The Demon's Bride

Chapter 391: Fitting Wedding Gown-I

Chapter 391: Fitting Wedding Gown-I

Elise whimpered when Ian kissed her lips and rubbed her core at the same time. Her heartbeat quickened and her eyes close shut. Unable to bear it longer, she dive her face over the crook of his shoulders that only riled him to do more things that could endow him with more of her lovely voices.

"W-Wait," Elise whispered. Ian noticed the difference of her voice when she begged him to wait and for once stopped to look at her eyes.

Elise pulled away from his shoulders and went down, "I will also help you..." she whispered.

"No," Ian denied her softly, "Let yourself enjoy the pleasure. Being on edge isn\'t a good feeling and frustrating, isn\'t it?"

And while it was true, Elise knew that he also want to feel the pleasure. On her eyes meeting his, she could see the desire stirred inside of him and with more time, it only grew stronger. "B-But I would be the only one who feel the pleasure."

"Listen, my love," Ian cooed, his fingers went over her breast and rubbed her nipples, causing her legs to be closed in reflex but Ian stopped her by wedging her legs as she sat on the bathtub with his legs, "Sex doesn\'t always mean the two should feel pleasure. There are times when men want to see woman in pleasure even if they don\'t come. There is their own pleasure in watching their partner in lust. It isn\'t about give or take. It\'s about enjoying it."

"And now you wish to watch?" Elise questioned while her eyes shyly descended down to where his hardened member was and her cheeks blushed further when she meet his eyes.

"Yes," Ian chuckled lightly. He brought her by her back closer to his and press his lips closer. When they kissed, Elise didn\'t only feel pleasure and she come to learn that the sex they have wasn\'t about lust alone. It is one part of it that she felt but she also felt herself at ease.

The way Ian praised her after every little voice that she thought was embarrassing, make her more comfortable in her own skin and she find how endearing this moment was where she wished it was a little longer.

When Ian pressed her flesh inside her core, her eyes rolled behind. Her heartbeat became unstable and there was a part of her body that want to run which ended up in her only press wing her body further to Ian as she sat in front of him, between his legs.

When the build up pleasure release, her body trembled on his embrace and her body turn lax as her legs loses its energy to stand.

"Did it felt that good?" Ian asked, holding her bottom to pull her up and straddle him closed.

Elise turn flustered on both his question and her core that rubbed his manhood. "I-It did," she said honestly. While looking below, she asked giddily, "Should I help you with that?"

"It\'s fine. I told you that I have begin this neglecting play. Soon it will calm down on its own," Ian said and he pushed her hair that covered her bright blue eyes. "I always love looking at your eyes. They are similar to glass beads that my mother always brought me when we sneakily visit the market."

"What is your mother name?" She questioned curiously.

Ian recalled how Elise whispered before her sleep that she wished to know more about his mother. It had been long in the past that no one recalled about his mother any longer. Even his father didn\'t remember about his mother and for Elise to show interest in her, had Ian to feel joy. "Lady Lucy White. Her maiden name was Lucy Moore."

"Do you acquire your look from your mother?" asked Elise. Since Ian had replied to her question, she took the chance to ask him again. Because she had heard Lady Lucy to be an extremely gorgeous woman, she wondered if Ian looked similar to her, but instead, he shook his head with his shoulder shrugging.

"As you see I am handsome. My father was also said to be moderately handsome but he didn\'t look a bit like me. Although I have similar features to my mother, I don\'t look close like her either. That was one of the reason why my father hated my mother." Elise drew her brows, "He thought that I am the son when she slept with other man."

"That\'s absurd," Elise whispered. She had never seen Lady Lucy but the loyalty she had shown to stay for the man despite the fact she had been betrayed was the entire prove that she would never sleep with other man.

"I told that to his face of course while ridiculing him who had cheated on my mother. He was offended and angry that my mother slept with another man when every night he visited the whore\'s place without wanting to hear my mother\'s words. Talk about the double standard," Ian rolled his eyes. "Maybe I acquire my black hair from my grandfather, seeing both my mother and father doesn\'t have the same color of hair as mine."

Elise wondered for a moment about grandfather and she also wondered about her grandfathers that reside in Heaven and the other one in Hell. She wondered if they didn\'t come to her was a sign that they didn\'t want her? They didn\'t visit her mother either when things were terrible for her.

"I have sent Maroon to find out about your father in Hell," Ian announced.

"Do you think we will be able to find the answer from Hell?" Elise questioned him, seeing him pulling his grin wider.

"When we can only find the smoke, it\'s time to catch to fire," he responded to her and begun to slowly bring her back away from him, "Let\'s get back before you catch a cold."

Before leaving the bathroom, curious Elise can\'t help but sneak a glance to Ian\'s lower part and indeed find it had calmed down which added a question in her because she didn\'t know it could calm down.

A few days passed, and Elise was in the middle of reading the books about angels when she was called to the receiving room where the seamstress of her wedding gown had come. Along with her was Ian and Cynthia.

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