To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 207


TDADP chapter 207: Kuro´s nudity

「What are you looking at... haha! Are you underestimating me!?」

「Are you really serious?」


A cat man attacked Kuro, but he returned and flew in the air.

「Waaa. King, everyone is flying in the sky」


[ED: "Shugoii!" here means "Amazing!" for anyone less knowledgeable in Japanese ]

Children watching Kuro’s power comparison with Yuu are excited by the appearance of people dancing in the air.

「What about you guys, school?」

「Today. It’s until noon」


The children answer all at once. Someone from the deprived people who can’t speak shows the word "until noon" on a board hanging around his neck and shows it to Yuu.

「Kantan, your handwriting is beautiful」

「That’s right. Sensei. Kantan your hand-writing is really beautiful」

「And it can also be said that Kantan is the best! Tests~ are corrected by him」

Complimented by Yuu and the children, Kantan embarrassedly concealed his face with the board.

「Master, I have something to ask」

Tin, whose height is not much different from the children, asks Yuu.

「What is it Tin. Since it’s just before lunch, having a snack is not good」

「Elder sister Tin is a glutton」

「Before the meal, my mom told me I couldn’t eat sweets」

「Master, it’s terrible. I’m not such a glutton!」

「But when we told you that Master gave an apple pie yesterday, you were so angry」

When the fox girl tells Yuu, Tin shakes her hands and screams "No".

「I want you to be silent because the story is already off」

「Huhu, it’s bad. What do you want to hear?」

「Well, what happens if that goblin named Kuro wins and everyone isn’t convinced?」

「Even if Kuro wins. That is――」

「It is decided to dispose of them」

Marifa answers Tin’s question before Yuu answers.

「Elder sister, a disposal?」

「Yes, of course? In the first place, it’s disrespectful to object to the decision of Master in and of itself, and it’s a blasphemy to Master. We don’t need them, do we?」

Even the maids who adore their older sister were accepting Marifa´s remarks. Was it to get promoted from apprentice slave maid to maid when they agree without objection? It was only them who did it.

「Hey Hey. Mari-neechan」

「What is Namari? I’m telling something important right no――」

「Why is Kuro´s ** visible?」

Marifa stiffens to Namari’s question. That’s right. Kuro took off his gear before starting the power comparison, but he was not wearing clothes under it. This is because his clothes have been damaged, torn, and scattered because he has been in the 『Devil’s Prison』 for a long time.

「――Namari, what did you say just now? His **......?」

「Yes his ** is visible! Is that the reason why Kuro is fighting like that?」

The children were the first to respond to Namari’s question.

「That’s true! That goblin´s ** is in full view!」

「Yes! Why isn’t he wearing pants?」

「His **! King, you also see that Goblin´s **!」

「Yo, you guys, stop! Don’t say such vulgar things!」

The children beaten by Marifa couldn’t understand why they were beaten. Nina smiled and told Yuu, "I like children like that," and Lena stared as if she was observing Marifa. And Namari thinks a little with her arms folded.

「His **?」

「It’s not something you should say yourself!」

「Why don’t you say **?」

「Namari, please stop! It’s not good to say **...... aloud」

「Why? Odono-sama, when I grow up, will I also have a ** like Kuro?」

「Don’t ask me」

「Ahaha. Namari-chan its impossible~」

「Why is it Nina-neechan?」

「Because Namari-chan can’t」

「Why? Do you know Mari-neechan?」

「Yes....... That, emm, it’s embarrassing」

Marifa, who is in trouble with a red face, turns around what she should do and Lena meets her eyes.

「...... I’ve never heard a girl of my age cry out ** loud」

「Naa! Le, Lena!! In that way, it’s as if I’m――chin....... chi...... I can’t say it!!」

「......You said it」

「I didn’t say it!」

「...... Yuu, did she say it?」

「Master, I didn’t say that, right?」

「...... Pupu, desperate」

「Le...... Lena! I’m already angry」

「...... You’re always angry」

「Lena, wait! It’s cowardly to run away to the sky!!」

Marifa chases Lena who runs to the sky on the broom and the children who were watching the situation all said in a big chorus.

「Hie~. Mari-chan is so angry」

「What are you doing? Vanamo, do something about it」

「I, I !? Tin, it all started with your story, so you should take responsibility」

「Eh, it’s bothersome. That’s right! Melanie should do something. You like it, don’t you? **」

「Don’t say ridiculous things in front of Master!」

「Ouch!! Fo, Forgive me」

Melanie, a tiger girl who was shaken by Tin, caught Tin and pressed her fist against the temple of the forehead.

