Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 165 - 165 - Charmer

\'I like you... I like you... I like you.....\' These words echoed in his mind.

Zou Yue dazedly blinked up at him. Fan Xui\'s deep, dark eyes intensely peered at him. His hand hesitantly reached out to touch his face.

Anticipating the touch, his heart started to beat loudly.

Yue flinched back a little, gulping. The hand paused midair.

He looked up, blinking. Fan Xui\'s eyes seemed quite saddened by his rejection. With a trembling hand he reached out and touched his hand ever so gently.

Fingers intertwined with each other.

One small and big palm perfectly fit each other.

Yue tightened his hold and glanced up.

Fan Xui gently unwound their hands and got a hold of his palm. Like a feather, his thumb caressed the new calluses forming by the centre of the palm. "Every part of you is absolutely gorgeous."

Yue\'s cheeks heated up instantly. He pulled his hands away and tied it behind his back. "Ahem... now that our misunderstanding is clear. I hope to start anew. I-I don\'t want a sexual relationship. I want.... something more... I can\'t explain it in words. I want a deeper connection with you that is more than just... lust."

"So do I..." Fan Xui chuckled softly. "Let this be a new beginning. Hi, I\'m Fan Xui, age 27, height 6 foot, I like... listening to music, and peanut butter is my favourite spread," he held out a hand.

Yue laughed out loud and gripped his hand firmly. "I\'m Yue, Zou Yue, I\'m a man, I like having long hair, wearing feminine clothes, ah.... I like a lot of dishes. I can literally eat anything except sand. That is just rough on my teeth," 

"Sand huh, got it. That is will be banned from the dining tables forever,"

Yue could not look away. Fan Xui\'s smiling eyes were captivating his soul. His eyes shrunk a bit into a narrow slit, but even so, he could feel the overwhelming happiness emitting from it.

A small footstep stealthily approached them from behind.

Yue pulled Fan behind him and swung his sword.

"Whoa..." Qian shouted, holding his hands up. "I was here to get the samples. You guys go on with your lovey dovey speech," he snatched the charred zombie hand from the table and ran.

Fan Xui and Yue looked at each other with a wide smile. No words were spoken. But the silence was a comfortable one.

Standing In the distance, Tian saw this and frowned slightly. "This Fan Xui guy, what do you know of him?"

"A rich CEO, nothing much." Hary growled. "And look at their age difference. He looks like Yue\'s dad for Christ\'s sake,"

"How old is he?" Tian got close and whispered into his ear. "Do you think Yue likes him?"

"N-no.... Yue is just confused. He... he seduced him,"

Tian raised a brow. "What benefit would that serve him? Hary, you have become quite dramatic for a while now,"

"Have I?" Hary just rolled his eyes. "I hate this. That man.. I don\'t like him one bit." he took out a cigarette and bit into it.

From the moment he met Zou Yue, he had the overwhelming urge to protect him. He looked as soft as a kitten.

When Yue shot the old Murong, he was beyond shocked. A normal person cannot shoot a crossbow like that.

That was what piqued his interest. He instantly agreed to protect his family only because he wanted to know more.

As he got to know about Yue and his family, he came to love them. Hearing everything Mrs. Zou had to say about Yue, he...

Sort of fell for him.

"Leave it be. If you act out like that, Yue will only hate you more," Tian patted his back.

If only Tian had seen what happened in that room, she too would hate that guy.

Back when he was running off to rescue Yue, he felt something weird. A sickly wet sensation. It definitely came from the small metal piece behind Yue\'s ear. Because that metal was a part of his skin, he could feel anything that metal felt.

That time, he really felt someone kiss it.

Panicked, he hurried to the room as soon as he could. The moment he opened the door, the sight he saw was terrifying. That man was on top of Yue and Yue was shouting for him to get up.

Just thinking about that made his head ache.

"I won\'t let that guy trick or force Yue, I definitely won\'t,"

"Trick? Force?" Qian, who was working close, glanced back with a brow raised. "That man is more sincere than you think. You should know he has been chasing after your precious Yue for a long, long time. He is a dedicated and kind man; don\'t question his morality like that,"

Hary turned over with a cynical smirk. "Really? That man has no morals,"

Qian dropped everything he was doing and glanced at him with a frown. "It\'s the truth,"

"I don\'t believe it one bit." Hary growled and walked away stiffly.

