Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 496 - Time To Conquer

Chapter 496 - Time To Conquer

Ren sat on his throne with a look of utter excitement on his face as he spoke. When the others heard what he said they all had different reactions but they were mostly sighing. No one present in this room was that surprised by Ren\'s declaration.

They have known Ren for a long time now, some of them have been with him even in his past lives. They knew that no matter what ridiculous thing Ren said, he was never joking, he always meant every word that came out of his mouth.

"Hmm, why isn\'t anyone giving out their opinions? Very well, I\'ll just call each one of you and you should tell me what you think. Tsukiyomi how about you go first, let me hear your opinion."

"To conquer the mole people or the lizards? The only thing those mole people know to do is worship dirt and dig underground. As for the lizards I don\'t like them either, especially the weaker ones. At least those at Tanith\'s level know a little restraint and are powerful enough to back up their bark with some bite, but those weaker dragons, don\'t even have the power but they still have that extreme pride of theirs and keep barking even louder than the older ones. So if you ask me, I would conquer the moles, even though I don\'t really like them. As for the lizards, we should just annihilate everyone that\'s in this continent."

Those present that don\'t have any memories of their past lives were rather shocked to hear someone openly show disdain for the mighty dragon clan. She even called the dragons as lizards and wanted to commit genocide.

"Alright, how about you Silika what do you think?"

"Dwarves, I remember them, but in my era, they had a different name… If we\'re talking only about their ability to create then they are unmatched, no matter the universe. They are pretty useful smiths and have a lot of other applications. As for the dragons, all they know is strength, nothing more, and nothing else. So it would be best to conquer the dwarves first before making a move on the dragons. Since no matter how young and weak they are a dragon is still a dragon, the strongest race, second only to the Old Gods themselves."

"Kukuku, I would never have expected to hear such words from you. It\'s rather surprising how weak-willed you are." Tsukiyomi sneered at Silika.

"Hmph, I\'m just stating facts, as a race, it is undeniable that they are powerful, but make no mistake I am even more so," Silika answered Tsukiyomi with a glare, which made Tsukiyomi giggle. Ren didn\'t mind the two\'s silent confrontation and continued on.

"Okay then, how about you Lara?"

"In my eyes, dwarves or dragons, they\'re both pretty worthless, since my alchemy is better than any blacksmith no matter the race. My power once in its peak could rival even the oldest of dragons. So it doesn\'t really matter who we conquer first, so I will let you decide Ren." Lara answered with her usual indifference.

"Kukuku, such big talk from a weakling like you." The moment Tsukiyomi was done speaking, Lara quickly took out her bow and pointed a mana arrow at Tsukiyomi.

"Just you wait, once I finish stabilizing my soul and return to my full power, you\'ll be the first one I beat up." Lara declared with a little bit of killing intent. In response, Tsukiyomi created a sword and pointed it at Lara.

"Heh, I would like to see you try." Tsukiyomi replied with a smug smile on her face. Lara was about to release her arrow, and Tsukiyomi was about to cut Lara\'s hands when suddenly Ren shouted at them.

"Enough you two! Put down your weapons, NOW!" Hearing Ren\'s command, Lara clicked her tongue as she lowered her bow, on the other hand, Tsukiyomi shrugged her shoulder as she made the sword she created disappear. Once the two had lowered their weapons, Ren who did not even stand up from his throne spoke to Valdel.

"Alright then, how about you, what do you think Valdel?" When it was his turn to answer, Valdel shrugged his shoulders.

"I don\'t really know anything about these dwarves, and I know only a little about the dragons, so I don\'t think my input would be of any use."

"It doesn\'t matter, I still want to hear it."

"Fine, based on what I could guess hearing the girls\' description on dwarves, they have great abilities and are good with their hands. So they would be of great use in various ways. As for the dragons, they can only be used as fighters. If we\'re talking about who\'s going to be more useful, I\'ll go with the dwarves."

"I see, thanks for your input Valdel. Then how about you Hilda, what do you think?"

Hilda wasn\'t expecting her name to be called next, as she looked at Ren in surprise. She had many things she wanted to say to him, but for now, she held it in and sighed before answering.

"I\'m of the same mind as Valdel. I know little to nothing about the two races, but based on what I know the better ones to conquer first, are the dwarves."

"Is that so, then what about you Ashley, what do you think of this?"

"I think dragons are cool, and I would love to ride one. So if it was me that gets to pick, I would want to conquer dragons first, and fly in the sky on their mighty backs." This time a different opinion was said, and there was finally one in favor of conquering dragons first.

"Oh, I too want to ride one as well. How about you, Lance what do you think?"

"Master, I don\'t have any clue what dwarves are, but I do know a thing or two about dragons. It would be quite fun to tame those arrogant beasts and show them their place." Lance answered with his battle intent rising.

"I was thinking something similar as well. Then how about-" Ren continued to ask everyone in the room about what their opinions were. After he was done hearing each and everyone\'s input, this is what he got.

There were seven people who wanted to conquer the dwarves first before the dragons, as in their opinion the dwarves would be much more useful than dragons. These people were, Tsukiyomi, Silika, Lara, Valdel, Hilda, Kithra, and Nezzard.

As for the opposing side, there were five people who wanted to conquer the dragons first, and they had many different reasons. These people were Ashley, Lance, Sepchel, Iselv, and Stephan. Ashley wanted to ride a dragon, Lance wanted to shame them, Sepchel wanted to prove his strength and so did Iselv, as for Stephan he wanted to relive the glory days of his clan since back in his ancestor\'s time the Regalcrags were said to be powerful enough to hunt dragons.

"Now that I have heard all of your opinions, I have made my decision." Ren stood up from his throne and smiled that vicious smile of his and announced.

"We will now head to the Dwarven Kingdoms! Everyone begin preparations, for now, it is time to CONQUER!"

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