Marvel's Superman

Chapter 217 - 214 | Corvinus Family, The Magical Bloodline.

Chapter 217 - 214 Corvinus Family, The Magical Bloodline.

"Why can\'t I be interested in Selene… also, me, secretly plan something?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders, expressing that only children make choices, while adults, of course, want them all. ??

"I have adjusted my evaluation of you to the most…… reasonable level, but I didn\'t think I was still underestimating you."

Howard almost spat out the coffee in his mouth and coughed twice in a row before he recovered.

Sometimes, Luke was so frank that he was speechless and didn\'t know what todo next.

"Well, I admit that I am a little interested in vampires."

Seeing Howard\'s speculation, Luke simply stopped pretending and went straight to the point.

"Accurately speaking, what I am interested in is actually the whole Corvinus family."

In his view, all vampires and werewolves were scum.

They couldn\'t go out during the day and were afraid of the sunshine.

If the regular army of human beings started to cleanse the land, they could easily be solved.

The other party would lose their wits after the transformation and had trouble staying sober.

In addition, a silver bullet could cause effective damage to them, and they weren\'t a threat.

For so many years, except for the early Middle Ages, when science and technology were underdeveloped and people were ignorant, vampires briefly ruled the European continent and had no history worth telling.

Not to mention, after that, the masters of the Temple of the Three kicked vampires off the top of the pyramid of power and kept them in a fixed range like domestic animals.

When science prevailed, and guns were born, they could only hide in the corner and lament.

At best, they would use human greed and desire for eternal life to entice the other side to cooperate.

It was impossible for them to regain a dominant position and gain a strong voice.

As for werewolves, there was no need to say more.

For hundreds of years, they were slaves of the vampires.

With their low status, they were living miserable life.

Until the Leader, Lucian, appeared.

This werewolf was able to use his head. Not only did he lead his clan to rise, but he also had a deep hatred towards the Lord, Viktor.

Gradually, his hatred accumulated like a terrible curse deeply imprinted in blood, which was hard to erase.

This was the feud between the werewolves and vampires of the Corvinus family.

They came from the same ancestor, but they all hated each other.

"I thought you had a crush on the vampire. I didn\'t think it was for an old man … What\'s so special about the Corvinus family?"

Howard was somewhat uninterested and wanted to groan, but feeling Luke\'s sweeping eyes, he decided to change his words and ask.

He was still in the other party\'s hands if he was given to others -- such as Rogers.

He knew that he was in Paris to have fun, but unfortunately, he got scared by a female vampire and almost lost his vitality.

Wouldn\'t it be a lifetime of ruin? It would be difficult to lift his head in the future.

Howard would usually say harsh words, and when he couldn\'t, he would simply turn cynical.

But if the object of his poisonous tongue was Superman, he was the one who would have a difficult time.

"Howard, you are a scientist."

Luke tapped his finger on the table and spoke meaningfully, "Alexander Corvinus survived the Black Death. Hydra believes that his body contains the secret to immunity from disease and immortality."

"To experiment, Hydra injected him with a vampire and werewolf serum, thus creating a mixed-race monster."

"You\'ve said this once before, is there something wrong with it?"

Howard frowned and couldn\'t understand Luke.

"Of course, there is."

The corners of Luke\'s mouth rose and said, "Alexander Corvinus had three sons. William was bitten by a wolf and became the ancestor of the werewolves."

"Marcus was attacked by bats and became the vampire leader of the Corvinus coven."

"So, the question is …"

"Why is that?"

Facing Luke\'s question, Howard was lost in thought.

After a long time, the light in his head flashed, and he seemed to have caught an answer.

"Alexander Corvinus\'s blood has an amazing fusion function!"

Howard suddenly became excited. He wasn\'t the top expert in biology.

But as a qualified genius, it was normal for him to know a lot of things.

The immune system of the human body would reject foreign things.

Whether it was organ transplantation or blood transfusion.

It was all the same.

"Alexander Corvinus has been injected with vampire and werewolf serums. Then, he passed this power on to his two sons."

"It was a recessive gene, which could react with the blood of any living thing and produce a mutation!"

