NPC Town-building Game

Chapter 116

A word from the God of Fate gave me strength.”I’ll lend you my strength,” she said. The cage of bones shook and creaked, the joints holding the bones together came apart, lumps of flesh overflowed from the gaps in the cage, and some of the shredded flesh fell to the ground. The fallen pieces of flesh were crushed and spread out, but as they grew vertically, they became armless humanoid shapes.

It had only a large mouth and human-like legs, from which two tentacles extended and swayed. If it’s an alter ego created by a god, it’s bound to be a strong opponent. I took out the water balloon that Nagare had given me and threw it at him, hoping that it would buy me some time.

When the water balloon popped in the air, a thin layer of water, which was obviously not the right amount for its contents, spread out and wet the entire ground. In an instant, the ground liquefied like mud. The legs of the piece of meat are buried up to the knees.

Thank you for your help, Nagare!

“Split up into vanguards and rearguards and concentrate on the enemies on the ground! Miss Chem and I will take the rear.”

After exchanging glances with Chem, I left the battle line and hid myself in the ruins where there were barely any pillars and walls left. My guards, Destiny and Gochupicchu, came with me.

“I need to focus my attention on using this board to summon the image of God, so let me know if you need anything.”


Now I can immerse myself in “Summon Golem”. The battle situation is not……good. That piece of flesh looks soft at first glance, but no attack has been able to penetrate it. Oh come on, nullifying a physical attack? Even if it’s a piece of meat, it’s still a part of God.

“If that’s the case, it’s time for God to step in!”

I turned on my phone in a familiar motion and was about to perform the miraculous “Summon Golem” when I saw a “Special Gift” item underneath it that I had never seen before.

It flickered and blinked furiously, showing off its existence in an excessive way. I guessed this was it; since she said that she would help me. If that’s the case, there’s no need to hesitate. Let’s leave it to this new miracle!

I touch “Special Gift” and “Summon Golem” in succession.

As usual, the screen on my phone switched to the one for the golem, and the image was filled with the back of Niles. It was still on his back, wasn’t it? I cut off the rope that was holding it in place and jumped off his back.

“The God of Destiny has descended upon us!”

The comrades who had been fighting the pieces of flesh of the God of Desire cheered when they heard Niles’ voice. You know how to raise morale. As expected of a former chief priest who had many people under his command. I took a quick look around the body of the statue of God, but there was no particular change. The effect of the 《Special Gift》 had nothing to do with the statue of God?

“Yoshio-sama, Yoshio-sama?”

As I concentrated on the image, my body shook violently as she called out my name.

“What’s the matter, Chem?”

The distraught voice urged me to look next to me, and I saw Chem with a puzzled expression on her face, her eyes wide open as if her eyeballs were about to fall out. I was about to ask her what was going on, but when I saw the direction she was pointing, I was speechless.

There were two swords, one golden and one silver, lying there. The swords were thin, single-edged and warped like a Japanese sword, but the problem was the hilt. The hilt was decorated with a fine pattern of pointed scales, and on the part of the hilt that connected to the tsuba was a familiar face. Yes, there was no mistaking it.

“Destiny, Gochupicchu?”

The face looked exactly like a familiar basilisk. The sword has the overall appearance of two of them straightening their bodies and sprouting blades from their mouths……but no way.

“I thought I saw a sudden glow, and then they took on this shape.”

Chem could not believe her eyes and her words were weak. I immediately understood that this was the result of the “special gift”, but my emotions could not catch up.

“The two of them are swords……..Oh God, I’ll be surprised later! There’s no time to waste!”

I manipulate the statue of the god to beat the squirming pieces of flesh away with my sword and run to where we are. Then I grabbed the golden sword in my right hand and the silver sword in my left. Then there was a change in the wooden statue of God. Its hair shone with gold, its clothes turned silver, its skin transformed into a human-like appearance, and its eyes were filled with gold and silver light.

“What a divine figure……”

Chem, who had just witnessed the sight of God, was crying tears of joy and praying. I was just as moved as she was and made a silly face, but I came back to myself when I saw my own face reflected on the screen of my phone.

I don’t have time to make a fool of myself!

I repeatedly took deep breaths to calm myself down. Concentrate, concentrate on the operation. As the statue of God took a step forward, a cloud of dust rose from the ground. That was all the movement it took to get back to Gams and the others’ place. It was as if it had moved instantly, its speed of movement unnoticeable to the eye.

