Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 319 - The Human Alliance

Chapter 319 - The Human Alliance

"I have nothing more to offer in this fight. You have won and I have lost." Namor gritted his teeth as he spoke each word. The test of seeing Kretos\'s mettle in combat had backfired. When he heard how difficult Kretos battle was against Kir, Namor thought that he could match up to Kretos\'s strength or even surpass it. Yet here stood Kretos totally unharmed while he was panting pathetically.

Kretos looked at Namor with a look of disappointment on his face. He then looked at the magnificent army waiting for Namor\'s command.

"How about telling your army to come and help you fight." When Namor heard this he looked at Kretos with a weird expression on his face. Tsukiko and Shera who were approaching Kretos also heard what he said.

"What the heck are you saying, you battle freak?!" Tsukiko spoke as she was about to smack Kretos\'s head. Kretos of course easily avoided the strike.

"Oh, are you going to fight me now?" Kretos looked at Tsukiko.

"Who wants to fight you?" Tsukiko pouted and didn\'t continue to speak. Kretos shrugged his shoulders and once again looked at Namor.

"So what do you say, attack me using your army."

"My lord, I apologize but I cannot do that." Namor pounded his head onto the ground. Seeing as he couldn\'t even see where Kretos\'s limits lay he wasn\'t sure if his army could handle Kretos. Also, it wouldn\'t make sense to use his army to attack the new lord he serves.

Seeing Namor\'s actions made Kretos sigh as he shrugged his shoulders. "… Fine, this is getting boring. Shera deal with him and his army, give him some land near my castle. If there\'s nothing else you want to say I\'m leaving."

Namor lifted his head as he wanted to properly greet Kretos as his new lord, but then he saw Kretos\'s expression full of disappointment and with a tinge of something similar to rage. Namor felt like his life would be forfeited if he spoke now, so he continued to keep his head down.

Once Kretos was gone Namor stood up and looked at the other two who were under Kretos. He noticed the Demonic Fox Tsukiko was one of the two, and the other was a beautiful Lycan woman.

"Are you two perhaps the wives of my lord?" When the two heard this question each had a different reaction. Shera shook her head panicking as she looked around and sighed when she didn\'t see Kretos near them. Tsukiko tilted her head and then shrugged her shoulders.

"I\'m nothing more than our lord\'s aide. I am like you a loyal servant." Shera quickly explained.

"I\'m neither his wife nor his servant," Tsukiko answered briefly and then left without saying anything more.

While Kretos had gained a powerful army of undead, the human Kingdoms had formed an alliance. On the other hand, the elves, the spirit rulers, the fairies, and the winged ones weren\'t as bothered by the demons as the humans. Unlike humans, no other race had bad blood with the demon race.

Once they had formed an alliance, humanity started preparing to wage war on the demons. Since the Sliral Kingdom already made the first move, the demons would surely retaliate so before they came to them the humans decided to attack.

On the surface that was the reason, but each human Kingdom had their ulterior motives in invading the demon lands. Some wanted the land, some wanted resources, some wanted to rule over the demons, some wanted to use the war as an excuse to eliminate their rivals, some were there because of their faith. To humans, demons were the descendants of the devils, who were pure evil beings, on the other hand, the humans were descendants of the Gods who were supposedly righteous.

The Sliral Kingdom was not part of this operation as they had lost too much in the last battle. Instead, they opened Touma City to the armies of the different human Kingdoms. The human alliance armies consisted of half a million soldiers.

The army had wyvern riders, Wolfen raiders, and there were a lot of famous mercenaries all around. This was the strongest force the human Kingdoms could muster. Leading this powerful army was the Hero from the Temple of the God of Water, Jun.

There were some warriors and generals that didn\'t like the idea that an unknown hero that was also a former commoner would become the Commander of the whole army. So they sought after him to challenge the hero to a battle for the position as Grand Commander.

Jun was sharpening his battle-ax when the supposed finest warriors of each Kingdom came to meet him. He looked at them for a second and continued to sharpen his ax.

"So you\'re supposed to be the current hero? You don\'t look anything special." One of the warriors spoke while looking at Jun with an arrogant smile.

