Death Scripture

Chapter 595 - Internal Energy Competition

Chapter 595: Internal Energy Competition

Just as Shangguan Fei and Fang Wenshi stayed in the Dragon King’s tent, three female soldiers of the Land of Fragrance came to visit.

Since the disappearance of Shangguan Ru, the three of them almost came to the Dragon King’s camp every day, reporting on the situation of the army and seeking advice and orders from the Dragon King. And this time they had brought important information.

This was one of Gu Shenwei’s agreements with the Second Consort. He was responsible for saving Luo Ningcha and the Second Consort helped him find Shangguan Ru’s whereabouts. It was not convenient for the two to meet so the female officers of the Land of Fragrance worked as their messenger.

The eleven disciples of the Essence Pavilion were indeed living in the royal palace and they were very popular around the Khan. But the Second Consort assured that the Khan was not deluded. He was only hoping to extend his life with the help of the powers of these eccentrics.

Like all the emperors, the Khan wasn’t able to get rid of the pattern of the pursuit of longevity. As death approached, he became more anxious and obstinate.

But just as Gu Shenwei had expected, Shangguan Ru wasn’t in the hands of the disciples of the Essence Pavilion.

“Second Consort got news that the instructor was kidnapped by people of the Central Plains and was kept in the craftsmen’s area.” One of the female officers said. Then she produced a simple map and pointed out the location.

Gu Shenwei wasn’t surprised that the Second Consort could find out the detailed result so quickly. She had secretly plotted for many years in the Royal Court and had a lot of connections, which were no less than King Kuari’s.

As for the people of the Central Plains she mentioned, they were either the disciples of the Essence Pavilion or pawns of a certain king. In this way, they could circumvent the truce agreement between the Dragon King and the Norland.

“There are not many kidnappers, about a dozen or so. Second Consort said they might be the elders of the Jade Pure Sect.” The female officer continued.

Fang Wenshi left. Shangguan Fei had been listening nearby. Upon hearing this, he blurted out, “It’s them!”

The Jade Pure Sect had sent five Taoist priests from the Central Plains to the Norland, whose purpose was to take back those external kung fu manuals from Old Man Mu. But they soon became interested in the Dragon King’s Grand Enlightenment Sword Sutra and claimed that they could help remove the hidden danger of Qi deviation but wanted to trade his martial arts manual.

They had given a ten-day deadline. The time hadn’t come yet, they had surprisingly acted first and kidnapped Shangguan Ru.

As to whether Old Man Mu was a kidnapper or a hostage, the Second Consort wasn’t able to find it out. Gu Shenwei also couldn’t figure it out.

But this somehow explained why the kidnappers didn’t make any requests, they were actually waiting for the tenth day.

“Very good. You can go back now, I’ll get your instructor out.”

The three officers exchanged a glance and said in unison, “Dragon King, we also want to come to the instructor’s rescue.”

To the female soldiers of the Land of Fragrance, Shangguan Ru was not only their instructor but also a leader and protector. Therefore, they were eager to help.

“No need. Just wait for my news.”

The officers had obviously guessed that the Dragon King would have such an answer, so they had worked out a countermeasure in advance. One of the officers said, “Dragon King, we know our kung fu is poor and we’ll be a burden to you. But saving the instructor is the most important thing for us. If we don’t offer any help now, the soldiers of the Land of Fragrance will complain that we’re not doing our best and we would be too ashamed to see them after we return home. So please take us to the rescue, even if Dragon King only chooses one of us”

Gu Shenwei couldn’t refuse, especially when Shangguan Fei was gesturing actively nearby to suggest him to agree. Shangguan Fei would prefer all the one thousand female soldiers to participate in the mission.

Gu Shenwei had concealed the news of Shangguan Ru’s disappearance and didn’t openly admit it even when the rumors were widespread. So, he also didn’t want to make a big fuss about saving people. “Alright, you can suggest one person come with me.”

The women soldiers had already got a candidate. Two officers stepped aside and pointed their companion in the middle, “She’s the best fighter in our army. Please take her with you, Dragon King.”

The rescue team changed from two to three.

The other two female officers took their leave. Gu Shenwei looked at the simple map and pondered on a detailed rescue plan.

Shangguan Fei was rarely interested in the female officer of the Land of Fragrance. He himself needed to be protected so he didn’t want to bring another burden that needed to be taken care of. Therefore, he had to ascertain this woman’s martial arts skills.

“You are not used to the life here, aren’t you?” Shangguan Fei chatted with feigned enthusiasm.

The female officer nodded. She was in her twenties and was one of the youngest officers of the Land of Fragrance. She had the typical appearance of a barbarian with a long, natural curly hair that couldn’t even be completely covered with a helmet. Well-mannered, she didn’t speak much to the Dragon King, not to mention Shangguan Fei.

“Who did you learn kung fu from? Is it my sister?”

The female officer looked puzzled, Shangguan Fei had to explain, “I mean your instructor. We’re twins. I’m her elder brother, she’s my little sister. Well, can’t tell?”

The female officer looked at him carefully for a while and nodded with a smile. “You two look a bit alike if checked carefully.”

In fact, Shangguan Fei and Shangguan Ru were very similar in appearance but very different in temperament. This was why many people could not see that they were twins.

“Did you learn kung fu from my sister?”


“Oh, that’s not very long. Maybe more than a year, less than two?”

“One year and three months.”

“Have you learned kung fu before?”


Shangguan Fei’s interest in her stopped here. He turned to the Dragon King and kept winking at him. His idea was either to bring dozens or hundreds of female archers or none at all.

The Dragon King ignored Shangguan Fei’s hint. He raised his head and said, “These five men of Jade Pure Sect are very useful.”

