The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers

Chapter 77

Xu Yao’s eyebrows were exactly the same as his Dad’s and the shape of his ears were just like that of his Mom’s, so it was impossible to deny the family connection.

Le Yao stared at Xu Yao for a couple of seconds, then stared at the old couple, and suddenly became stiff. He had yelled so loudly a few moments ago...

Should not leave any bad impressions on my parents-in-law!

Le Yao hurriedly and quietly moved a few steps to the side like a crab, then took two steps back, stood next to Xu Yao, held his arm, completely disregarding the fact that three sevens always make twenty-one, and smiled brightly and widely, “Hello, Uncle and Aunt.”

Father Xu and Mother Xu: “...”

Xu Yao probably hadn’t expected to see his parents after 20 whole years, so he just stood stunned for a while. He recollected himself only when he heard Le Yao’s voice ring out from beside him. He led Le Yao in taking a few steps forward to stand opposite his parents, and then looking at them with a complex gaze, he said, “Mom, Dad, I’m Xu Yao.”

Xu Yao had been a child when his father and mother had passed away, but since he was very smart, he had always remembered his parents’ appearance. He had also kept the photos they had taken together. However, actually facing this couple made him feel a little strange.

Xiang Xing looked at the face that seemed to have been carved from the same mold as that of her husband, and looked like she wanted to cry, but suddenly remembered that she could shed no tears. She quickly floated to Xu Yao’s side, raised her hand and gently put it on Xu Yao’s face. “Are you really Xu Yao?”

“Yes,” replied Xu Yao. He looked at his father, who had still not opened his mouth and called, “Dad.”

Xu Wei nodded, “Good son, you have grown well.”

Xu Yao hurriedly suppressed the hot and humid stuff clouding his eyes and said with a smile, “Well, I’m already married.” His hand slowly rubbed Le Yao’s neck, naturally showing his possessiveness. “His name is Le Yao, he is your daughter-in-law. Le Yao, they’re my parents, what did you call them before, uncle and aunt?”

Le Yao: It would be too embarrassing to be too familiar with them at the first meeting itself! But he quickly smiled and corrected himself, “Dad, Mom.”

The couple laughed and uttered, “En.”

Xiang Xing looked at Le Yao and thought that the child was really good-looking, though he did seem to have a short temper. And is he pregnant? His stomach was visibly bulging and it looked like he had been pregnant for at least four or five months!!!

Le Yao knew that she was staring at his stomach and felt somewhat uncomfortable with it. He hurriedly said, “Don’t just keep standing, Dad, Mom, please sit down and then let’s continue to chat.”

Since Ji Fengyu and the other ghosts often came by for a talk, Le Yao had already created a tea table and sofa set that the undead could use in the living room, and it faced the sofa that they sat on. Upon seeing that the two of them had floated over to sit down, Le Yao hurriedly went to get two incense cones and burned it to them. Then he quietly and obediently sat beside Xu Yao, making it look as if the short tempered Le Yao from before was merely an illusion.

Witnessing all this, Yan Jie and Uncle Ming quietly backed out, leaving the space to the family of four, no, it was a family of seven!

“What is this?” Xiang Xing curiously asked Le Yao.

“It’s a fruity fragrance, Mom. You can taste it and see if you like it or not. If you don’t like this one, I still have other flavors.” Le Yao said and pushed the incense cone forward.

“Thank you.” Xiang Xing didn’t think she would be able to smell the scent that was emitting from the cone thing. After all, she couldn’t smell anything since she died. But, how was it that after just inhaling it for two times, she could smell a sweet fruity flavor?!

“How is this possible?” Xu Wei was also curious. Obviously, it was just the burning of a solid fragrance stick, but it was clearly very satisfying to smell it, and even felt as if he was actually eating the real fruit.

“Le Yao made it. He has many special abilities.” Xu Yao continued, “He did the same thing to invite you here. I’ve tried it a few times myself previously but it never worked.” Xu Yao then held Le Yao’s hand, and his thumb gently caressed Le Yao’s palm, his feelings of gratitude towards him being self-evident. If it wasn’t for Le Yao, he might have missed the chance to see his parents again.

Before he met Le Yao, he had never thought that he would, one day, be able to see his parents again, let alone in such a unique way. But no matter what, it was better to see them now more than anything. Although the gap caused by 20 some years couldn’t be filled in a short while, blood relatives were blood relatives after all. They didn’t need too many words to realize the kind of closeness that would only exist between family members.

