Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 599: Dreams Come True - Part 1

Chapter 599: Dreams Come True - Part 1


Elia came awake at some point, just for a moment, because Reth pulled her closer. And even as adrenalin shot through her body, when she felt his warmth, his solid bulk behind her, her breath came easier and she sank back into the dream, taking him with her…

In the dream she was still sitting in bed, her stomach a wide, hard ball in front of her. But she didn\'t feel weak. She didn\'t feel afraid. She was certain.

She sat in the furs, waiting for Reth to give her his attention. He stood next to the closet, putting on his clothes for the day and distracted.


"Hmmmm?" he was choosing whether to wear his vest to the elder\'s meeting or not.

"Reth, I need to tell you something important."

He dropped the vest then and turned to look at her, his brows high and gaze questioning.

"What it is?"

"Gahrye read the winds. There\'s a great catastrophe coming. We aren\'t sure what, exactly, only that it has to do with the humans and their weapons. And… I wasn\'t supposed to tell you, but you\'ll keep this to yourself, right?"

"Of course, but… what are you talking about, Elia?" he asked breathlessly, coming to sit on the side of the bed and take her hand in his, his bronze skin glowing under the light of the lanterns.

She was so glad she could tell him. That she didn\'t have to carry this away from him.

She pulled his hand into her lap and held it in both of her own and laid out the entire story.

Gahrye, the disformed, weren\'t disformed at all—they were tools of the Creator. Protectors. They had a skill and a purpose that wasn\'t shared by any other tribe in the Anima. They were the key to avoiding the coming clash with the humans. He couldn\'t tell anyone because the Creator had made it clear: If anyone knew, anyone at all, it would end in disaster.

He didn\'t even question her. Elia almost cried with relief.

"What do we do?" he asked, his face pale and drawn.

"We have to strengthen them," she whispered. "We have to train them and test them and help them come into their own. They have to see what they have and learn to value themselves. But we can\'t tell them why. They have to just… grow. And then, when the time comes, we\'ll be prepared. They\'re all we need, Reth. You believe me, right?"

"Of course," he said quickly, reaching up to stroke the hair back from her face. "Of course."

She sank back into the furs with a sigh of relief, resting as she was supposed to, knowing that her gorgeous, strong, powerful mate would take care of it. And so, she slept.

But while she slept, he left the cave on the hunt for Behryn. Behryn knew how to train Anima, and wasn\'t biased against the disformed. So Reth swore him to secrecy, but told him just enough of what was to come so that he could begin to identify strong disformed and bring them into the guard for training. Mentor them, and build them up.

Behryn agreed. Reth was right. And he would keep the secret because the Creator had made it clear.

But some of the strongest disformed were female, and he had to bring Aymora along to train them in skills the guard didn\'t use.

She wouldn\'t tell anyone, because she understood and she was trustworthy. She didn\'t even tell Reth that she\'d been informed, it was that important that the secret stay secret.

The only person she told was Jayah, who would be called in to help heal some of the disformed who were injured in training—they had to be kept strong! They had to be protected, even more than the others!

And so, over weeks, and months, and years, many Anima came to know the prophecy. And they valued it. Valued the disformed, and sought the Creator\'s way. Because it was clear, He had a plan.

But Elia stirred in her sleep, because this was not the way it was supposed to go. Locked in unconsciousness, she couldn\'t warn them to stop talking. Couldn\'t warn them that even in their good intentions, they breached the Creator\'s will.

And she could see the storm of humans—their selfish intent, their technology, their weapons—gathering on the other side of the portal like storm clouds pressing against the peak of the mountain.

And then, just when Elia turned to Gahrye, to warn him of what she feared, the world exploded. And as she watched, every person she loved was consumed by the fire.

Every. Single. One.

Elia woke with a start, her heart pounding. Reth behind her, grunted and tightened his grip on her.

"It\'s okay, Love, It was just a dream. Don\'t worry. I\'m here."

Elia\'s breath rasped in and out of her throat. She was sticky with sweat, yet chilled to the bone. "Reth, I—" she snapped her mouth shut. She\'d almost told him! Almost explained why she was afraid!

She\'d almost breached the secret!

Her breath shuddered out of her and he tightened his arms again, nuzzling her shoulder. "Shhhhh, Love, don\'t be afraid. It\'s okay. I\'m here."

"Oh, Reth," she sobbed and turned in his arms, lumbering, until she was curled into his chest, and he\'d pulled her head under his chin, one hand stroking slowly up and down her back.

"I\'m here, Elia," he whispered. "I\'m watching over you. Don\'t be afraid. I will never let them hurt you."

She\'d thrown her arms around him and at those words, she sobbed again, pulling him in, tighter, always tighter. She could barely breathe, but she needed to be closer.

But even as he comforted her, soothed her with soft touches and an even softer voice, the conviction settled on her shoulders.

She couldn\'t tell him. Not a word. He would try to fix it. He would try to solve the problems for them. It was in him always to share her burdens. He would not let this rest. And he would bring others alongside to help as well, because that was what a good leader did.

So as she clung, and cried, and he soothed her, believing she was afraid of being harmed by the wolves, she didn\'t correct him.

She didn\'t say anything. She swallowed her secret down, and held to him.

And resolved that Gahrye had to get over to the human world to find out more. He had to get to Kalle. And they couldn\'t ask for help. They had to handle this themselves.

There was such limited time.

Then she slept again.


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