The Demon's Bride

Chapter 725: Unwanted Hatred-II

Chapter 725: Unwanted Hatred-II

Walking out from the small hut Esther silently took a seat at the run-downed bench. With her hands covered on her face, Esther tried to comprehend and wrap her heads around what had occurred.

Back a few hours ago when they were in the cave, Esther had to pour all her demonic magic to heal Beelzebub but the wounds were too deep for her heals to close the wounds properly. Esther decided to heal his critical wound, putting it as her top priority before trying to heal his wounds completely.

Once she managed to stop the bleeding and heal his inner wounds, she pushed herself from the ground. To heal the rest of his wounds, she realized she needed a few items to close his wound manually. But the old cave wasn\'t the best place to treat Beelzebub\'s wound considering the dirty surrounding and the lack of clean water and other objects that she needed.

"I need to move," Esther whispered underneath her breaths.

Esther looked at Beelzebub\'s condition. After making sure his condition had gotten stable, she wrapped his hands around her neck to carry him out of the cave.

She wasn\'t sure if there would be a good place for her to treat Beelzebub as they had fallen from the cliff into an abyss. There would usually be no house located on the bottom of the abyss. For them to be alive was already a miracle after such a deep fall.

Esther shook her head and tried to think positive. Though the walk from the cave was short, the walk to find a sign of life inside the abyss was difficult.

Esther spent hours to treat Beelzebub and at the same time carrying him around to find the perfect location in treating him. There was no time for her to rest and even though Beelzebub had protected her from the fall, he didn\'t managed to stop some impact of the fall to affect her as well. Her left ankle was fractured but Esther didn\'t notice this until she arrived at a small abandoned hut which was located on the entrance of the abyss.

Esther\'s blinked her eyes thrice to make sure she didn\'t hallucinate. Once she made sure the hut was not a part of her imagination, Esther spent no time to bring Beelzebub with him toward the abyss.

When she arrived, Esther saw an old woman sitting with a smoking pipe on her hand. The old woman sat in front of the hut, clearly appearing as the owner of the hut.

Though Esther didn\'t stand too near the woman, the elder woman\'s head turned to her as if he she noticed her appearance. The woman smiled while looking at the two.

"I was waiting for a guests. Unexpectedly while my guest failed to appear, another guest seem to have arrived."

Esther couldn\'t comprehend the woman\'s words but that was the least of her priority. "Can you lend me a clean space to treat him and a water if possible. I will pay you."

The elder woman pulled the smoking pipe away from her lips and knocked them to the edge of her bench. She sat up and tilt her chin, cueing Esther to go inside the house.

Esther offered the woman a brief bow by bending her neck before rushing inside the hut. She found the clear space and assisted by the elder woman who was quick to help her tending Beelzebub\'s wounds.

"He seems special to you," said the elder woman.

Esther briefly wiped the sweat that covered her cheeks and answered without looking at the woman\'s face, "He is."

When she was done tending his wound, Beelzebub\'s shirtless upper body was covered with bandage and Esther could only look at his state with worries in her eyes. She was worried that all of a sudden his condition would turn for the worse, therefore, Esther didn\'t spend a time away from Beelzebub, continuing to study his condition while sitting beside him.

It took hours when at last, Esther saw the movement sign from Beelzebub\'s fingers.

"Beel?" Esther called for his name, hoping that her voice can be a thread of light to bring him conscious. "Beel? Have you woken up?"

Over Beelzebub\'s upper half face where his blonde hair stayed at, Esther noticed the faint movement from underneath his closed eyes. Slowly with more times, his eyes opened to look back at her.

"You woke up," Esther whispered with a sigh of relieve. She couldn\'t express how thankful she was to see Beelzebub conscious.

While she rejoiced that Beelzebub\'s condition turns to be much better than she thought, she didn\'t notice the shadow that covered his eyes and with what fierceness did he looked at her.

"Morning, princess," he whispered, a grin twisting the corners of his lips.

Esther didn\'t know how someone could feel very relieved to hear a person\'s voice before but now she does. To hear Beelzebub speaking to her again as if nothing had happened appease her anxiety which accumulated during the time when he was unconscious.

"Do you feel any uncomfortableness anywhere?" Esther questioned, putting his comfort to the first. "You shouldn\'t move too much. While my healing ability can close your inner wound, there should still be lasting pain from your wound. Do you need a drink—"

Esther\'s lips was quickly sealed when Beelzebub\'s hand cupped the side of her chin. She felt his gentleness that could rarely be seen coming from his strong hands. The lines of his veins moved when Beelzebub bring her face forward.

Esther recalled how both of them had confessed their emotions to one another inside the cave. Recalling the passionate kiss they exchanged made her heart drummed around her chest, causing her cheeks to flush.

Her nerves went errant when she saw his devilish lips inching closer toward her and all sparks seemed to light up and spread all over her body when their lips touched.

Beelzebub brushed his finger on the back of her neck while leaving his other hand at the right position of her neck\'s vital nerve. Beelzebub didn\'t close his eyes, sucking and kissing her tongue before ravishing the inside of her mouth.

Esther\'s breaths hitched when his hand moved from her ears to her waist, climbing upward toward her breasts. The kiss had turned her head cloudy and build the heat to settle around her stomach.

Her toes curled when his cold fingers slipped underneath her dress. The different temperature on her skin gave her shivers on her skin but not in a way she dislike. Instead, if Esther had to be honest, it was pleasureful.

As she enjoyed the rapture of his kiss, Esther felt something off as the silence continue from Beelzebub\'s side. His kiss was as fervent as the time when they were in the cave but this time, it was wilder.

Esther at first thought it was normal until Beelzebub had bitten her lower lips to the point where he draw blood. She winced at the pain, squinting her eyes and catching the sight of a chilling smirk from his face.

Now that Esther noticed the bizarre smile coming from Beelzebub, she noticed more strange occurrence happening. Even though Beelzebub would usually speaks in all situation, now, he was so quiet to the point it was strange.

Esther held his hand that caressed her soft stomach to stop him but he didn\'t budge.

Realizing something was off, Esther pulled her face away from him, her eyes narrowing when she looked at Beelzebub\'s bleak gaze.

His smile curled when he noticed that Esther was able to differentiate the usual Beelzebub and him.

"Who are you?" Esther questioned. She gasped when \'Beelzebub\'s\' hands tightened around her neck.

"Who else? I am Beelzebub, darling," said the demon whose eyes curve when he showed her an overly sweet smile and words.

The grip on her neck tightened and Esther\'s eyebrows knit together tightly. "You are not him!"

Beelzebub kept his smile for a good four seconds before it completely disappear in a grim second.

"Ah," Beelzebub sighed, his eyes rolling in irate. "I thought you would be foolish. They did say that a person can be easily blinded with love that they won\'t notice when danger lurks around them. Yes, it\'s what currently happening to your beloved Beelzebub. I concur to the idea and thought you would be in a blinded state just like him. But you\'re useless perceptive aren\'t you? That\'s not fun."

Esther noticed the striking difference from the Beelzebub she knew and the demon in front of her who was embarking in a pleasure of twisted amusement.

"This is not fun at all. However, I think I know something fun to play with you."

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