Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 491

Thankfully, it worked wonders and managed to stop Katrina from doing anything . She just stood there, stupefied and unable to even lift a finger .

As stared at her helpless state, Arthur, who was still covered in black flames, flashed a creepy grin and added:

"Though I cannot deny your resemblance to Lucy in terms of looks and behavior, at least she’s not delusional like you . You can’t expect to live a happy life with your so-called ’family’ after everything you’ve done, there’s no ’redemption’ or ’forgiveness’ . "

"Shut your mouth, parasite . "

"Mad, are we? You refuse to hear the bitter truth and blindly do whatever you feel is right regardless of others’ feelings . "

The Matriarch gritted her and gave him a venomous glare as if she’s about to eat devour him alive .

"What do you know?! I treasure my family and would stop at nothing to secure them a good life . "

In response, Arthur scoffed at her and slowly but surely started moving his body . The ’shackles’ binding his body were weakening and very soon, he’ll be freed . His two large wings wrapped around him and shone with different lights . One landed on Arthur, healing his body and increasing his recovery while the other circled around the woman then stuck into her skin .

A Few seconds later, Arthur’s body started shaking then released a burst of energy, breaking him free, at last . However, before he could take the first step, Katrina’s hand lunged toward him and grabbed his neck though a third her arm started showing signs of withering .

The light emanating from his black wing was withering magic, a rare attribute that is a sub-category of Death Magic . In a matter seconds, her hand started feeling numb as the blood circulation was halted and her bones started becoming soft, nevertheless, her grip around his neck remained tight .

"For the sake of your past relationship with my daughter, I was planning to only cripple you, however, I’ve changed your mind . Your kind has no place in this place, begone . "

Just as she said that, she was about to finish his life only for a yell to come from afar, attracting the attention of both Katrina and Arthur .

Upon turning her head, Katrina was shocked to see Thordan and her daughter, Lucy .

Her ex-husband was surrounded by multiple figures, each with a high cultivation, there was even the Overgod who captured Lucy .

This ’father’ of her daughters was holding a needle to Lucy’s throat while glaring at Katrina .

"Stop, Katrina!"

What the Matriarch didn’t understand was why Thordan was stopping her from killing Arthur . As far as she knew, the two didn’t know each other and were definitely not friends .

Though she may be strong, with the presence of the unusual Overgod standing behind Thordan, she didn’t attempt any risky moves, fearing that it’ll lead to her daughter’s death .

In fact, even Arthur was flabbergasted when he saw this scene . He didn’t know Lucy was abducted, and that it was her own father who did this heinous act .

Feeling the close proximity of its target and the rising anger of its partner, Makaze started vibrating intensely while releasing ghastly cries .

"I need him alive so you better hand him over right now!"

While pointing at Arthur, Thordan stated that then glanced at his needle, clearly threatening his wife, who was giving him a chilling glare, unlike anything he had ever seen .

Although he was afraid, he didn’t back off for he knew she wouldn’t try to save her daughter in this situation and the only thing she could do is comply .

While Katrina was trying to come up with a solution, Arthur already started instructing Midolf and Radolf to start acting and safe Lucy no matter the cost .

It was apparent that Lucy was in no condition to fight, her face was paler than usual and she seemed to be absent-minded as her gaze was locked onto Arthur .

The more time passed, the more impatient Thordan grew . When half a minute passed and he saw the lack of response from his wife, he yelled again

"You better listen to me or else I’ll end her life and I can guarantee you it’ll be a painful death!"

The Matriarch was aware that Thordan was not a good father but she never expected him to stoop so low and threaten her to kill his daughter if she doesn’t obey him . It was truly twisted and disgusting .

In the end, Katrina decided to comply and let go of Arthur . She let out a sigh and backed away while letting Arthur fly toward Thordan, who raised his other hand and warned him

"You better not try anything fishy, I only need to push it a little deeper and she’ll die . "

Arthur nodded his head and deactivated all his active skills, returning to his original appearance . As she slowly made his way toward Lucy and Thordan, countless thoughts rampaged inside of his head .

A mutual exchange of glance between him and Lucy was enough to establish a simple plan . He knew what Thordan needed him for and he definitely won’t remove the mark, in fact, he’ll kill him . However, saving Lucy took full priority .

The only thing Arthur was wary of was the man behind Thordan, he was an Overgod but he seemed kind of different and very dangerous . The man seemed calm even in such a tense situation, he even smiled at Arthur while slightly bowing his head .

The distance between the two parties grew shorter and Katrina who was far away still hasn’t given up . The moment Lucy is released, she’ll make her move and dispose of both Arthur and Thordan .

After one full minute, Arthur arrived before the father and Lucy, he stabbed Makaze on the scorched ground then raised his hands while saying

"I’m here so how about you let her go?"

Thordan laughed and retorted

"When you properly do your job, I’ll release her . "

He raised his hand, pulled his sleeve and revealed an ominous mark on top of his right hand .

"All I want you to do is remove this mark . "

Arthur frowned and said back:

"How can I trust your words? You either release her now or I won’t do a thing . "

Thordan creased his brows and pondered for a moment before turning around and pushing Lucy toward the Overgod before saying

"Kill her if anything happens . "

The man nodded his head and put his head over her head and gazed at Arthur, who was pleased with this result . Nonetheless, he walked toward the fragile Thordan and raised his hand, acting as if he’s really going to remove the mark .

Meanwhile, the people escorting Thordan all unsheathed their weapons and got close to Arthur, each of them pointing at his vital spots, ready to strike at any given second .

"Are you this afraid of me that resort to such extreme means? Hehehehe, I’m your ’son-in-law’, how could I even think of hurting you?"

Arthur innocent smile and truthful words were but a comical act which Thordan didn’t buy as he lashed out at the former:

"Stop babbling and remove the mark!"

Arthur’s stretched hand suddenly shifted direction and gripped his victim’s neck while the invisible Midolf wonderfully did his job and sent all the escorts flying away .

Still holding Thordan, Arthur glanced at the silent Overgod and said

"Release her or I’ll kill him . "

In response, the Overgod unexpectedly shrugged his shoulders and replied:

"He’s my employer and my job is to kill her if anything happens and not protect his life . "

Then, without any hesitation, the Overgod’s hand released a dark light which struck Lucy’s head, causing her to limply fall on the ground .

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