The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 616: Dispersed dashing

Chapter 616: Dispersed dashing

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

With that one move, Sheyan fulfilled his obligation as the vice MT. Moreover, that Deathmarsh Great Crocodile whose head he repeatedly slashed earlier, would definitely pursue him relentlessly.

Meanwhile, another Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, who was allured by the blood-curdling scream and the stench of blood, was originally planning to spear towards Reef’s group. However, after receiving a bullet in the ass, it instantly roared indignantly. Splashing into the water, it meandered in an ‘S’ shape in tight pursuit of Sheyan.

In this manner, Sheyan single-handedly managed to entice the attention of two Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, thus lowering the pressure on Reef greatly!

Instead, the pressure on Sheyan had amplified. His only consolation was that 16 metres boost from the tail whip earlier, providing him with an additional buffering gap to escape.

Sheyan was undoubtedly relying on the ‘Life-link’ ability. Even if he was chomped into near-death state while fleeing, he could at least withstand for nearly 20 more minutes. Moreover, once he sunk into a near-death state, Reef and Mogensha would definitely come to his rescue.

Though Sheyan was a contestant, competing in terms of speed against these swamp grown, Deathmarsh Great Crocodiles, was definitely not practical. Therefore, he had an initial desperate intent - to drag out time and get rescued after sinking into a near-death state. If worse comes to worst, he would have to activate the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’ to escape.

Yet after running for a couple hundreds of metres, Sheyan unexpected discovered he was pulling open a gap from those giant crocodiles!

Originally, there was a measly gap of over ten metres, but this distance was steadily increasing.

Sheyan was initially baffled by this situation but after turning his head for a careful glance, he understood the underlying reason.

As it turns out, even though his earlier saber slashes didn’t deal harsh damages to the Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, it wounded a few of the crocodile’s arteries. Even though this was a monstrous legendary beast with thick skin, its regeneration speed couldn’t compare with a contestant who utilized healing medicines. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be merely a tier-5 legendary creature, but on Brother Paul’s tier already.

Furthermore, this decaying Kijuju Marshland was filled with multitudes of leeches or other blood-sucking organisms. As blood oozed out from that Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, the assailing reek of blood undoubtedly attracted hordes of such insects to feast.

Thus, in its discomfort, that crocodile emitted agonizing and depressing grunts. Of course, those organisms weren’t fatal to it at all, and would only cause it discomfort; but naturally, in this manner, the crocodile’s pursuing speed was affected.

As for Sheyan, although his arm fracture couldn’t be healed in a short period of time, his medicines and physique composition had already stopped the bleeding. Furthermore, they had already smeared excessive amounts of those insect repellant clay herbs. Although he also suffered the influence of those vile vermins, his state wasn’t as severe as the crocodile.

Meanwhile, the other Deathmarsh Great Crocodile was probably the ‘spouse’ of the injured Deathmarsh Great Crocodile. Hearing the anguished roars of its partner, it surprisingly slowed down to attend to it; employing its tail to pat the partner’s wound incessantly.

By now, Sheyan didn’t know how far he had run, but he didn’t dare to look back as he advanced frantically.

Knowing that crocodiles were creatures that remembered grudges, Sheyan constantly fled without pausing.

Gradually, the colour of the sky brightened.

Soon after, a verdant and lush jungle appeared a distance away. Aware that he had finally reached a bank of this Kijuju Marshland, his heart flushed with delight and waddled speedily towards that direction. Only after stepping onto solid ground, did Sheyan heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, even if a flock of crocodiles managed stay hot on his heels, he wouldn’t fear them. Though he couldn’t contend against them, the option of fleeing was still available.

After the sensation of the crisis had passed, Sheyan started to feel the unbearable pain and itch kicking in.

After tumbling and scrambling within the wetlands for 1-2 hours, he had long transformed into a clay monkey. In reality, within such an immeasurably treacherous marsh, without his perceptive sense warning him of possible quagmires, Sheyan wouldn’t have been able to flee until here.

This world was clearly indicated as Resident Evil (Biohazard), hence, the trio knew they would inevitably meet with countless pestilences and virus. Before entering the world, they had already stocked up on clean water inside their party storage. Therefore right now, he blatantly produced several barrels of water for a rinse.

While rinsing himself, Sheyan discovered that though he was coated in herb medicines, there were 7-8 leeches currently pasted onto his upper body. Those leeches swelled like pockets of red ink, dangling from his body.

Excluding those, there were a dozen fingernail-sized black water loaches, embedded deep into his flesh like buttons. It was no wonder his body was feeling both sore and itchy.

These organisms couldn’t be forcibly ripped off, otherwise, these blood-sucking organism would strive to drill further in and frantically secrete vile toxins. More importantly, a forceful extraction may leave the mandibles of these organisms embedded in one’s flesh, making it an exceedingly thorny problem; requiring the use of a knife to carve it out.

