The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1339: Encounter

Chapter 1339: Encounter

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

In the last seconds, Sheyan replied to Shadow in his mind.

“Have you ever seen the kind of lake that’s completely isolated from other bodies of water? In the beginning, there might be lots of fish and shrimps in it, and it’ll seem full of vitality, but stagnant water will always be dead water. The fish will die, the shrimps will rot, and the lake will become a decaying swamp. Finally, it’ll dry up completely. Only unceasingly flowing and surging rivers are truly full of vitality, giving birth to even stronger lives!... Goodbye!”

A light shimmered in Shadow’s deep eyes upon hearing Sheyan’s words. Although the light died down almost immediately, Sheyan’s words were deeply engraved in Shadow’s mind like the marks left by a blade!

Little did Sheyan know that his unintentional words of advice would unexpectedly cause a turbulent upheaval in this place hundreds of years later. Shadow, who had gained control over the Keystone by that time, made the bold decision to break away from the tribe and rejoin the main Protoss group because he deemed that this place was close to becoming a rotting swamp. His decision naturally set off a series of bloody consequences, but that’s a story for another time.

The power charge was soon completed. Before Shadow pressed down on the activation button, Sheyan, who anticipated that he would have to face the harsh environment on the planet’s surface again, suddenly asked Shadow a question.

“By the way, before I lost consciousness, I was actually fighting with a special Zerg creature. If I’m not mistaken, the creature was probably a special monster personally produced by the Queen of Blades. He was really strong. Do you know where he is now?”

“The only reason you survived is because the Keystone had recognised the Protoss imprint on your body, so it automatically shielded you. If the guy you’re talking about doesn’t have any identification imprint on him, there’s more than a 95% chance that he’s already turned to dust,” answered Shadow coldly.

“What about the remaining 5%?” This was a matter of life and death for Sheyan, so he must be absolutely sure. Otherwise, if the guy was lying in wait for him outside and instantly ambushed him the moment he was teleported out, he would be in big trouble.

Fortunately, Shadow’s reply after that eased Sheyan’s heart.

“The remaining 5% are the chances of him becoming nutrients for the Keystone. The Keystone is a living creature. It has a huge interest in any powerful organism.”


It had to be admitted that the Protoss race truly did possess the most advanced teleportation technology. Before Sheyan knew it, he was already teleported away. The only thing he felt was a little dizziness, but that was normal.

Of course, this level of teleportation could not compare at all to the powerful instantaneous mass teleportation that the Protoss’ Arbiters were capable of. The Arbiters could transmit several legions of soldiers to someplace light years away, and the troops they transmitted were able to immediately join the fight afterwards. What Sheyan had just experienced could be considered old technology.

Right now, it was the middle of the day in the outside world. The sky, having been swept by the storm caused by the Keystone, seemed boundless. The dense clouds had all vanished, so the sky was unusually clear.

The sudden bright environment made Sheyan squint. Underneath him, and extending far into the distance all around him, the originally prussian blue earth had turned dark green. The moss that was previously lying in dormancy had clearly sensed the arrival of the rare fine weather. It was striving to absorb as much light as it could, and had greedily extended its roots deep into the barren soil to absorb the nutrients. The moss blossomed, split open and reproduced in a short amount of time.

Ronnie suddenly groaned in pain. Sheyan checked his condition and found that the papules on his body had gotten worse. The parasites that were still alive were starting to wriggle underneath his skin like worms that had awakened from hibernation. If they burrowed into Ronnie’s organs, there would be no way to save him unless he could return to the Nightmare Realm immediately.

But there were simply too many parasites on Ronnie’s body. Even if Sheyan were to help him clean up, just clearing the parasites from his torso would take at least twenty minutes. By the time he was done, the parasites on Ronnie’s limbs would have swam along his blood vessels directly into his heart.

Sheyan’s eyebrow suddenly jumped, but he continued to clean up the parasites from Ronnie’s body without missing a beat.

Two seconds later, a figure suddenly emerged behind Sheyan, holding a wrench that was gleaming silver. The figure swung the wrench at the back of Sheyan’s head. Although the action was fierce, it gave rise to no air movement nor sound.

The ability used by the figure was an oft-used ability of the assassin class: ‘Sap’.

