce and produce something tangible. The fact that this was related to anatomy was the cherry on top.

After writing everything down, Sebastian smiled and turned to face Jakren. The past month was indeed spent fruitfully.

Solemnly, he wrote down the name of this book.

-->Sebastian and Jakren\'s Research on Mana Cores<--

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