The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1385: An Acquaintance?

Chapter 1385: An Acquaintance?

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

As soon as one stepped out of a private room anywhere in the Realm, they would hear a dull heartbeat that was as loud as a war drum. They would feel it echoing deep in their chest as if their inner organs were resonating with it, and feel their blood boiling!

In the special rooms for senior officers such as Sheyan, the Realm could be seen through a screen, moving through the vast, boundless outer space. It was currently surrounded by some strange phenomena, and endless rays of lights were shuttling around it. The Realm extended numerous long, giant spiral arms and nailed them like wedges in the terrifying dimensional turbulence, using them to drag its huge body forward like it was climbing a mountain.

The organic tissues on the surface of Noah Realm C could be seen gradually evaporating under the scour of the dimensional turbulence, revealing the internal metallic structure inside. At this time, the Realm would rotate the unprotected internal metallic structure deeper inside it like a Rubik’s cube, so that the organic tissues could slowly grow back.

Seeing the Realm crawl through the dimensional turbulence with the utmost difficulty, Sheyan could not help sighing. The Realm actually had to endure this suffering, that was almost akin to a torturous punishment, the whole time. No wonder it treated lives so mercilessly.

Perhaps in its world outlook, all life-forms were like the flesh on the surface of its body that could regrow infinitely. After being eroded by the poison of time, they could just grow again. Like a seedling, if it was cropped, it could just grow out once more.

“Bring it on, then,” Sheyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if to peer into the future. “The blood red shade of this war is already so thick that it can’t be unravelled anymore!”


A red mist had filled the entire Nightmare Realm, like traces of blood surging in the air. The contestants looked especially ferocious as they inhaled the red mist into their body and exhaled it through their mouths and noses.

A strong, invisible force field had appeared around the public square in the Realm, stopping the contestants from approaching. This was actually for the sake of their own safety. In the centre of the area protected by the force field, a red dot suddenly appeared. The dot was mysterious and profound, as if it contained the infinite truth of the Realm. It slowly extended to both sides to form a line that was over a foot long.

The line extended again in another direction, until it became a 3D object.

Turning from a point to a line was to go from one-dimensional to two-dimensional.

Turning from a line to a plane was to go from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.

As soon as the object became three-dimensional, the time-space ripples it leaked out became intense and violent. The time-space ripples looked somewhat familiar to Sheyan who was watching from the distance. After thinking it over carefully, he realised that they were similar to the shine of Evil Sword Apophis.

Soon, a huge blood red portal took shape, but there were still a lot of ripples in it. It looked really dangerous, as if it would swallow anyone who dared to walk into it without even spitting their bones back out. At that moment, a large amount of light shot out from the Realm, neutralising and calming the terrifying fluctuation.

The blood red glow shone on the faces of all the contestants present. Although it was hazy, everyone’s eyes were grave, and their bodies emitted lights of different colours.

These were the glows of the parties.

The colour and shade of the glow was related to the prestige of a party, while the brightness of the glow was related to the level of a party.

At that moment, out walked a party that was covered in an ocean blue glow. Their appearance immediately snatched all the attention. Their glow was pure and strong, as if it was plated onto their bodies, giving others the impression of looking up at a cloudless sky or staring into the deepest sea.

This was indeed no longer the time to hide one’s strength.

A single glance at this ocean blue party and one could tell that they must be proficient in the survival aspect; their party skills must focus on healing. The glow of other parties were noticeably inferior to theirs. They were truly head-turning!

The moment the ocean blue party appeared, they attracted almost all the gazes. Sheyan, too, did not want to keep a low profile any longer. Right when he was about to show the strength of his silver party, he suddenly felt an oppressive aura. The invisible force field around him disappeared completely. The portal seemed to be in a rather unstable state. Upon a closer look, there was actually a countdown of 150 seconds, so all the people there quickly rushed towards the portal.

“Never mind. Plenty of opportunities to show off after this,” sighed Sheyan.

Party Ace had currently expanded to six members: Sheyan, Reef, Zi, Sanzi, Aldaris and Ronnie. But that was only how it looked on the surface. Sheyan alone could summon Old Charlie and Ramtas. In addition, in preparation for the world of the Lord of the Rings where even the magicians usually wielded both magic staffs and swords, he had reconditioned Ramtas, greatly strengthening his resistance to cold weapons.

Besides that, they also had Kulutego. No one would probably refute the claim that Kulutego’s combat power was equivalent to three catapults. And if he could get close to the city wall, he could cause even more damage than that.

