Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 263 Ally or foe all I see is an exciting figh

Chapter 263 Ally or foe all I see is an exciting figh

Hearing what Alphonso said Kretos couldn\'t help but laugh. His laugh echoed throughout the now hollow mountain. Alphonso then felt Kretos\'s battle aura was rising to an all-time high, not only that the vicious smile that Kretos and all his incarnations shared was now in full display that even his eyes shone with delight.

Alphonso who had known two previous incarnations was confused as to what had triggered the battle junkie to show such a reaction. After laughing for a bit Kretos looked at Alphonso.

"It would seem that you know me more than I thought. The way you moved, the way you talked, everything would indicate that not only did we know each other we have a much closer relationship than I initially thought. Perhaps our relationship is that of a senior and junior that studied under the same master. It must be something within that line of thought. That would explain why our styles of fighting seem to be really similar."

Alphonso couldn\'t help but sigh at Kretos\'s deduction. Though it wasn\'t a hundred percent correct, the answer was very close. Alphonso was once again reminded that even though most of the time the only thing in the heads of these incarnations was battle, they were rather sharp in other things as well. Though that still doesn\'t explain Kretos\'s excitement. While Alphonso was thinking Kretos continued to talk.

"You seem to understand me but you fail to truly see what I am. Do you think that I fight for a reason? Do you think that offering my memories would make me stop? The answer is a resounding no! I only ever tried to get my memories back because not remembering was an annoyance. But if I have to pick between a battle against a powerful being or regaining my memories, the answer is obvious. I don\'t need my memories, all I need right now is to fight you at your full power!" Kretos spoke with so much passion that you could feel his very soul burning with zeal.

"What the heck are you talking about?! Of course, you need your memories! Don\'t you want to know why you\'re so strong?! Don\'t you want to know about the dreams I\'m sure you have, don\'t you want to know the truth?!"

Alphonso already knew that a reincarnation of Michael would surely be someone with a different set of values. But he expected that reincarnation to at least have a semblance of common sense... When Alphonso thought of that he tried to remember a time when Michael has shown something related to common sense. Now that he started thinking about it, Michael was someone so far removed from common sense that the word might not even have existed.

"What are memories anyway? I can make new memories even without my old ones. Why should I care as to why I am strong? Do the f*cking dragons that fly in the sky ever question why they are so strong, no they don\'t. The dreams that I have those about different people, does it matter what it is. I can already guess that all of them should be related to me. They might be my past lives, they might be my ancestors, but in the end, it doesn\'t really matter what they are. Knowing the truth, what does that give me, clarity? I don\'t need any of that! If I die in battle without memories then so be it, I would still be satisfied. So you who seem to know me, come and show me all you\'ve got! I will only think about talking with you if you show me what I seek!"

When Alphonso heard the nonsensical things that Kretos said, he couldn\'t help but sigh. \'It doesn\'t seem like we\'ll be able to talk properly if I don\'t beat him up a bit.\'

Alphonso knelt on the ground and tapped it. He used a secret technique to assess the planet. After assessing the strength of the planet Alphonso found out that the planet they were on was quite big and its density would be able to handle the strength of his mana.

"Very well, since you won\'t listen to reason I will show you what you seek." As Alphonso was speaking his mana release started spiking.

"Now that\'s what I\'m talking about! Show me the very limits of your abilities!" Kretos happily shouted at Alphonso.

"Are you sure about this? I am not your enemy, in fact, I might be your closest ally."

"Come on don\'t say boring crap like that now that we\'re on this stage. Ally or foe I don\'t see any of that, all I see is an exciting fight!"

When Alphonso heard Kretos say that he knew that there was no more use talking. It was noon when the area suddenly grew dark. Daytime suddenly became night time yet the moon and the sun was no longer in sight. It was if they were transported to a different world.

In the darkness were only the light of the stars could be seen it started to snow. Kretos understood what this was, this was a mana field. He might have no memories of his past, but Kretos retained knowledge about certain things and this was one of them. A mana field was an area of space certain powerful mages create to fully exert their mana and control the surrounding space, but it was usually only the size of a room. This mana field stretched out as far as the eye can see. Not only did it encompass a large area but each drop of snow was filled to the brim with mana.

"I hope you are ready for this. Not even Gods nor demons can defeat me in this snowy field of mine." Alphonso spoke as he made the spear he was holding disappear.

"Hahaha! This is so much better than I expected! Come then allow me to fully appreciate this power of yours!" Kretos spoke with the utmost delight. The snowy field of death before him might have looked like a graveyard for Alphonso\'s enemies. But in Kretos\'s eyes, it looked like a wonderland.

"Very well, I hope you are satisfied now, for I shall end this in the next strike." After Alphonso declared that, he lifted his right hand and the snow started gathering in the area above him creating a giant spear made of ice and mana.

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