Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 204 - Let’s end this

Chapter 204 - Let\'s end this

Seeing that he was being looked at the same way a person looks at food, Reynold got even angrier. Ren was the one who was bleeding all over but it felt like he was the one in control of the situation. Though he was the one looking from above, it felt like Ren was looking down on him. This didn\'t sit well with Reynold as he roared at Ren.

Reynold in his giant form stood up and was about to stomp on Ren. This time knowing how strong Reynold\'s transformation was Ren gathered a massive amount of mana and circulated it throughout his body. Even though it would be easy for him to dodge Reynold\'s slow attack, he didn\'t want to.

Ren who saw the incoming foot about to stomp of him, couldn\'t help but smile as his excitement was reaching a new peak. A battle were he could actually feel death was possible was getting a bit rare as he was growing stronger. So seeing that he felt danger from the incoming attack made him truly happy.

Reynold used all his strength and stomped on Ren, yet the same as before he felt something grabbing onto him. A strong force was stopping Reynold from pulling his foot up. It was at that moment Reynold felt that he was being lifted. Without knowing what was happening Reynold lost balance and fell to the ground squashing some of his men.

As he was trying to get up Reynold saw Ren jumped upward. Ren had his index finger and middle finger pointing at Reynold. From Ren\'s two fingers a massive sword aura burst forth. Reynold raised his hands to block but Ren simply slashed at him.

At first, Reynold thought that Ren failed to do whatever he was planning to do, but after a few seconds, three of Reynold\'s fingers fell to the ground. A burst of blood gushed out of Reynold\'s hand but even with that much damage, the first prince didn\'t scream in pain. Reynold then quickly reverted back to his regular form and ordered the nearby healing mages to stop the bleeding.

While Reynold\'s hand was being healed Ren didn\'t move one inch. Some brave souls tried attacking Ren as he simply stood there, but the moment they came close enough they were sliced in half. They couldn\'t even see Ren move, some mages even tried attacking Ren from a distance trying to probe him, but same as with the soldiers the moment their attack came near it was sliced in half and a counterspell would then burned them alive. No one even saw him chant a single word.

He didn\'t even shift his attention for a second as he only looked at Reynold. Seeing him act like that just made Reynold grind his teeth in irritation. He was being toyed with, not only him by everyone else on the battlefield. Ren wasn\'t even seeing him as an equal, he wasn\'t even looking at the surrounding area as a battlefield, in his eyes, it was a playground. Reynold was nothing more than entertainment to his opponent.


Once he was healed Reynold quickly turned into his giant form and roared angrily at Ren. He then picked up nearby boulders and threw them at Ren. Same as with the spells and the soldiers, whatever came close to Ren was sliced in half.

Reynold then roared louder as he assaulted Ren with a barrage of punches. With his gigantic body, every attack Reynold made caused a shockwave blowing away the weaker soldiers, it even made the walls of New Grenton crack a bit just from the shockwave. If Reynold decided to bypass Ren and attack the walls of New Grenton it would already be destroyed and turned into dust.

Reynold and everyone else on his side thought that barrage would finally kill Ren. As he was about to stop he suddenly heard an excited laugh echo throughout the battlefield.

"HAHAHA! How fun! You truly have monstrous strength!" Those on the battlefield finally saw what was happening. Ren was actually matching the gigantic Reynold\'s attack with his own attack. Ren\'s hands were matching each punch of Reynold\'s with his own punches. It was like watching a toddler trying to stop a punch of an a.d.u.l.t with its baby arms.

Usually, the a.d.u.l.t would\'ve killed the toddler, but in this case, the toddler was actually matching up to the a.d.u.l.t\'s punches. In fact, as the two continued striking at each other Reynold\'s gigantic body was the one being pushed back.


Niel who was watching at the backlines couldn\'t believe what he was seeing. Ren was actually able to withstand the full strength of their family\'s forbidden technique. Not only was he able to withstand his elder brother\'s attacks, but Ren was at an advantage.

Niel already tried to imagine Ren\'s strength at the highest peak that he knows of, which was the strength of his father. In fact, even though he didn\'t believe it was possible, Niel estimated that Ren\'s strength was double that of his father. Yet now seeing him playing around with Reynold who was the best among his siblings in using their bloodline abilities, proved that Ren was stronger than all of his initial thoughts.

\'What the fuck! How is this kid so strong?! He\'s even stronger than the rumors! Even if I use the same forbidden technique as that sh*tty brother of mine, it doesn\'t seem like it would work. I got no other choice, I\'ll use the scroll.\' As Niel was getting ready to use the scroll he was saving for Ren, he looked at the battlefield and knew that even if they were able to deal with Ren, they still needed to deal with Valdel and Lara.

\'I was planning on sacrificing that idiotic brother of mine, but Valdel\'s strength went beyond what I initially thought. The only one that has the same strength as reported was Lisa. Tsk, the only way to win is after I deal with Ren, Reynold and I should quickly kill Valdel and Lara. Once those three are gone everything else would be easy.\'


Ren who was having so much fun was able to dislocate Reynold\'s hands by simply matching his punches. Seeing that his opponent\'s hands have been dislocated Ren sighed as he summoned his scythe.

"I guess that\'s all you have to offer. Well, it was quite fun, but now it\'s time to end this." Ren whose knuckles were bleeding looked at Reynold with lonely eyes. When Reynold saw Ren looking at him like that he thought that he was being mocked.

"AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!" Reynold roared as he flung his dislocated hands like a whip towards Ren. On the other hand, Ren was about to slice Reynold in half when he saw the space in front of him was becoming distorted. He suddenly felt an unfamiliar mana signature about ready to use a spell. Ren was only able to sense the spell once it was activated, which gave him no time to counter.

Niel who saw that Ren was caught in the forced transportation spell, felt relieved. No matter how powerful Ren was he wouldn\'t be able to get out of this one. As Niel sighed in relief he saw Ren smiling at him before he vanished from the battlefield.

After Niel was sure Ren was successfully teleported somewhere else, he felt confused. What was that smile about? Even though his plan was successful Niel felt something was wrong. He couldn\'t understand what it was but at the back of his mind, he was screaming at himself to retreat while the monster was away.

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