Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 259 You’re pretty interesting

Chapter 259 You\'re pretty interesting

Henrietta was getting a bit excited, as the thought of producing a stronger human by combining her genes with Kretos\'s was something that made her heart race. Before she met Kretos she was set on creating a homunculus that would surpass the current humans.

She always believed that humanity was too weak. Even her ancestor the legendary mage Albert Wolfstein believed that among all the other beings on the planet humans were by far the weakest. They had no special trait that made them stand out from the other races. The only reason they could keep up with the other races was because of their ability to procreate faster, as well as their innovative minds.

But after seeing Kretos all those thoughts disappeared from Henrietta\'s mind. She knew the instant she saw Kretos that he was above even those races that call themselves the children of mana. His mana was so pure and violent that it could match even that of the elven king\'s mana, that she met once when she was little. That was the strongest existence she has seen and this boy that looked around twenty years old was of the same level. It was unbelievable that a human was able to get to such a level at such a young age, but here he was standing right in front of her.

Not only that she noticed that he was also radiating something more than mana. This was the strongest human she has ever seen. She who has read all the research her esteem ancestor has wrote, as well as studying the human body for all her life made her the foremost expert in terms of human biology.

She knew that everything in this world was made from two things which were spiritual and physical. The spiritual building block that makes everything in this world, was mana. The physical building block was called an atom, an atom was something her ancestor discovered and termed. Both these spiritual and physical traits in the human body could pass down onto the next generation.

She and her ancestor believed that since the human race had a short life span than the other races, the human body created a way to be able to keep up with those other races. This was the passing of genes so the next generation of humans will always be stronger than the last. Unfortunately for them, despite that trait, even after a few thousand years since her ancestor has passed, humanity\'s biological makeup hasn\'t improved that much. In some cases, it even regressed.

Now that she has seen Kretos she has seen the light of hope. With him, as an example, she knew that humans weren\'t out of the biological race just yet. It was entirely possible that the children that Kretos will have would become beings that represent a new kind of human.

As a mage, as a researcher, her curiosity was piqued, but beyond that, she wanted to be a part of history. She wanted to be known as the mother of those powerful humans. She stopped trying to undress so that her assistant would stop pulling on her. So with much excitement, she walked towards Kretos who was still looking at her confused and shocked.

Once she was in front of Kretos and was about to say something she felt a threatening force. She quickly gathered mana and surrounded her body with a mana barrier. The moment she did so, she saw Kretos\'s hand moved, and she then felt a massive force hit her forehead. She was blown away.

"My LADY!"


Kretos who saw the approaching Henrietta was confused, and he also somehow felt a bit threatened by her crazed stare. Not only that he was very baffled as to what she was saying. So when she got close enough Kretos used Spirit Aura and moved like lightning as he flicked Henrietta\'s forehead.

She didn\'t feel like she was an enemy so Kretos made sure to regulate his power so that she would only faint and not die from that attack. Yet to his surprise he suddenly saw Henrietta still able to stand and was even looking at him more excited than before. That crazed excitement in her eyes looks the same as his when he gets really into a battle.

"What was that?! That was incredible, you moved your hand with such speed, and you even used something else that wasn\'t mana! So not only is your mana impressive, but you even have more secrets within you. If you don\'t want to you don\'t need to become my husband. If that doesn\'t work, then just give me some of your s*men."

"Can you stop talking for a minute." Kretos released a tiny amount of his bloodlust, which made the assistant fall to the ground unable to stand. She was looking at Kretos in horror as her body trembled. Afeus was doing better as he was still standing, he already felt Kretos\'s bloodlust multiple times now and was slowly getting used to it. He didn\'t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Henrietta on the other hand was also shaking but it didn\'t seem like it was from fear. It looked like she just got even more excited when she felt his bloodlust. Kretos could only shrug his shoulders at this point and smile at the bizarre woman in front of him.

"You\'re pretty interesting."

"So are you willing to accept my offer?"

"Are you seriously asking me, a person you just met, to be your husband?"

"Time, getting to know each other, love, and all that extra stuff, we can do that later when we become partners. What\'s important and what I think the main reason for marriage is for procreation. You who are so powerful need a partner that can give more to your genes to pass onto the next generation." Hearing Henrietta\'s answer made Kretos smile a bit more.

"I see, so you\'re that kind of person... But what more can you add? I already have the physical and magical strength that surpasses yours by a long shot."

"Intelligence and beauty. Not that I\'m belittling you, but I am sure that there are only a handful of humans out there that is as smart as me. Not only that but I am quite the beauty don\'t you think? My beauty and brains with your overwhelming strength combined would make our children into the most powerful humans."

When Kretos heard Henrietta\'s answer he couldn\'t help but laugh. The woman before him was more interesting than he thought. He then smiled a very vicious smile at the woman and spoke.

"To tell you the truth, I don\'t have my memories intact, so I\'m not even sure if I already have a wife and children. In fact, based on my gut feeling, I think I already have multiple women as my wives or lovers. So knowing this will you still want to be mine?" Henrietta didn\'t even hesitate for a second as she answered.

"Like I said love and all that is simply secondary. What I want is not you per se, what I want is your genes. So if becoming your woman is what I need to do to get them, then so be it. Actually, I think you having multiple wives is a good thing. That way you powerful genes would be passed onto multiple individuals. This would give us a lot of different combinations, and we could see which one would have the best results. Though I still believe that your genes and mine combined will still be the best combination of all."

When Kretos heard Henrietta\'s answer the smile on his face grew wider and he couldn\'t help but laugh again. After laughing for a bit he looked at Henrietta who was looking at him with a serious face and gave her an answer.

"Very well, from this point onward you are mine and mine alone."

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