「King~, Agafon is coming」

Impika, who straddled Yuu’s neck, notices that Agafon is coming towards them.

「King, can I have a minute?」

「Do you not have to participate?」

「I’m not interested in the military at all. I´m, emm」

Whether Agafon is nervous, he whispers into Yuu’s face. It is difficult to say for him, as he is breathing unnaturally while scratching his head many times. When Akane sitting on Agafon´s head hits his head, he breathed in to see if he was prepared.

「We want to be adventurers!」

Around Agafon, there were Flavia, Akane, a fallen demon girl, a demi-human man, a man of the deprived people, a half-orc boy, and the members who were always persistent to the last minute in training.

「You know you want to be an adventurer and you’re not only saying you want to be an adventurer?」

「Usu. We want to become an adventurer like King and go to an ice labyrinth or a mountain-filled labyrinth full of big trees」

「I want to go to a labyrinth with lots of fish」

Momo laying on Namari’s head was staring at Akane.

「Akane also wants to be an adventurer?」

「Yes. I will become an adventurer, and I will grow stronger than now! Then I will beat the human race!」

Akane is from the same 『Mystery Garden Labyrinth』 as Momo. When the former 『Leaf of Authority』 clan attacked the flower garden where Hisui and the others lived, they lost many friends. Even now, resentment to the human race has persisted.




「If I get stronger, will I defeat the humans?」

「I think you should do as you like」

Akane, who thought that Yuu would stop her, jumped on Yuu’s head from Agafon´s head out of joy. Momo, who was watching it rushed and flew from Namari’s head toward Akane. Impika is about to lose balance and grabs Yuu’s hair. Yuu whose head is rampant is a good nuisance.

「It’s nice to be an adventurer, but you won’t be coming back here again?」

「I’m prepared」

Marifa, who had given up chasing Lena for some time, stood behind Yuu and listened to the request of Agafon and the others.

「Okay. Where do you want to become an adventurer? I’ll send you where I’ve been」

Agafon and others are confused by Yuu’s words.

「What’s wrong? Somewhere in the five great countries? Or will you do it in a different country?」

「We want to join the King’s clan and be an adventurer」

「My clan? Not good」


「Because you’re weak」

Namari, who was sitting on Yuu’s lap, shouted, 「I am strong!」! and Yu closed his mouth after saying「Noisy」.

「We may be weak now, but we want to adventure with the King! Someday, no! We hope we will become strong!!」

When Agafon lowers his head, Flavia and the others also bow down.

「I’m not going to give you any special treatment, nor will I give you preferential treatment」

「Understood. To become an adventurer, we get it ourselves!」

「Even salary will not be paid as before」

「Savings――I will use that. But Flavia and the others are saving up, so it’s okay!」

Behind Agafon, Flavia muttered, 「I don’t lend it to Agafon」, and those around her also said that.

「King, please!」


「Don’t shout, I understand」



Even if Yuu scolded him, Agafon didn’t hear it, as he shared his joy with Flavia and the others.

「I’m fine, but you guys told the chiefs and your families, right?」

「It’s alright!」

「The chiefs would rather say we could go」

After that, Agafon and Yuu discuss when to go to Comer city. Marifa, who was silently listening to Yuu until the end, finally opened her mouth as she saw Agafon and the others run away in preparation for moving.

「Master, are you really going to put those people in the clan?」

「They really want to be an adventurer, so I’ll do it」

「Certainly. So are those people living in the same house as Master?」

「It’s going to be like that at first. If they don’t like the mansion, they can find their own home」

Agafon and the others can’t complain about Yuu’s mansion. In the first place, if they want to say such a thing, Marifa won’t stay silent.

「Master, let’s have a consultation......」

When Marifa consulted Yuu with something, the power comparison between Kuro and the Nameless Kingdom dwellers was over. Around Kuro, who was naked and standing, there was a figure of Machupi who has a swollen face and didn’t move. Why are the children looking at Kuro´s figure?


「The strong goblin´s ** is exposed!」

「I’m also taking out my **!」

「Stop it!」

Marifa interrupted the consultation with Yuu, and the children were impressed.

[Editor’s Note: If you’re wondering... Yes this whole chapter basically revolved around a "black snake" on Kuro’s body... Why Author...? Why...?]

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