“Ahh?” Shangguan Fei was stunned, then his face lit up, “Right, they know how to treat the disease. Let’s save my sister first, and then kidnap them …”

Gu Shenwei shook his head, “No, I have a better idea.”

Shangguan Fei was even happier, and for the first time he became enthusiastic about the rescue, “Dragon King is going to trick them into curing the Qi deviation for me … And you.”

“There are two strands of internal Qi in your Dantian, one yin, and one yang. They can’t be fused and therefore, may cause Qi deviation. I’ve thought of a way to fuse the two with the help of external forces. The Taoist priests of the Jade Pure Sect are good at internal energy which is actually a ‘good medicine’ to cure your disease. I’ll pass you an internal Qi manual later. Direct your internal Qi as I said when you compete internal energy with them, it may be very effective.”

Shangguan Fei immediately became wary of the ‘solution’ the Dragon King just came up with. “Dragon King clearly said yesterday that the loophole of the Three-in-One Power had been eliminated …”

“The original method works too slowly. This one will get effect instantly.”

“So I’m going to wade in for the Dragon King again?” “Mm, is there a problem?”

Shangguan Fei had a bellyful of grievance but became happy again after a second thought, “No problem. At least this time is to cure the disease, not practicing kung fu.” That was all he could say for himself.

Gu Shenwei turned to the female officer, “What’s your name?”

He had always been careful in his dealings with the women soldiers of the Land of Fragrance. Although these three female officers visited him every day, he never asked their names.

“Red Bat.”

Gu Shenwei was only asking casually. Hearing the answer, he was stunned.

“My old name was too complicated, this is my new name given by the instructor,” explained the female officer.

Shangguan Fei muttered, “Sister always gives weird names.”

For Gu Shenwei, the name wasn’t weird at all. He was actually very familiar with it. He had once told Shangguan Ru a story about a lone great thief, in which the protagonist was called ‘Red Bat’.

“So you must be quite good at lightness skills?”

Hearing the Dragon King’s praise, the female officer Red Bat was a bit surprised but very pleased, “The instructor said I’m talented. I have been learning for so long but I’m still not even close to the instructor.”

The women officers knew their strengths and weaknesses well and did not send the Dragon King an unqualified helper.

On the second night watch period, the three of them put on their full set of night suits and set out from the camp. The Red Bat proved that her martial arts training for more than a year had not been in vain. She knew the rules of stealth very well, and her movement was almost flawless.

Even Shangguan Fei had to admit that his sister’s disciple was excellent.

The Taoist priests of the Jade Pure Sect, who originally lived in the Taoist temple in the suburbs, moved into the craftsman’s area a few days ago. They rented a small camp on the edge with more than a dozen tents of various sizes, which looked no different from their neighbors.

The early investigation was no different from an assassination mission of Golden Roc Castle. The three went out separately to check and moved closer to the camp in circles, searching for hidden sentries and ambushes.

They found nothing. The Taoist priests of the Jade Pure Sect seemed to be especially confident or lack of experience. They didn’t arrange anyone to guard outside.

When the three of them met again, Shangguan Fei whispered, “Could it be a trap?”

“We have to jump in even if it’s a trap.”

“What’s the Dragon King’s plan?” Shangguan Fei always admired the Dragon King’s astuteness and resourcefulness. The Dragon King had thought for a long while before they acted so his plan must be foolproof.

Gu Shenwei gave the order to the Red Bat first. “Stay on the periphery and keep an eye on whether anyone sneaks out of the camp.”

The Red Bat nodded and turned, quickly disappearing into the night.

Then Gu Shenwei said to Shangguan Fei, “Go challenge them, I’ll protect you in the back.”

“Challenge directly … like this?” Shangguan Fei was taken aback. This wasn’t like the Dragon King’s style at all.

“Yes, force them to compete internal energy with you. Remember to use the method I taught you.”

Shangguan Fei’s confidence fell to the rock bottom. Before setting out, the Dragon King did pass onto him a method of guiding the internal Qi, which was simple and easy to learn. It was similar to the Balanced Power Lotus had taught him, so he didn’t doubt it. But the Dragon King had too many whims on the Three-in-One Power, it was still unknown whether it was effective and would bring more hidden dangers.

“Don’t you believe me?” Gu Shenwei stressed.

Shangguan Fei didn’t dare to say that he didn’t believe him. Gritting his teeth, he only asked one question, “Dragon King will save me if I’m in real danger, right?”

“You are very useful to me.”

That was enough. As he mustered all his courage, Shangguan Fei walked out of the shadow and went straight to the camp of the Jade Pure Sect. He stopped at the door and said loudly, “Come out, you curs of Jade Pure Sect. Let your granddaddy teach you a lesson!”

There was no response in the camp, but someone in the nearby tent looked this way.

Shangguan Fei raised his voice, “Curs of Jade Pure Sect, you dared to come to Royal Court but dared not to show yourselves?”

Finally, a Taoist priest came out, who was thin and small, and not the type Shangguan Fei feared.

“Who are you? What do you have against us?”

“Huh, I would have snuck inside and avenged myself if I have a grudge. I’m just in bad mood tonight and want to blow off steam on a Taoist priest.”

Before he finished speaking, Shangguan Fei leaped to the Taoist priest and launched a palm strike. Since they were going to compete with the internal energy, he didn’t want to waste time.

The Jade Pure Sect of the Central Plains had lost their external kung fu manuals but their internal energy was very powerful. So the Taoist priest also stuck out his palm to take the blow.

The two palms collided, and both sides infused a great deal of internal energy at the same time.

Shangguan Fei’s body swayed, and he inwardly cursed the Dragon King, his timidity rising again.

The Taoist priest’s internal energy was unexpectedly powerful. Shangguan Fei immediately changed from attack to defense. He could barely protect himself, not to mention use the healing method the Dragon King had taught him.

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