"I can\'t believe I the son of a Duke need to listen to a commoner." Another scoffed at Jun.

"Why should we even be led by a hero, didn\'t the last hero fail his mission? I don\'t think these so called heroes are strong. Unlike true warriors who had trained all their lives, I bet these so called heroes just rely on the blessing given to them." The only woman in the group gave her opinion.

"Enough talk let\'s just get to it."

"So who\'s going to challenge the hero first?"

"I\'ll do it." The first one to step forward was a man wielding a halberd. While the group was talking to Jun, the person in question didn\'t even bother responding as he continued to sharpen his ax.

"O hero, I came here to have a little spar. I want to see if the hero is someone worth following. If you win, I\'ll even help you get along with the warriors from my kingdom, but if you lose I want you to step down as the Grand Commander of the army. So what do you say, are you man enough to accept the challenge?"

Jun didn\'t respond he didn\'t even bother looking at the warrior as he continued to sharpen his ax. This infuriated the warrior as he gripped his halberd.

"Look at me while I\'m talking to you!" The warrior made a piercing motion and aimed at the front of Jun\'s face. He just wanted to scare Jun a bit. Yet the moment he attacked the handle of his halberd was caught by Jun. He tried pulling away but the halberd wouldn\'t budge.

Jun finally looked at the warrior as he stood up from his position. Seeing Jun\'s eyes looking at him the warrior grew irritated. Jun was looking at him the same way the warrior looked at his opponents, looking as if he was looking at a bug.

The warrior who was now filled with anger started circulating his mana to strengthen his body. Yet even with that he still couldn\'t move the halberd. Jun then lifted him alongside the halberd and tossed them to the side. The warrior hit a nearby wall and fainted.

Seeing this scene the four remaining warriors looked at Jun with a bit of fear. That warrior was someone that was on the same level as them yet he was dealt with so easily. As the four warriors were still silently stunned, Jun looked at them and spoke.

"I don\'t have time for this, all four of you come at me together. If you don\'t want to do that then step aside and stop bothering me."

Hearing Jun\'s voice that was full of indifference made the four prideful warriors grit their teeth in anger.

"Don\'t act so cocky you damn commoner! The only reason Jerard lost to you, is because you caught him by surprise. If it wasn\'t for him letting his guard down he wouldn\'t have lost." The son of the Duke, Henry Mercossi shouted at Jun.

"… Y-Yeah Henry is right," The woman warrior called Mia nodded her head in agreement.

"As expected from someone like you, using such a cheap tactic." Jason the warrior famous for dual-wielding two broadswords got into a stance.

"…" Only Albert didn\'t say anything as he knew that he couldn\'t lose concentration when facing someone like Jun. He pushed his round shield slightly forward and his short sword was hidden behind him. Albert was getting ready for whatever was to come.

Due to them shouting, they attracted the attention of the nearby soldiers. Now there was an audience watching the fight.

"Enough yapping and just come at me," Jun spoke with the same tone of indifference.

"Fine, if you truly wish to fight all of us don\'t blame us if you lose. Now pick up your weapon."

"Against the likes of you four, I don\'t need a weapon."

No longer able to hold it in, the three warriors charged forward. The spectators thought that even if Jun was the hero and even if he was strong he shouldn\'t be too much stronger than these famous warriors. Yet the moment they saw the three warriors get close, the three immediately fainted. Everyone gasped in surprise, none of those spectators saw what Jun did, all they saw was the three falling down without warning.

The only one who saw a bit of what happened was Albert who didn\'t charge forward. He saw for a brief second that Jun\'s hands became a blur, and at that moment the three warriors fainted. Albert started sweating profusely as Jun stood there looking at him.

"So will you come forward as well?" Hearing Jun\'s question Albert felt his hands trembling. Albert shook his head as he raised his hands.

"You win."

When Jun heard Albert\'s response he turned around took his ax and left. The dumbfounded audience couldn\'t react for a time, but a few seconds later they started cheering. They got excited seeing how strong the hero was… They felt their confidence soar knowing that someone like that was with them.

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