Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 529: Rebel in Disguise

Chapter 529: Rebel in Disguise


Reth\'s hands tightened on the arms of his chair until his nails threatened to punch through the old leather.

His father would kill him if he did that.

"Thank you for bringing it up, brother. You are, as usual, as subtle as a jabberthorn."

Behryn snorted and a few of the males chuckled. But Reth didn\'t smile.

"Well?" Behryn asked a moment later, his eyes firm and glinting. Reth made a mental note to check in and make sure his brother was okay. It was unlike him to come to a meeting looking for a fight.

"I haven\'t decided yet. I\'m open to advice. The one thing I do know is that the male has proven he was true in his intentions to bring the people to me, back to the rest of the Anima. I do not believe he deserves death."

"You dismiss death as a punishment for raising a rebellion? For splitting the Tree City to its roots? For attempting to kill you—and for almost killing me?"

Ah, so that\'s what this was about. Hollhye must have been in Behryn\'s ear again. She remained hostile towards the wolf, despite his success in bringing the people back to peace.

"Those actions, in isolation, would have had me killing him on the Hallowed Grounds, and you know it," he said firmly. "But since those actions, the wolf has proven his humility, his love for his people—over protection for himself—and his strength in leadership. Until I am certain how to channel what he is, I will not make a decision that I cannot take back."

"Can\'t take back—like murdering the King? Or the Captain of the Guard?"

"Like adding bloodshed to bloodshed when I am trying to tell the people that our goal is peace. Peace under threat of violence is a false peace, Behryn. And you know it."

His brother\'s lips were tight, the muscles at the back of his jaw twitching. He eyed his best friend with concern. What had made him so angry? He had been nervous about bringing Lerrin in, but on board for the male to be given a chance to prove his intentions at the beginning. What had changed? And why hadn\'t Behryn talked to him about it in private?

"Well," Brant spoke up, his voice slightly hoarse from lack of sleep,? his injured ankle extended on a chair in front of his seat—at the insistence of Aymora. "While I agree both that the wolf has taken actions that deserve death, and proven that his intentions have changed… I am more concerned with being realistic about our options, and considering the impacts on the people. He raised a rebellion Reth. One that was very nearly successful. If you wanted to seed further discord among an already uneasy people, to have him walking around free would likely do it. Any wolf that determines they are wounded or have suffered injustice would immediately rally behind him—or find inspiration in him. He still lives, he still walks without apparent consequences… that does not speak of caution to anyone who would consider the same action."

Reth nodded. It was the dilemma he\'d been juggling since the moment he realized he was going to save Lerrin, not kill him. And there had been more than one moment since that he\'d regretted the decision, though not for the reasons these males would understand.

"As I see it," Reth said carefully, "the wolf has helped us, which does not mitigate the actions he took, but does give me reason for mercy in choosing his punishment. I do not believe he deserves to die. But I agree, he is a figure to ignite rebellion. By the same token, however, do not underestimate how some of his people will react if he is killed. They love him. They have followed him into hell, and now back. They choose me only because he told them to, and lived the example. Their loyalty to me is not won yet. If he were killed in apparent cold blood, there is just as much risk of raising a rebellion in retaliation, as there is in resentment, in my opinion."

"He is not respected as Alpha any more—he submitted to you and broke the terms of the Rite. And on Hallowed Ground. He showed no honor at all in the end!"

Reth snorted. "If you truly believe he is not respected after he submitted, then how do you explain so many of the people holding back when their warriors attacked? It was at his order that they stopped advancing. They also listened to him when we met to negotiate."

"They argued a lot."

Reth gaped. "When have we known wolves not to argue?"

Behryn rolled one shoulder, but his face was dark and angry. Reth frowned. They definitely needed to speak in private.

"As for him breaking the terms of the Rite… that was my idea," Reth admitted. Eyebrows went up around the room. "I could see that he had chosen the good for his people, though he had the strength to win the challenge—or at least make a very real attempt. I couldn\'t in good honor not kill him under the circumstances, but if he broke the terms, the rules were no longer in play. I asked him to shift, to break the rules, so that I could keep him alive."

He\'d thought he was being merciful not only to Lerrin, but to Suhle. Yet… well, that hadn\'t gone as he\'d planned.

The males all shifted in their seats, their eyes darting to each other, looking distinctly uncomfortable at this admission.

It was Behryn who spoke up, though. "Mercy is admirable, Reth. But you have created as many problems as you\'ve solved with that little stunt," he seethed.

"Under the circumstances, I still believe it was the best decision I could make with the information I had at the time. So, we cannot go back to change the past. We must walk forward to the future."

"What future? That\'s the point. What are we going to do with him?"

"If nothing changes, if there is no other requirement for him, and he has not breached the peace, or encouraged others to do the same, I will likely banish him," Reth said slowly. "Let him make his way elsewhere, in peace, but no longer a threat here. That is, I think the very best outcome we could expect."


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