The Demon's Bride

Chapter 641: Weeding It Out-I

Chapter 641: Weeding It Out-I

When the next day appears, Ian and Elise did as their scheduled had said to the Church. From outside of the building, Elise friend when she saw the building where half of it had break down due to Ernest\'s last attack. She then turned to look at Ian, "Do you think it\'s a good idea for you to be here?"

"There should be nothing wrong with it," answered Ian, unbothered by how he was announced dead in the past, "Even if it had been said that I died they haven\'t seen my dead body and it all make it easier for us to fool them later."

Elise agreed with the thought and walked inside the building. In time there was Kyle who was busy in his discussion. Once he was done, the man finally noticed how most of the church members appeared to be shocked and startled that even some of them turn pale. The man\'s Jaw fall slack when his eyes followed to see both Ian and Elise standing together.

"What—" the man was rendered speechless at what he saw that he even rubbed his eyes as if doing so would convince him that he wasn\'t seeing an illusion. "Lord Ian? Is that truly you?"

Ian smirked, liking he surprise people shown to him that reminded of the time where he had surprised his father and the rest of his family before putting them to death, "Would you like me to once again introduce myself, Kyle?"

Kyle who seemed to still not believe what he had seen apprehensively touched Ian\'s shoulder only to retracted it back in shock, "This is… what happened? Can someone please explain how you are here, milord? You were… dead."

"That was a little ploy, Kyle. Use your head, why do you seem to lack some intelligent only after a week of my death? Perhaps you were mourning for me too?" Ian questioned with a grin and the man who appeared older blinked his eyes.

"Pardon me, but a ploy?" Kyle questioned, hoping to clear his confusion.

"It was to lure the true dark sorcerer, Kyle. He had planned for my death and I had only entertained his amusement," Ian lied but with his confident tone and sly smile, Kyle quickly trusted his words and Elise would have too if she didn\'t see her husband\'s last moments. "It seems though we have found him so there was no need for further act."

"Oh goodness, you have fooled me truly, milord," Kyle sighed in relief. His shoulders that tensed had been aching for the whole week finally relaxed, "I didn\'t know how you managed to plan such an intricate plan. I had thought all hope was lost," the man shook his head and looked at Elise, "You too, milady, it was a fine act that I didn\'t doubt for even a second. Perhaps… you have also fooled Ernest who had also trusted the news of Lord Ian\'s death." There was regret on the man\'s words as he spoke.

Elise offered the man a smile as in truth Ian\'s death hadn\'t been an act.

"We have come to asked about Ernest, sir Kyle," Elise brought up the subject they had come to discuss. "Do you might have a document about the incident or perhaps a witness of the case?"

"A witness and the document," Kyle shook his head reluctantly. "Unfortunately, the place which Ernest had destroyed was the document room. It seems he knew this would happen and had purposely chose the room. To date, most witness to the death of Mr. and Mrs. Lone had died in the fire that burned the mansion, leaving only two person, Dalton and Ernest himself. They were children so there had been no suspicions at the time that it had been Ernest who had burned the house. We trusted their words. Dalton had told me about what happened and what Mr. and Mrs. Lone had done in their house to the child. At the time when I see them, I could never think it would be one of the boy\'s doing."

Elise recalled that the same person who had questioned Dalton and Ernest to the case was Kyle. It explained why the man held more sympathy to the two as he had seen them grow and worked under his wings.

"There it is, the witness," Ian chimed brightly, "Dalton is still alive. Therefore, we can still ask him questions and I also think this would help him to find some answers he perhaps wish to know. Lead the way, Kyle."

Kyle seemed hesitant at first. Dalton was still suffering from a few traumatic accident and stress but hearing Ian\'s words the man thought that perhaps Dalton do need answers which only Ian and Elise knew. Although Kyle never knew Ian was a demon, he had a gut feeling telling him that the man was a different creature than others who he had seen.

Elise and Ian was led to Dalton who was residing inside the church as it was the most safest place he could be at the moment and also because he was the key to the ongoing case of the dark sorcerer lord.

Upon hearing the door opening, Dalton who stared at the wall, reflecting his thoughts was taken aback and snapped his head to the door. Seeing Kyle and Elise, a small smile appeared on the man\'s gentle face before startle came to him when he noticed the third person who visited him.

"Lord Ian!" Dalton pushed himself from the bed he sat on.

Ian waved his hands to cut the chase, "Yes, yes, I am alive and I\'m not an impersonator. You look terrible, Dalton or is this the true you as your brother had been taking your position?"

Dalton didn\'t have words to say, "Ernest took my place most of the time but also not. Sometimes it is truly me whom you have seen but my memories, words, and actions had been altered to his wish."

"Like a puppet," Ian remarked to which Dalton had no reply in. "Explain to me about Ernest, Dalton. Had you noticed something strange about him since the time your parents brought him to your house?"

Dalton shook his head slowly, "He was a truly normal boy. A kind, gentle, and sun-loving person." Explained Dalton when a trail of water formed on one of the four corner of the rooms before suddenly an eye manifest to see the four people in the room in a clear sight.

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