“What the hell is this speed?”

With just one step forward, it moved as if it was flying on the ground. Enemies and allies alike were stunned by the statue of God and stopped moving.

I quickly got back on my feet and slashed at the nearest piece of meat with my left and right swords. The pieces of flesh were easily cut, my friends struggled to get through the tough skin, but I was able to do it easily.

If I look closely at the cross section of the torn piece of meat, I can see that the cut is petrified. Oh well! So this sword can use the ability of the two basilisks. So, by petrifying the part it touched, it erased its ability to nullify physical attacks.

“I can do this. I can do this!”

The statue of the god raises both swords and swings them down to the ground at the same time. The villagers know that this is a signal to back off, so they explain to the hunters and back off together, keeping the pieces of meat in check.

I’ll take care of the rest. If it’s a war of the gods, it’s my role as a proxy for the God of Fate. I cut down the pieces of meat that were about to attack my retreating companions one by one. The pieces of meat that were about to attack the retreating comrades were cut down one by one. The petrification of the fallen pieces of flesh spread from the cuts, and in a few seconds, they turned into distorted stone.

In less than a minute, I had transformed the enemy into stone, and a shadow fell around the statue of God. Not needing to look up to confirm it, I jumped backwards. The source of the vibrations was the God of Desire, who had fallen from the sky. A lump of flesh with countless eyes and noses was pierced by several pieces of broken bone cages, which seemed to be protecting themselves with sharp spikes. Fresh blood spurted out from the pierced bones, and his whole body was colored with blood.

“If I was alone, I’d freak out and cry, but I’ve got everybody.”

As long as the people I’m supposed to protect are here, I’m not backing down! I will not run! Flesh tentacles extended from the body of the God of Desire faster than the statue of the god could step forward. Their tips were coated with sharp, pointed bone fragments, increasing their ferocity and aggression. When I slashed the tentacles with my golden sword, the cuts became petrified, but the petrified parts immediately shredded off, preventing the petrification from spreading.

“You’re learning.”

I was dealing with two tentacles, but the enemy must have thought that this was getting out of hand, because the number of tentacles increased to ten.

My swordsmanship is faster than his attacks. But I don’t have……confidence that I can outrun this number. I don’t know how well the current statue of God can defend itself, so I’m not going to take the gamble of testing out an attack.

I saw the big mouth of the hunk of meat grin as he realized he had the advantage.

I crossed my two swords in front of my chest and thrust them out toward my opponent. The mouths of the two basilisks that were holding the swords in their mouths opened wide and purple smoke spewed out of them. The tentacles and the God of Desire were hit by the smoke from the front. They lay helplessly on the ground, while the God of Desire shook his stubby body violently and struggled.

“How’s that double poison breath?”

I thought that if I could use the power of petrification, I could use this as well, so I tried it out on a whim and succeeded. The opponent had a huge mouth, nose and eyes. I tried to use poisonous breath on it and it was very effective.

This one has taken on a human-like appearance, but since it was originally a statue, it is not affected by the poison. Therefore, there was no reason to hesitate in stepping into a place that was still filled with poisonous smoke.

I plunged head first into the purple smoke and took a giant leap. Below me was the head of the God of Desire, with the smoke clearing and exposing the unprotected top of his head. I thrust two swords – with my falling speed and weight – deep into the tear-stained eyes of the top of the head.

”Destiny, Gochupicchu, please!”

Once again, the sword’s jaws opened, injecting purple smoke directly into its body. The large amount of smoke that entered his body caused it to expand like a balloon, and smoke poured out of his nose, eyes, and mouth, exploding and scattering.

The smoke disappeared as if it had never existed, and the scattered pieces of meat bubbled up and dissipated. Before I could bask in the afterglow of my victory, I heard a fanfare sounding from my phone and looked down.

[All points of attack have been cleared. The Forbidden Forest has become your territory.]

A golden letter appeared on the screen. Okay, that’s mission complete!

Wanting to share this joy, I looked at the villagers, who were staring earnestly at the statue of the god standing majestically at the place where the God of……Desire had been, and praying. It seems that it is better not to say anything else. I watched as the “destiny points” displayed in the upper right corner of my phone screen rapidly added up, and decided to watch in silence.

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