Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 243: Missing

Chapter 243: Missing

Resting upon a tree branch, my laughter echoed out as I recalled the Sect Masters words. It\'s, as they say, the blind leading the blind. For a leader to be caught up in revenge is quite short-sighted, especially when he saw those ashen flames.

"Wrath," I muttered towards the gentle winds pressing against my body.

Curling my lips upwards, I rested my body against the aged tree branch. "I wonder how useful he shall be? Let\'s see how useful this blooded association can be."

Looking at my phone at the zero response from Ezra, I narrow my gaze, thinking of a suitable solution. Shaking my head, my gaze slowly turned cold. It had been a few days since I began traveling with the Blooded Association helping with hunts and cooking for them. And during this time, I had been studying all about runes and formations. Which the elves were very abundant in. They held a very natural outlook on life, focusing more on nature and passive circles.

However, something I found strange was how quickly I was progressing through this information. It was nothing like my demonic heritage, which was complex. The Elven heritage was rather simple; at least, that was how I perceived it. Their heritage was ninety percent heavenly runes and had to do with their primordial heritage rune.

There was no limit to the almost infinite knowledge about the elves. It was so full of concepts I would get lost for hours if not days in it. Yet, even with all of this, I had not neglected my qi cultivation.

Breaking through into Spirit Realm was rather simple, but I needed to prepare for my tribulation. In contrast, I was mostly immune to Lightning, which did not mean anything before Tribulation Lightning, at least not yet. I had a feeling that bastard within the heavens would make it more difficult for me.

I had destroyed my demonic weakness, but I wanted more. Something that I had always been curious about was the runes of Valhalla. These were the strange markings upon various men and women I saw upon entering Midgard.

These markings basically acted like a Dantian. Many were not born with a Dantian, making this method a way around it depending on the race or birth. Derived from the Giants, the Marking of Valhalla was meant to take Qi of heaven and earth, turning it into usable qi. However, what was truly great about this mark was that it allowed you to have a power factor. Meaning it could double or triple the power of certain artes.

"It seems I will finally have a chance to use the Yin and Yang qi within my Dantian," I whispered aloud as qi of heaven and earth flooded my body.

Looking into the Ring of Bael, I continued to sort the various resources I stole from the Blooded Association. Staring at the endless supplies, I could not help but marvel at the large resources they held. Ignoring the few million ES I stole, for now, the Blooded Association was very well off for their size.

Licking my lips, my gaze suddenly picked up upon a tattered scroll. A perplexed light flashed upon my eyes as I summoned the scroll into my hands. Feeling the unknown animal skin upon my palms, I felt a warm tingling sensation upon my fingertips as I opened the scroll.

"A map?" I muttered, tracing my fingers over the unknown terrain where x met the mark. Eying at the map for a few minutes, I suddenly flipped it around, staring at large writing.

"Arcane Sage"

Frowning at the name, I arose, feeling a little interested and annoyed. While it was all fun and all to explore, I only had a few month\'s time to explore before Silvia arrives in the Vanir Clan, maybe even less if Hallr was to be attacked.

"Will I have enough time?" I whispered, stroking my hairless chin. "Well, first off, I have no idea where this damn place is. I need an expert or a map; better yet, I need to make Mare create me GPS. That shit is life."

Taking a picture of the map, I sent Ezra a picture with instructions to contact me when she finds where this place was."

French Maid: Why can\'t you stay dead?

Me: The Sweetness is strong with me!

French Maid: I am busy, can\'t you figure it out?

Me: Thanks for the Help ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Imagining her raging face, I laughed, turning off my phone as I arose, staring at the large moon within the skies of Midgard.

WIth dark light nodes at my feet, I stepped into the air feeling an abnormal chill within the air. Narrowing my gaze, I frown, taking a step back as a small child appeared a few meters away from me. Its body almost completely blurred, only revealing its crimson eyes and the unholy aura pulsing from its body, swallowing me whole.

Stiffening, my soul suddenly froze as I felt death had appeared before me. Forcefully gulping down, this entity tilted its head. "Arsene Snow, my name is Azeroth, The Sleeping Sin, and I am looking for your wife, Lilith."

Removing all my fears in an instant, my gaze chilled as I spoke, "Lilith is not my wife—

"Enough, her mother Leviathan is my big sis. I know all about your relationship. I am here to complete my end of the deal, but she is missing. I have searched all of Midgard and Tensen Lumireis, but she is not there. Do you have any idea as to where she is?"

Frowning, my heart began to tremble as my soul connection began to quiver. I could feel Lilith\'s life force, her state of being. Yet, none of it indicated she was in danger but rather in a perfect state of mind. However, none of that mattered; I did not know this being. Who called himself the Sleeping sin.

"I am not —"

Rolling his eyes, Azeroth snorted, "Boy, you are interfering in one of my life\'s goals. Do not test my patience. Tell me where Lilith is, and I shall be off."

"I do not know," I coldly said, "We have not spoken in three months, and why the hell would I tell you as to where my wife is?"

"Fuck!" He cursed, looking up into the air with annoyance, "Asmodeus, I will give Arsene the Seal to give to Lilith. Will you accept that?"

"Yes," A deep voice resounded as blood gushed from my nose. Hearing the cracking of my bones, I clenched my teeth.

Coughing up blood, I glared at the heavens, "you dick, I help your daughter, and you still fuck me over.. Can\'t you control your power?"

Hearing laughter, I felt Asmodeus\'s aura fade as I returned my gaze towards the innocent-looking Azeroth.

Waving his arm, my body suddenly vanished, appearing upon the surface of the ground on my knees as he appeared staring at me at eye level.

"When you awake, go and look for your wife. What you are about to hold in your soul is one of the most powerful tools in creation." Azeroth uttered in indifference, "Also, you need to watch out. Soloman has contacted the Archangels; your time is truly limited. Midgard is about to be swallow in blood."

Opening my eyes wide, Azeroth placed his palm upon my head, his gaze holding a hint of amusement,

"You have one year till they descend. If they\'re not already here."

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