"Otherwise, there\'s no way to explain why William and Marcus became the ancestors of werewolves and the vampires after being bitten by animals."

Howard spoke quickly and urgently. He instantly understood what Luke was aiming at.

If all this was true, the blood of Alexander Corvinus must have amazing fusion ability and be capable of combining with the genes of any kind of creature.


Luke nodded his head in satisfaction and snapped his fingers.

Howard never let people down when it came to thinking.

"If the genes of mutants could be transplanted into ordinary people through the fusion ability of Corvinus\' blood, it would be like a shelf of items that could be selected at will and made to order."

Luke began to think big, sketching a beautiful blueprint.

"Or, perhaps, the genetic characteristics of animals, such as the regeneration of severed limbs in geckos. It can be used in the medical industry to heal diseases."

"What do you think?"

"Wouldn\'t it change the future and usher in a whole new era for mankind?"

Luke\'s words were inspiring, and Howard\'s heart was pounding.

Apart from being a scientist, he was still a successful businessman.

Almost immediately, they discovered a huge business opportunity.

"This … is a treasure that hasn\'t been discovered yet!"

Howard was in high spirits when it came to business, not the least bit sleepy despite the two heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"Tell me, Luke, what are you going to do?"

Originally, Stark Industries cooperated with Luke to create an opportunity for SkyNet to enter the communication industry and plan for future development.

However, the fusion blood in Alexander Corvinus opened the door to a new world for Howard.

"Of course, the first thing to do is to talk to Lieutenant General Corvinus and then find the descendants of his third son."

Luke had already made plans. He had contacted Alexander Corvinus, and he was on his way.

"The third son?"

Howard had some doubts.

"He has been injected with the werewolf and vampire serum and is a true hybrid."

Luke patiently explained.

"His blood is useless. Marcus and William, although they are still alive, they have turned into abominations, and their blood can\'t be used."

"The only one who could produce an effect, as a medium of fusion, is Alexander Corvinus\' third son, who lived on as an ordinary man, with uncontaminated blood."

Howard nodded in understanding. The first generation of recessive genes was the easiest to awaken.

Corvinus\' third son was still untainted.

When the generations continued, there would be no difference from ordinary people.

"Howard, are you sure you want to get involved? Before all this is done, I have to talk to … Werewolves."

Luke asked again.

"Are you ready to step into the dark world?"

Howard paused, then nodded heavily.

The sewers in Paris were an amazing display of engineering.

Hundreds of years ago, this romantic city was the embodiment of filth, stench, and suffocation.

There were no public toilets in the streets. People urinated and defecated everywhere, cows and horses pulling carts defecated indiscriminately, and butchers slaughtered livestock in the streets. So, it could be said that there were no rules.

Due to the lack of sewage facilities, people dumped all kinds of waste in the streets and squares, and most of the dirty water was released into the Seine River.

Poor environment and poor hygiene awareness made Paris a hotbed for disease.

According to statistics, at that time, an average of 800 people died every day because of the plague.

When cholera broke out on a large scale in the mid-19th century, Haussmann, the governor of Seine, joined forces with the engineer Eugène Belgrand to prepare new water and sewage system for Paris.

After all, no one wanted to live in a stinking city.

This was the first step in the construction of sewers in Paris.

Perhaps the stench of the time left a deep mental scar on the people of Paris.

Over the next hundred years, they continued to renovate and upgrade the massive construction projects, eventually turning it into an amazingly strange attraction -- yes, the Parisians later dedicated a museum to the sewers and opened it for visiting.

At that time in Paris, the total length of the underground water treatment system pipeline was 2400 km, which exceeded the subway in the city.

There were over 6,000 underground reservoirs and more than 20,000 water outlets, equal to one every 50 meters on average, and they were all connected to the ground by iron ladders.

Parisians have even compared the sewer project with the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower as the city\'s pride.

"I never thought I would one day be in a sewer with a man!"

Howard\'s voice echoed in the spacious sewer.

He complained, but inwardly he was very excited.

After seeing vampires with his own eyes, he was going to come into contact with werewolves next!

It was so exciting!

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