Tian curiously leaned on the table and peered at Qian. "Do you have proof?"


"Yeah, I won\'t believe anything without proof,"

"Okay then," Qian moved close. "Don\'t tell Fan I shared this, but Fan Xui helped Yue a lot in the shadows. Even with finding about you, he wanted to run to H city to help Yue. On the way, something happened, and he went into a coma."

Qian glanced at his friend who was softly smiling at Yue. "That man is silly in love, silly enough to sign a stupid book deal. He spent more than a few hundred thousands to publish a silly book. A strict business person like Fan Xui would never be so irrational if it wasn\'t for Yue,"

Tian nodded, unconvinced. "That\'s not enough. I need a lot to be convinced enough to give away my brother. Besides, I have seen men like Fan Xui. All they fancy is a beautiful face and a thin body."

"He is not shallow like that," Qian instantly shot back.

"Who knows? I don\'t know him. Unless I do, I won\'t let him alone with my brother." She shrugged. "Yue, come here. We have work to do!"

"Coming" Yue happily hopped over to her.

Qian just gritted his teeth. "You are so cold you know that,"\'

"Been told that a lot. I\'ll take that as a compliment, thank you." Tian grabbed Yue\'s hand and wiped them with her sleeves. "Look at how much blood there is on your fingertip. You have to clean them often," she purposely wiped his hands whilst watching Qian Wen.

The scientist just sighed. "And petty,"

"Who\'s petty? What are you guys talking about?" Yue curiously looked between them.

"Nothing Yue, it was just the wind blowing sideways. Let\'s go," Tian pulled him over to the other corner and instructed him to sharpen his sword.

Qian Wen gritted his teeth, glancing at Tian Ai\'s triumph smirk.

"How\'s your research going?" Fan Xui stepped close to him, took the charred zombie arm, and waved at Yue lovingly.

"Stop messing with my sample." Qian plucked it out of his hand and gently placed it on the table. Looking up, he noticed Fan Xui gazing at the farthest end of the room with a giddy look. "Jesus Christ,"

Yue chuckled blushingly.

Tian instantly rotated him and made him face the other side.

Qian Wen just sighed. "What is up with those two? Epically that blond hulk. How dare he question your morality like that, huh? Fan, you have to prove them wrong. Activate your gentleman mode on, or else you might lose Yue to those overwhelmingly protective tigers,"

Fan Xui casually smirked. "I don\'t care about that. Yue likes me and that\'s all that matters,"

"no no no...." Qian held his shoulders shaking him a bit.

He frowned.

"Listen, Yue loves his family and they love him back way too much. If you don\'t win over the family, you will not be able to even get this close to your lover," he pinched his two fingers as close as he could. "he likes you, yes, but for him to love you, you need to charm his boots off. And somehow appease the family at the same time,"

"That sounds easy. I\'m charming. Give me ten days and I will make the family love me," Fan Xui confidently whispered.

"Oh buddy... you are overestimating your skills way too much. Don\'t say I didn\'t warn you. They are tough nuts to crack,"

"I can crack it," Fan Xui smirked widely.

Qian froze. This was a look he was not familiar with. A person overflowing with confidence and charm. "Hey.... is it true you forgot everything?"

"Yeah I guess,"

"How do you remember me?" Casting a sceptical glance at him, Qian waited for the answer. He was quite curious indeed. Because he had lost hope that Fan would ever wake up.

The check up back at the time of hospital admission came out to be such a dangerous one. His brain was fully filed with such strong brain activities.

\'How can anyone have so much brain activity and even stay sane? That\'s unscientific,\'

Fan Xui patted his back hard. "Stop your imaginations. I\'m not an alien or a species to test,"

"You didn\'t answer my question. How can you remember me?"

Fan Xui\'s smile went away a bit. "It\'s a secret but.. come close," he pulled Qian\'s ears hard.


"You see, I\'m not the same Fan Xui,"

Qian gasped loudly. "Then? Who are you?"

"I\'m Fan Xui from the future,"

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