The one and only sad part was that you couldn’t hug or touch, so a lingering sense of suffocation that couldn’t be vented had to be suppressed within the heart.

Fortunately, none of them were impatient people.

Xu Yao then asked, “Mom, Dad, have you been in Qingze Middle School all along?”

Xiang Xing replied, “Yes. Our spirits have been there ever since the earthquake happened. That night, we saw you in the woods not far from the school. We were worried about you, but no matter how loud we called out to you, you couldn’t hear us. Later, our bodies were taken away by the rescue team. I remember you were too young at that time, so Ming Shan didn’t dare to let you see our bodies. At that time, you thought we were still there and waited for us every day. And so we stayed, we just wanted to spend more time with you.”

As a result, they missed the opportunity to go to Fu Ta Yuan...

Thus, they were imprisoned in the vicinity of Qingze Middle School and couldn’t leave and travel too far away from it. But they didn’t regret it. They believed that they would be able to see their son whenever he visited. It turned out that their choice was right. In the years after their deaths, their son did visit Qingze Middle School every year. It wasn’t until later, when he got busy with school, and hence couldn’t go.

They didn’t expect to meet again in this way.

Xiang Xing’s eyes were downcast because she had failed to watch her child grow up. Nevertheless, there was also a reassuring smile on her lips, as her son had grown up to be so excellent; he had grown up well even after having to leave his parents’ wings so early in life.

They saw his uniform when they arrived. He could attain the rank of a General at such a young age, which was something that an ordinary person couldn’t do.

Xu Wei’s eyes were overflowing with pride. He patted Xu Yao gently on his shoulder, “Son, you are much better than Dad.”

The tears that Xu Yao had quashed previously suddenly fell down. He turned his head away in a sharp movement, seemingly wanting to say something, but ultimately saying nothing.

Le Yao felt a twinge of pain in his heart, so he hurriedly asked, “By the way, husband, when you tried, did you summon them from the Fu Ta Yuan near the town instead?”

“No, I tried to call them from Qingze Middle School too.”

Le Yao was surprised and turned to look at his in-laws, “Didn’t you hear his call before, Mom, Dad?”

Xiang Xing replied, “Yes, we did. But we didn’t recognize him, so didn’t dare to come. Besides, he only called for one person at a time. We have never experienced such a situation, and were afraid of being separated, so we just stayed. Fortunately, you called us using the rattan bear. As soon as we saw the bear, we knew that the summoner must be someone who knows Xu Yao, and thus here we are.”

Xiang Xing then took out the small rattan bear. The bear was so small that she could grasp it with one hand. Le Yao didn’t realize that he had printed the bears very small in order to save time and resources. Then, since he was in a hurry, he had forgotten to write the size it should be on it, which led to the bear being so small.

“It’s all thanks to Le Yao’s idea.” Xu Yao answered while dotingly caressing Le Yao’s face.

“I just thought that our parents should still be around, so I decided to try all kinds of methods to call them. What if one of them turns out to be right? And hasn’t it been successful?” Le Yao smiled, “It’s really nice to see you.”

“When did you get married?” Father Xu asked.

Xu Yao replied, “In March this year. I went to Xingdu to deal with something and subsequently just registered for marriage with him, after which I took him to Huaxia.”

“March?! And the belly is already so big? Xu Yao, did you...” Did you do that before registering the marriage? Xiang Xing didn’t directly say all this, but the meaning of her expression was very clear.

“No, no, Mom, don’t get us wrong.” Le Yao quickly waved his hand and explained, “This is mainly because of the number, not because of the long...” What am I talking about?

Xu Yao then laughed and interrupted, “He has three little guys in his stomach, that’s why it looks particularly big.”

“Three?!” The old couple were shocked.

“Un.” Le Yao smiled awkwardly. “Husband, why don’t you talk with our parents first? I’ll prepare a place for them to live.”

Xu Yao realized that Le Yao was embarrassed upon seeing his face, but he didn’t stop him from leaving. He said, “Go ahead, it’s been hard on you.”

Le Yao hurriedly left the living room after smiling towards the old couple.

