The Legacy System

Chapter 222 - 222: A Headless Chicken

"The Yakuza are willing to offer Yakuza to Master Eric!"

This shit was crazy, he expected the Yakuza to try and poach him more than the others, as they were the weakest of the bunch.


But, he had never expected such an offer! Even in his wildest dreams hadn\'t he thought that they would say, or offer something like this.

Just what the hell was going on here!? Even Eric himself lost his composure as he heard something like that, as he had to spill his tea, and ask in a startled expression,

"What do you mean exactly Miss Fujiwara!?"

"Exactly what I said Master Eric, my father the head of the Yakuza family has decided to offer you his position in the Yakuza, and also throwing me as a chip should you wish to have me!

Our Yakuza organization is already weak, and brittle against the other 5 families, so it\'s almost impossible for us to make you an offer that could challenge them.

At the same time though, we don\'t want to die without understanding how, so the best way possible would be for us to enter your shadow!"

Hearing her explanation Eric felt like it truly made sense. This was truly the current situation and they didn\'t have much of a choice.

Still, this line of thought was a bit too far-fetched! What made them so sure that Eric wasn\'t going to use their people as nothing more than cannon fodder, or a toy in his hands.

"What makes you think that is a good decision, Miss Fujiwara!?"

"Don\'t get things wrong Master Eric. I don\'t! Not only me, but a lot of people in the organization are opposed to this decision that father has taken.

But at the end of the day, I am my father\'s daughter, and can do nothing about it! I can only obey his orders and instructions, with the hope that this isn\'t just his senile decision!"

Amane Fujiwara was the only daughter, and heiress of the Yakuza head Hatake Fujiwara, who right now was representing the Yakuza.

At first look this lady or young girl wasn\'t bad at all, she had long black hair, and a pair of green eyes covered by her glasses.

Her face and skin were fair and beautiful! And so were her red lips, white neck, and her whole body for that matter.

She didn\'t seem to be far up from her twenties, while her body shape and curves were just a little bit above average.

Even though she didn\'t have exaggerated forms, her proportions, and that look behind her glasses made her appear as a mature, and sexy lady type.

Right now she seemed focused on looking through each and every one of Eric\'s actions as if she was trying to pierce through his shield and find the true him.

She had no idea why her father had taken such a decision, or why he was so hell-bent on making such an offer to this guy, but she knew that he would never risk the organization no matter what!

That guy\'s life and ambition was the organization itself! More than her, his real blood daughter, he had always thought of the organization as his daughter and most precious thing in his life.

Such a guy would never hand over his life-long ambition, and life-long effort to some other guy without a reason.

But no matter how much she tried to look through him, there was nothing she could see as extraordinary.

On the other hand, Eric was just looking at her with a pensive thought for more than a few moments, as he finally opened his mouth and said,

"Let me get this straight!

Your father was the one to decide in giving the organization, and you to me! But he couldn\'t come here and tell me this himself!

At the same time, you and a lot of other members of the organization are opposing his decision and my possible lead. And, if I were to take up on the offer, these guys would most probably leave right!?\'


Amane Fujiwara didn\'t like the way Eric was speaking, because it seemed like he had the Yakuza in contempt like they didn\'t amount to much.

She couldn\'t accept that, as the Yakuza\'s current standing wasn\'t something that a young man like Eric, who had no idea of effort could decide upon.

For that reason, she affirmed his words with a look of anger! But was completely dumbfounded when she heard Eric say,

"Then why should I even think of this as an offer, Miss Fujiwara!?"

"What did you say!?"

His words were the last boundary for her, as she couldn\'t accept something like that. This guy had no right to offend her \'family\'.

But Eric didn\'t seem perturbed by her sudden explosion of anger, as he continued with the same calm and natural voice of earlier,

"Don\'t get me wrong Miss Fujiwara, without looking down on the Yakuza as an organization, in my eyes what you are offering me is just trouble and complications.

Your father is giving me the head position of the organizations, but there is no one backing me, and there will be only trouble, and opposition as long as I am the head.

Even you, who are supposed to be my woman, are openly saying that you are doing all this just because your father ordered you to and that you will oppose me!

So what interest can I possibly have to accept your father\'s offer!?"

Hearing that Amane Fujiwara was left speechless for a moment, as she hadn\'t truly thought that far ahead.

In her eyes the Yakuza was nothing short of the big families of the country, they had their own weight in the country, their own assets, and revenues.

Not to mention that differently from the soft persimmons of the big families, all its members were capable fighters and masters.

Even though they were the weakest in terms of power, political, and financial reach, at least in strength they were amongst the firsts.

That was also one of the big reasons that the big families didn\'t dare to deal with them, as no matter who tried it, as long as they stuck the Yakuza in a corner, they would undoubtedly lose a limb, or an organ.

But looking on Eric\'s point of view all that changed, reprocessing her own words, she understood that what they were offering him was just power in shambles.

She was a smart woman and was able to clearly process all this with just a small help from Eric, but at the same time, Eric seemed to be underestimating something as she continued,

"Aren\'t you forgetting something here Master Eric, while your words are true from a political point of view, there is still something you haven\'t mentioned!

On the financial side, you will be handed over all the assets and money of the Yakuza. Certainly, that isn\'t a bad offer, considering your poor life until now right!?"

As he heard that statement Eric couldn\'t help but show a surprised, and shocked face, as he arrived at a conclusion that he didn\'t know if he should laugh or cry!

Looking at Amane Fujiwara with a suddenly serious look, Eric asked in a solemn voice,

"Miss Fujiwara I am sorry for this sudden question, but do you have any idea of what are you trying to negotiate, and get from me in exchange for your offer!?"

When she heard the question Amane Fujiwara was reminded of the fact that she had hijacked these negotiations.

She wasn\'t the one who was sent here to negotiate with Eric, as her older uncle was! But she couldn\'t allow this to happen to her precious Yakuza \'family\'.

For that reason, she had found a way to \'poison\' her uncle this morning, she had just drugged him asleep and then had taken his place as the representative without telling anyone about it.

The only thing she knew about this was the chip that her father was trying to use to dissuade Eric, and the fact that she could be involved in the deal as well, nothing else about what Eric offered.

Normally she would never do something like this, as she was the quiet, studious, and lonely type, but since this was a matter of utmost importance she had done what she had.

It was only now, that she was reminded that probably due to her rashness, or foolishness she had forgotten to understand one of the main components, what was she buying with her offer!

As she was thinking about how to evade this question and pretend that she knew about it, she saw that Eric\'s face suddenly became complicated, as he then said,

"Let them in!"

Right as he said this, the door to the private box opened, and a group of three people entered inside while looking with surprised looks towards the person sitting in front of Eric.

Their surprise was short lasted as right after they seemed to understand what had happened and then started looking at the young lady with dagger eyes.

  If they weren\'t in this place, and in Eric\'s presence they would probably have taught her a really good lesson, after all this was a deal that they couldn\'t afford to lose.

It was a matter of their organization\'s future, their standing, their possessions, their families, and most importantly their survival.

The only reason they were able to maintain their standing until now was that they had reached a stalemate with the 5 big families.

But once these families started growing stronger, and they didn\'t, then that stalemate, and balance was as brittle as glass.

Even a small ripple would be able to break it, and they would perish under the might of others. It was clearly something that none of them wanted.

For that reason, they were looking at Amane Fujiwara with terrible cold looks…

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