“Let’s go!”

[ Teleporting to the battlefield in the world of the Lord of the Rings! ]

[ Entering the battlefield planet... ]

[ Data matching in progress... ]

[ Faction assignment in progress... ]

[ Time node confirmed. ]

[ Assimilating contestant with the world... ]

[ Entering the world... ]

The White Tower protects its people.

A place where desire and ambition are about to collide.

The howling of the Orcs resounded through the sky.

The swords of Gondorians shine cold.

Time is the key to victory.

The victor is justice; the loser, evil.

Fight, for the beliefs in your heart!


Everyone felt the world spinning around them upon entering the blood red portal. Their visions darkened. When they regained their sight, they saw a vast expanse between the sky and the earth. The grey clouds above were as thick as mountains, so the sky seemed extremely close to the land below.

They were on an altar that was exuding barbarism. The stones used to build the altar were thick and crude, and each stone was at least as big as a house. An altar made up of such stones could not, of course, be described as refined. There were obvious chisel marks left on the stones, as well as some dark brown spots. The bigger ones among the dark brown spots were several feet in diameter, and even the smaller ones were about the size of a basin. They smelled of blood.

There was a depression the size of a bathtub at the front of the altar. Of course, the bathtub here referred to one which could fit an Uruk-hai. The “bathtub” was filled with red fleshy pieces which, upon closer inspection, would be revealed to be hearts. Some of the hearts had dried up and turned black, shrinking like a fruit that had been aired for three months and seven days, while some were still fresh, occasionally twitching and squirting out some of the blood left in their blood vessels.

An Orc priest showed a look of surprise and joy when he saw Sheyan and his teammates appear. He flashed his black, staggered teeth and excitedly waved the twisted wooden staff in his hands about while making loud noises with his throat.

It seemed that the role of Sheyan and his teammates this time were reinforcements summoned from another dimension.

Standing on the altar, Sheyan checked out the surroundings. He saw fertile plains all around them that were covered in withered yellow grass and farmlands. Right next to the altar was a field planted with the “Sweet Lobelia” tobacco plant. Looking around, he saw various Orcs digging up potatoes, bog rushes and Sweet Lobelias from the ground. The Orcs fed the semi-mature plants straight into their mouths with no regard for the soil still sticking to them. The original owners of these farms had either fled, or suffered a tragic fate.

Only the onion fields remained unharmed thanks to the onions’ weird smell, but there were the occasional Orcs that were brave enough to try them. However, the strong smell of the raw onions only ended up causing some serious damage to the Orcs due to the Orcs’ sensitive sense of smell.

Sheyan’s gaze once again shifted to the distance, where he saw a long river enclosing around this piece of land in a semi arc. That was the 1,388-miles-long Anduin, the Great River of Wilderland, and this fertile plain irrigated by it was called the Pelennor Fields. The carrots and potatoes produced on the plain were as famous throughout Middle Earth as the tobacco of the Shire and the salmon sandwich of the Prancing Pony inn.

On the other side of the long river stood the White Mountains, an extremely steep and precipitous mountain range. A magnificent mountain city had been built on it, and it was the goal of the battle Sheyan and his party were about to join. It was Minas Tirith, the capital of the kingdom of Gondor. Because the mountain range was white in colour, the colour tone of Minas Tirith was mostly white as well, and “the White Tower” was sometimes used as a metonym for the city and its rulers.

Zi stood beside Sheyan and stared at four black, giant squares on the plain in front of Minas Tirith. The squares were army formations made up of Orcs and Uruk-hais – a terrifying amount of them. In front of such numbers, even the mountains seemed to have lost some of their colours.

The Orc army was superior to the defending army both in numbers and quality. To be honest, it was a miracle that Minas Tirith was not captured in the original plotline.

While looking at all this, Zi suddenly asked Sheyan, “If you summon Melody here now, which side do you think she’ll help?”

Sheyan smiled. “She’ll help me, of course. I don’t think she’ll fight with the humans, but she’ll probably help me deal with the contestants.”

At that moment, more than ten contestants stepped out of the altar portal behind them. Because the portal could only be sustained for 150 seconds, none of the contestants took their time in entering the world. Sheyan was about to go to the central area to find out what benefits he had gained when suddenly, he saw a person in the distance. Their eyes inadvertently met and immediately stuck to each other like magnets, no longer able to separate!

“It’s you?” remarked Sheyan flatly.

“It’s you!” The other party, though, was not so calm. His voice was sharp and full of vicious hatred!!

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