When he got to the study, he took a long breath. Then, he not only burned a new mansion, but also ordered some clothes and shoes on the Internet, and also paid for express delivery of the items. Although extra money needed to be given for a night delivery, he didn’t care much about that. He was concerned with receiving these things and burning them to be placed into the new mansion, which could be said to be a thoughtful gesture from an attentive daughter-in-law.

Since his mother-in-law had beautiful long hair, he even bought some pretty hair ornaments when he saw an advertisement on the homepage of the online shopping mall.

It was almost midnight by the time he finished printing the mansion and shopping for things. He went downstairs to the living room to find Xu Yao and saw him still chatting with his parents. It seemed that there were endless words being exchanged, with most of the topics revolving around him.

Xu Yao said with a smile, “He has a good temper. His reaction in the beginning was from him becoming very anxious after failing to summon you two after trying dozens of times. You’ll come to know later that Le Yao is very considerate and very skilled at cooking.”

“He seems to be perfect,” said Xiang Xing.

“No, there are still some shortcomings.” Xu Yao laughed, “His workmanship is not very good, the cotton stuffing inside any sewed doll usually sticks out.”

“Nonsense, what kind of a shortcoming is that?” Xiang Xing said, “If he likes doing it, I will teach him later.”

“Okay, it’s gotten quite late. Let our son go to sleep first. Since we are here now, there will be a lot of time to chat in the future.” Xu Wei saw Le Yao come over and said with a smile, “Our daughter-in-law is pregnant with children. Don’t let them go to sleep too late.”

“Yes, yes, that right. Son, go, accompany Le Yao to sleep. We’ll talk again tomorrow night. We will be around here in the future. We will not go anywhere.”

“Well, let’s go, Mom, Dad. Let’s go to the yard. Le Yao should have made a place for you to live in.” His parents had come to the living room directly first, so they should not have seen the ’house’ in the yard. No wonder they couldn’t even imagine the concept of a house for the undead.

Sure enough, when the couple heard that their daughter-in-law might have given them a place to live, they couldn’t comprehend it for a while.

What else do they want to live in when they’re all dead?! Shouldn’t they just drill into the ground at night?

Nonetheless, when they saw the big structure in the yard, they were shocked. There was a mansion! A translucent mansion! It was so different from the houses they usually saw, and there were more than one house of this same sort in the yard!

Le Yao pointed to the house on the right side and said, “Mom, Dad, that building has been here from before. I have several friends living there.” Then he shouted, “Fengyu, are you inside?”

Ji Fengyu came out with a ’whoosh’ and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Xu Yao smiled, “Brother Fengyu, these are my parents. They will live in the house opposite yours from now on.”

Ji Fengyu then greeted them, “Hello, Uncle and Aunt. I am Ji Fengyu, a friend of Xu Yao’s and Le Yao’s. If you have any questions in the future, you can find me anytime.”

Le Yao said, “Fengyu, take my parents to the mansion, and see if there is anything lacking.”

The three members of Bei Hongli’s family and Rong Gui had gone to keep watch on the Jiang Family’s house again, so Ji Fengyu took these two new undead members into the house and showed them around.

What things do you really want in a mansion? A bed, wardrobe, shoe cabinet, new clothes and slippers! Xu Wei and Xiang Xing were stunned. This house had been prepared for them immediately after their arrival, but it had been done too fast, hadn’t it?! How did he do it?

At this time, they heard the words Leslie said, “General, there is an express delivery. It has been checked. There is no danger.”

Xu Yao asked Le Yao, “What did you buy?”

“Rattan and a few things to make crafts by hand,” said Le Yao. “I was afraid Mom would be bored. This way, she can pass the time by making some handicrafts.”

Xiang Xing was immediately moved and praised, “Good boy, you have a thoughtful heart. But I can’t do it in such a state...”

“You can,” replied Le Yao confidently.

The smart delivery box had already landed in the yard. Xu Yao opened it using a password. There were a lot of supplies for handicrafts inside. He took all the things out while Le Yao drew a big circle on the ground. He wrote the receiving address in it and then burned all the things after placing them inside the circle.

Xiang Xing looked pained as the new materials were burned by the fire. But it just hurt for less than a minute before everything appeared in front of her! In a different form!

The couple picked up the rattan and the other things one by one, then looked at the smiling Le Yao, and were completely dumbfounded!

What kind of a fairy daughter-in-law is this?!


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