Fortunately, Sheyan had seen before how to handle those. By sprinkling salt on the surface of these ginormous leeches, they would rapidly exude out the moisture content from their body; causing the leeches to naturally shrink away in fright, before escaping from their host’s body in fear.

Instead, those black water loaches were protected by a thick carapace, where salt couldn’t penetrate through. A lit cigarette would be needed, its fumes would slowly fumigate until these rapacious vermins could no longer withstand the torture. After enduring till their utmost limits, they would pathetically leave their host’s body.

Of course, Sheyan wouldn’t simply spare them, and directly stomped them to death. Bloody footprints were left in the wake of those stomped areas, where one could distinctly fathom the insatiable nature these brats had for blood. According to scientific research, there would frequently be blood-sucking water loaches that were so famished, when they encountered a host, they would inevitably feast until they die from bloatedness…

At present, Sheyan felt immensely weak. Looking at his status, he couldn’t help but sigh. As it turns out, he was currently infected with 4 different diseases.

Malaria, low fever, septicaemia and anthrax.

The malaria virus would cause him to experience shiver during battles in irregular intervals, where a sudden high fever would cause him to fall in a 2 seconds dizziness stunned state……

The low fever virus would cause his body temperature to scale during battles, leading to accuracy dropping by 20%.

As for the septicaemia virus, whenever the opponent attacks him during battle, there would be a 33% chance of his defence completely failing……

Lastly, the anthrax virus would cause ulcerations and festering boils in his wounds, leading to his strength and agility dipping by 15 points.

Although these 4 diseases were merely a basic type, when accumulating all their negative repercussions, it would cause one’s attributes and battle reins to weaken to an incredibly disastrous state.

Right now, Sheyan had to be inflicted for 3 hours without going into combat state, for those virus effects to fade away.

The sun gradually rose. During this period, Sheyan wasn’t able to contact Reef and the others, but he only knew that they hadn’t perished. After retiring into the jungle, he selected and climbed a towering tree before taking a rest.

When he awoke, his diseases had all vanished. Immediately, he could feel his body becoming light and carefree.

Presently, it was nearing noontime. Sheyan didn’t dare to rashly enter the marsh, but could only go along this marsh bank to search for clues.

After trekking and smelling the fumigating marsh stench for nearly an hour, Sheyan was feeling somewhat dizzy.

All of a sudden, he noticed a flock of raven-like creatures gathering by the marsh bank ahead. When they sensed him approaching, the birds dispersed in confusion.

While he was still far away, Sheyan could already smell an unexplainable pungence. Upon close inspection, he realized it was shockingly, a semi-dismembered rotting corpse.

Dozens of plump black flies were buzzing and hovering about, before attempting to land on the decomposing corpse, and its ruptured brown eyeball. However, Sheyan soon waved them away, as he silently examined the corpse.

The nasty stench of the rotten corpse had seemingly no effect on him. Eventually, he affirmed that this corpse didn’t belong to one of his subordinates. Furthermore, his cause of death was probably due to 2 or 3 pikes jabbing into his vital regions.

Sheyan proceeded to flip over this filthy and decomposing thing, an action that led to innumerable fleshy white maggots and mungbean sized black beetles, to flood out in panic before his eyes. Simultaneously, rotten chunks of brownish red flesh and fragments of ghastly white bones sludged out as well.

This scene allowed Sheyan to deduce that before this unlucky brat had died, or perhaps within an hour before he died, all his limbs had been chopped off and taken away.

This caused Sheyan to remember a barbaric hunting behaviour. When returning from a rewarding journey, hunters would forsake the less fleshy torso that was hard to carry and opt to carry the meaty and delicious limbs.

Therefore, there should be a Ndipaya village nearby, or at least, their hunting scope encompassed this portion. Sheyan then heightened his vigilance, as he advanced along this marsh bank.

Suddenly, a flustered and exasperated cry of distress pierced the air!

This bitter cry……was one that Sheyan could distinctly remember.

It was none other than the important guide, Mbenga!

Sheyan’s heart was instantly stirred as he took flight towards the source of that bitter cry.

After sprinting for 200 metres, he immediately discovered a single Ndipaya barbarian currently pressing a pike towards the fallen Mbenga.

This Ndipaya appeared different from the others Sheyan encountered earlier. Even under the scorching noon, he wore a large wooden mask that was roughly a metre tall, where it tightly covered his head. On it, a dense mass of fresh green and gaudy red lines were painted with oil paint and blood. Under the shining bright sun, it appeared with enhanced and queer malevolence.

Beneath his wooden mask, only his embarrassing crotch was wrapped in a straw skirt. His skin tone wasn’t the African suntanned black similar to Mogensha but was instead grey.

He was wielding a pike with a pointed black tip and released an impression of profound danger.

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