The Legacy System

Chapter 48 - 48: Lending Money, And Plot

Those two questions completely stunned the Young Miss of the Takeshiba family. She never expected such questions.

And even less she would admit to those questions as she looked at him with a fake surprised face as she said, ​​

Takeshiba Aika:" What do you mean Young Master!?"

At that moment she was also reminded of the fact that she didn\'t even know his name. Firstly though she had to protect her face.

Eric didn\'t seem to be bothered much by her question though as he said,

Eric:" Look Miss Takeshiba, you came here and sat in front of me even before introducing yourself, or even knowing my name.

Since you came out of the bank manager\'s office where my check just went in, my only thoughts can be that you came here because you need money.

Also, my hearing is a bit special, so I was able to hear you complaining about your cards. So isn\'t a logical question? How much, and what for?

But if my conclusion is wrong, then I deeply apologize for overstepping my bounds."

After Eric said this, then his question made more sense. She was truly in urgent need of money, and her family was the last place she wanted to return to.

But was this guy really her lucky opportunity, she couldn\'t help but have a feeling that if she got mixed up with him, then she wouldn\'t be able to get away from him anymore.

She was in a real dilemma right now, everything depended on how she answered this. But she was really undecided, she didn\'t know what to do.

Seeing her state, Eric decided to give her one last little push, and if that didn\'t work he would just have to find another way to get closer to her.

With that thought in mind, he put the face of someone being really sorry, as he said,

Eric:" I am really sorry to have offended you Miss Takeshiba, I hope you don\'t take this at heart.."

Before he could finish though Takeshiba Aika took the bait, and started saying,

Takeshiba Aika:" No, no I am sorry Young Master…?"

She still didn\'t know her name, so she stopped knowingly, if she was going to ask his help, she at least needed to know his background.

Eric, on the other hand, couldn\'t show he was a no one at this moment, otherwise, this would be the end of their conversation, but couldn\'t stay without a name either, so he just said,

Eric:" Eric, my name is Eric!"

And as if knowing Takeshiba Aika\'s next question he continued,

Eric:" I don\'t like to expose my surname since it\'s too troublesome."

Takeshiba Aika was disappointed but she knew what he meant. The fact that she wasn\'t able to recognize him, was enough proof to show he was hiding his identity really well.

She would have to get satisfied with this at the moment as she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" Like I was saying, Young Master Eric, I am really sorry. The truth is just like you said, I am in an urgent need of money!"

Finally, she had taken the bait, now Eric only had to play the card right and she would never be able to escape his control, but he was curious what did she need the money for.

So looking her deeply in the eyes, he said with a serious voice,

Eric:" I understand that Miss Takeshiba. But just like I asked, how much, and what for?

While I don\'t mind giving loans to people, that doesn\'t mean I will do it for free, or without knowing the truth behind it.

Careful though, I can easily notice if someone is lying, so better not try to lie to me."

Takeshiba Aika really didn\'t want to tell the real reason, after all, it wasn\'t a good thing for her. She had sent someone to the hospital, after all.

Thinking really hard she was trying to make something up, but once again she got startled by Eric\'s voice,

Eric:" Right now you are thinking of making some stuff up, so I am going to tell you for the last time, don\'t think of lying to me.

Otherwise, I will not lend you even one cent. Are we clear Miss Takeshiba?"

While there was a faint smile on his face, it looked more like the smile of a demon than a normal human being.

Not daring to lose the last support that she had just found, Takeshiba Aika was left with no option but to tell everything to Eric.

On the other hand, Eric was surprised by all this situation that was created, he was also really happy to have found leverage against her.

With this in his hand, he was sure to make her fall on his feet in less than a week. But that was for later, right now, he just kept his cool and calm and said,

Eric:" I am really sorry about your situation Miss Takeshiba, but as much as me being sorry is worth, I can lend you the money.

Also if you need I can come with you when you give him the money, so that he doesn\'t try any new tricks or ideas.

The only issue left, is for when do you plan to return me my money, together with the interest?"

Today it was 28 may, so in three to four days she would get her allowance and easily pay him back. So without needing to think long she said,

Takeshiba Aika:" In just 4 days I will give you back the money."

Eric wasn\'t surprised by all this, she was the young princess of one of the richest families after all. So he just took a pen and a paper and wrote the agreement.

He gave her 5 days time to return his money, but after that, it would have a 10% interest increasing with each day.

Takeshiba Aika was surprised to see him put their agreement to paper, but her surprise was soon clarified by Eric,

Eric:" While I do believe you Miss Takeshiba, and have faith that you will return me my money, I am the son of a businessman at the end of the day."

With that said, he signed on the paper the amount he was giving to her and then handed it over to Takeshiba Aika so that she could sign it too.

Takeshiba Aika just took the paper and immediately signed, she didn\'t even look at the contents. She was in too much stress to think about that now.

After that, they just had to wait for Eric\'s business to end, so they could go to the hospital and take care of the matter they should.

In the meantime though, Eric sent a message to Mina, his new little pet. While she was still new she was more obedient than Tina.

The message he sent her was simple, he gave her the name and the address of the hospital where that guy was supposed to be.

With the instructions, to take a written statement from the guy about what happened, and any proofs that he may have.

Eric told her that she had a budget of 30.000$ at her disposal to work with, if he didn\'t accept then threatening was good too.

After this happened though he had to disappear from the city, and possibly even the country. If she did this right, she was getting a good reward.

It took some time for the bank to process Eric\'s request, open his account, and also hand him over 50.000$ in cash.

According to his newest request that sum of money was divided into two bags, one containing 20.000$ which he was giving to Takeshiba Aika, and the rest was his money.

The only drawback was that he had to wait at most for a week to have his bank card, but he could easily use the account.

That didn\'t matter much to him at the moment though. Now he had money, and could finally have his private place at the building.

He had to leave that for later though since now he had to go with Takeshiba Aika towards the hospital, and meet the guy who just gave him a gift.

While with her he couldn\'t place his money bag into his inventory, but that wasn\'t a problem, he didn\'t think she would steal his money.

Even if she tried with her bodyguards he wasn\'t afraid of a fight, actually, he was hoping for one. But that was almost impossible.

On the way, he got a message from Mina, she had completed her assignment and had agreed to 25.000$ payment.

She had also got a handwritten statement, and this guy also had his friend take pictures of the accident. Most probably this was a set-up accident, but Eric didn\'t care about that.

In fact, he was thinking of thanking the guy for gifting him with this opportunity, and he would leave them to get away with the money.

But if they tried something like this again, or even thought of blackmailing her again, well let\'s just say that they would deeply regret it.

Takeshiba Aika seemed still really stressed and anxious about this situation, she was placing her full trust in Eric, even though she had known this guy only for an hour or so.

Seeing this state she was in, Eric grabbed her hand, and squeezed it a bit, to show her he was there, and she had nothing to be afraid of.

He felt a bit hypocrite since he would be the one to blackmail, and place her in a worse position later, but that was just a fleeting moment.

There was no goodness in this world. Even this girl was like this only at this moment, later she would definitely change a lot.

Everyone shows a weak side when they are in trouble, even the worst villain, but when their troubles disappear, that weak side seems just like pure acting.

Eric was not a hero, nor a villain…


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