Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 205 - 205 Come

Another seven days passed and in this entire week, our bored gamer has absolutely pleasured Ning Xi to the heavens and back then back again some more.

The recently plucked flower bloomed ever resplendent as she learned the skills of the trade in terms of love making.


She took as much as she received and it would be a lie indeed if Ning Xi would say that she was not fulfilled to the brim during this romantic interlude with our very own protagonist.

If this was a dream, Ning Xi wished that this would never end for her. Alas, all good things must have ending. For now at least.

"It\'s time for us to go back, Ning Xi." Clark said while they were sitting side by side on the sands upon the crimson farewell of the sun.

"Yes." Ning Xi replied but her eyes never left the horizon.

She wanted to cherish this moment for as long as she could and our bored gamer has of course obliged the silent plea of his woman.

They stayed until dark and in a blink of an eye, their forms dissipated like mists of a new morn.

* * *


"I think i finally has an inkling of what true love feels like. Ning Xi is not after my fame and power after all.

Perhaps the epic good looks that i possess was what charmed her to my arms in the first place." Clark mused after he returned to his room in his lonesome.

He knew that the day was not yet over because he has a delicious job left unfinished.

"Hmmm... I better not let them wait anymore."

Our good gamer smiled and quickly left the comforts of his room in order to cure those hearts that has missed his presence for 2 long weeks.

It did not need telling that the familiar music of agony rang in some select chambers of his residence soon enough.

"AHHHHHHH!" These sweet moans echoed loudly for hours and hours without end. Our bored gamer was quite the busy lover indeed.

* * *

Later that day, the team of our good gamer ate together at the usual time. It was high noon and they were throwing happy talks around like they usually did.

What was different though was how Ning Xi seemed to open up a bit. She would laugh and make cute jokes that she never did before. Especially not in the presence of our bored gamer.

The aloof air around her has obviously subsided and this has brought about some delightful promises on the days to come.

\'Well, i think that my plan to have them all in one room would be easier than i anticipated.\'

\'Should i perhaps start implementing a few of my thorough tactics into play?\' Clark thought as he observed how his women was quite at ease with each other\'s company.

They enjoyed the moment and he was of course pretty happy to see how his wishes was progressing at this quick pace.

\'Hmmm... I should wait until i get Tang Xinyue into my arms. After that, i would think that six women all at the same time would be enough of a starting harem under my belt.\'

Our bored gamer nodded and decided to follow through this strategy for the time being. Since he was already a True Immortal, time was of course a close friend of his already.

He did not anymore lack this priceless gift and this have taught him the importance of patience than any other values he could have anticipated to achieve.

The party did not go on until midnight like the last two instances but only endured a 3 hour life. After that, each of them separated their own ways and hobbies since cultivating at this point was already a lost cause for most of them.

This was especially true for Wan Fei, Ning Xi, the sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah, and of course our most favorite middle aged man, Old Peng.

Luckily for our avid gamer, the day has only started between him and one woman on his list. Perhaps this was the most difficult heart to lure into a trap.

This was of course none other than our protagonist\'s ex fiancee, Tang Xinyue.

* * *

"You should go on without me, Ze Min. That wretched Lu Chen has finally remembered my presence and is summoning me again into his room."

Tang Xinyue said after she stopped traversing the skies with her acquired ability to fly.

Two forms could be seen resting on the high clouds as they looked at the impressive array of sword palaces all over the original Demonic Sword Sect.

"Why did we have to go back here, Big Sis Xinyue? Our lives was so much better in the Central Continents. 

Even our cultivation has risen to leaps and bounds ever since our sect took control of the world. We should have just stayed there and let Lu Chen rot in here!" Ze Min complained.

"I\'m sure that you\'re not as naive as your words imply, Ze Min. I don\'t believe that Lu Chen has not a hand in how our sect had just immediately rose to the top in one jump.

He is not merely destined to be a True Immortal but has a huge and powerful force behind him. The fortuitous encounter he must have had is simply staggering for us to fathom.

How life plays at us sometimes for fate to give a man as vile as Lu Chen to receive such a priceless boon. And you were the one who followed me in here.

You could have stayed to cultivate in peace, Ze Min." Tang Xinyue whispered into the wind which successfully silenced the objections of the woman near her.

Tang Xinyue left without saying another word.

"I can\'t let you face him alone this time, Big Sis!" Ze Min said and she too, disappeared to follow where the winds took Tang Xinyue.

* * *

"Ohhh... An unwanted guest has come. Interesting." Clark muttered when his divine sense has scoured the location of his target.

After a full minute, Tang Xinyue finally arrived with a partner in tow.

"BANG!" The double doors took another abusive push but like all the other instances prior to this event, the sturdy gates withstood the damage in silence.

"What the hell do you want now, Lu Chen?!" Tang Xinyue asked the moment she saw the arrogant face of our bored gamer. Clark did what he was accustomed to do.

Lying on his bed in obvious ease.

"It seems that you have brought a friend with you, Xinyue." Clark ignored the question and gazed at the equally beautiful woman beside Tang Xinyue.

"What? Are you afraid that i might teach you a lesson in here, Lu Chen? And here i thought that you were infallible in the eyes of your women."

Ze Min replied with these biting words and it showed how she loathed this man. She even used the name Lu Chen to better depict which side she was on at the moment.

"Black Phantom of the Sealed River Sect. I wonder how your father Yao Li is feeling after he realized that the Demonic Sword Sect is not one that he can swallow in his lifetime."

Our bored gamer stated a fact and Ze Min showed no shock whatsoever. She had taken the hit like a pro and did not even let a dead silence filter between them for long.

"You have quite the tendency for impossible assumptions and tall tales, Lu Chen. My name is Ze Min." Ze Min immediately replied half a breath later after Clark\'s words finished his revelations.

It did not need saying that the plans of her father has indeed been wasted in the sudden resurgence of the Demonic Sword Sect.

Her Father Yao Li has always coveted this ancient relic of a World Traveler Senior and thus made plans in order to subvert the sect from within.

It was just sad that our bored gamer has come into the picture and burned their dreams away into the unforgettable ashen cinders of the past.

"Okay then. Let me humor you and continue calling you in that name. But your presence is not needed today, Ze Min. You may go now."

Clark said and refocused his attention on the frowning Tang Xinyue on the side. It was easy to tell that she was beginning to doubt the identity of her friend Ze Min.

Alas, it did not take long for such curiosity to vanish as she witnessed how Lu Chen had inspected her body with his hot gaze.

Tang Xinyue felt like a million fire ants was crawling on every inch of her skin. It was a pretty disgusting feeling for her to say the least!

The flames of hate in her heart remained strong through the years and it would take a miracle to truly erase the scars in her past.

If that was even possible to do in the first place. Our bored gamer was of course not stupid to think otherwise. He continued looking at Tang Xinyue in silence.

"I will stay. I want to!" Ze Min did not like how the scene was unfolding before her eyes and so was resisted the urge to run away. She also had the conclusion that Tang Xinyue said before.

This man named Lu Chen was absolutely mystical and extremely dangerous. Alas, Ze Min loved Tang Xinyue more than the promise of death breathe down her neck at this very moment.

Clark merely raised a brow in surprise for a second or two. In the end, he nodded once and respected the decision of Ze Min.

\'Two is better than one after all.\' Our bored gamer smiled within and proceeded to follow his plans for today.

"Okay then... the two of you will come with me and... we shall have a great time together."

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