Different assassins who learned the ‘Sap’ ability would produce different effects. The ‘Sap’ of this particular assassin required him to hit the back of the target’s head. The target would then be stunned for fifteen seconds, unable to attack, move, cast spells or use items, but they would recover from the stun if they received damage. The moment the target recovered from the stunned state, they would immediately receive a damage value equal to the duration of the stun multiplied by the caster’s Agility value.

But the moment the enemy made the move, Sheyan unexpectedly tilted his head to the side.... As a result, the ‘Sap’ landed on his shoulder! Therefore, the execution of the skill ended in failure. It did nothing except to shave a few dozen points of HP off Sheyan!!

After the assailant’s ambush attempt failed, instead of fleeing immediately like assassins tended to do, the opponent actually pulled another non-mainstream weapon from his waist – a mace. With the unconventional weapon combination of mace and wrench, the assailant pounced at Sheyan ferociously.

Sheyan sidestepped and dodged the attack. “You were actually waiting here for Ronnie all this time?” He looked enraged as he asked.

Only now did Sheyan see what the assailant looked like. He was short and sturdy, and seemed pretty muscular. His triangular eyes shined with malice. He was strong, swift, solid and ferocious, like a crocodile in the mud.

The assailant smirked at Sheyan’s question and responded, “Of course. Even if he’s already dead, we won’t leave until we see his corpse. Ha ha, I can’t believe this accomplishment fell into my lap just like this. It must be my lucky day.”

“I won’t let anyone touch Ronnie,” Sheyan declared with fury.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Dons laughed wildly. “This whole place within a radius of ten kilometers is filled with our men, boy. In five minutes, everyone will be gathered here! Now listen, I’ll get a reward for killing you too, but I’ll get even more benefits if I kill Ronnie by myself, so if you...*cough*...get out of the way right now, I’ll spare...*achooo*...spare your life.”

“Oh,” Sheyan nodded like he had suddenly understood something. “I see what you mean. You’re saying that if I can finish you in ten seconds, I can spare four and a half minutes to treat Ronnie’s injury, and I’ll still have twenty seconds left to run away.”

“You... You...*cough*...Kill me in ten seconds? Don’t f*cking make me laugh!...*achooo*...Huh?

Sheyan had activated ‘Hornrage’ without warning! All of a sudden, he was already right in front of Dons, but just as Sheyan was going to launch the next attack, a strange light flashed on Dons’ chest. He instantly leaped backwards like he had been knocked away, pulling himself away from Sheyan.

Even more bizarre was the moss that grew wildly out of the ground and held firmly onto Sheyan’s feet while Dons was being flung away. It reduced Sheyan’s movement speed by 40%! When Dons landed, he gripped his pair of peculiar weapons tightly. The weapons suddenly lit up with a crimson glow, and the glow started surging and burning!

Weapon Enchantment: Raging Flame!

Dons took a step forward and disappeared into the air. However, his stealth ability which was achieved by refracting light could not escape the detection of Sheyan’s unusually high Perceptive Sense.

Suddenly, a huge spiraling fireball flew towards Sheyan from the side. Sheyan could not avoid it; he could only raise his hands to block!

After forcefully taking the hit, Sheyan was sent flying, enshrouded in flames. While in mid-air, Dons suddenly appeared and smashed both his weapons at Sheyan’s head!

This was another one of Dons’ abilities. He could install similarly invisible magic devices. The ‘Great Fireball’ was an ability on the magic device. He had already calculated Sheyan’s trajectory in advance, so he was already waiting for Sheyan to be delivered to his doorstep!

So far, everything had been playing out according to Dons’ script.

However, when his attack was about to land on Sheyan, he suddenly started coughing violently!

His weapons temporarily halted. However, Sheyan he did not dodge them. The pair of enchanted weapons struck him on the head and exploded, scattering flames all around him! But seizing the opportunity, Sheyan rushed out of the flames like a devil, seemingly unaffected by the blow, and sent a fist at Dons’ chin from below!


Dons was absolutely no match for Sheyan in terms of Strength. He was instantly sent into the air. Sheyan launched three punches in succession. Each punch seemed unspectacular, but the rock beneath his feet shattered with every forward step he took, so fierce were his momentum! Following the last punch, when Dons was about to reach the ground, Sheyan grabbed both of Dons’ legs and flung him into the sky with ‘Tactical Throw’.

Sheyan lowered his head. No expression could be seen on his face, but on his right hand that was raised high, the sharp-edged glove was rapidly changing shape like a melting candle....turning into Evil Sword Apophis!!

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