Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 556 - Ambition

Chapter 556: Ambition

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng also designed some training methods based on the Tita citizens’ situation and handed them to Mu Sen. They were very suitable for giants. It was a pity Rara Durai did not know how to use Skylink. The key point was his size, even if he wanted to use one, they would have to have a custom made Skylink. But Wang Zheng still asked Mu Sen to pass the message to Rara Durai. As the Titan, he needed to be more pro-active in learning the technology of humans, at least...he could communicate with him.

Wang Zheng actually just commented casually but this brought about a revolutionary change in Tita star.

A single spark could start a fire burning through the fields!

Mars Sage Sect, deep behind the mountains.

Here, it was far away from the Saint Mountain of the Sage Sect, yet it was the more mysterious Sage Saint land.

Hong long long...

2 streaks of fiery light flashed past mid-air, fighting against each other. Within the fiery lights, 1 male and 1 female, 2 silhouettes burst with strong battle aura, competing to get the first chance.

These 2 persons were Lie Xin and Lie Guang.


The Sage stood aside and ordered. The 2 streaks of fiery lights immediately dissipated. At this moment, it was however easy to determine who was more powerful. Lie Xin could attack and withdraw smoothly and Lie Guang was obviously struggling with controlling his abilities.

The Sage smiled slightly. “Not bad, you guys have already mastered and can control freely the 16 Point Lie Flame Technique. You can now accept the initial steps of the next level of the Lie Flame Technique.”

Lie Xin’s eyes brightened. Lie Guang on the other hand stuck out his tongue and raised his hand. “Teacher, can you spare me? Where did you see me controlling the ability freely, when I was withdrawing the fire, I felt as though I was being roasted. I’m almost well cooked through.”

The Sage ‘s eyes smiled but Lie Guang’s heart froze. Shit, every time teacher used this sort of eyes to look at him, his situation would become very miserable. “Teacher, I’m wrong...”

Luckily, this time, the Sage was not really annoyed. He said lightly, “Your body type is actually more suitable for the Lie Flame Technique, except that your life force is too promiscuous and you have lost your virginity early. That is why you experience difficulty controlling the fire within you.”

Lie Guang smiled bitterly, if he had the foresight, he would not have lived such a lifestyle. Actually, an indulgent life was not what he really wanted. Except, he was a man and naturally he had no resistance towards women. Since he had already enjoyed himself, there was no need for regrets...His past should not be dug out again, he could only look forward. “Teacher, is there any way to solve this?”

“Achieve full mastery of the Lie Flame Technique.”

With just a single sentence, Lie Guang’s face became bitter. Training relentlessly until now, he had only achieved minor mastery of the technique. To obtain full mastery? When would that be?

Lie Xin smiled slightly. In front of the Sage, she still could not act as openly as Lie Guang.

The Sage did his best with her, giving her all the resources he had, investing in her. He used some ancient methods to help her cleanse her essence and achieve enlightenment, and in those methods, he used some drugs which had long been extinct. Using some meant having a lesser.

“Lie Xin, from tomorrow onwards, you and Lie Guang will train based on the fighting art here. But you have to take note, once there is any issue, let me know at the first instant.”

Lie Xin received an ancient scroll from the hands of the Sage. She opened it carefully. A whole new Lie Flame Technique was recorded inside.

Lie Guang looked at the cultivation technique’s mnemonic chant on it. He rubbed his head. It was very obvious, this was the second half of the Lie Flame Technique. It was more advanced, its power stronger. Once they have mastered this, it was most likely they would more than double in strength. He was a little confused. “Teacher, the Lie Flame Technique is obviously complete, why must we separate it into 2 halves? Isn’t that just self-destroying?”

Such a good thing, why did he have to hide it till now before taking it out?

The Sage sighed. “It is time to let you guys know the true history of the Sage Sect.”

Lie Guang still wanted to pester with more questions but was pulled back by Lie Xin, hence he just sat down honestly on the floor.

“Hundreds of years ago, the Sage Sect was already the state religion of Mars, no matter which powers, if they wanted to enter Mars, they all had to get the permission of the Sage Sect. That was a time of the War Gods...”

The Sage said with reverence, he was recalling that miracle-like golden age.

“War Gods? What are those?” Lie Guang blinked.

“Don’t interrupt.” Lie Xin smacked Lie Guang on the head.

The Sage laughed. “You guys had already achieved small mastery of the Lie Flame Technique. You should be able to feel how a cultivation technique can raise a person’s battle abilities to much newer heights.”

Lie Xin nodded, indeed, based on her strength now, with just a knife, she could easily defeat head on a soldier from the enhanced troops.

“In the age of the War Gods, one person only needed a custom armor and they could rule the world. They could compete alone with an entire fleet. That is a War God, and War Gods relied on special powerful cultivation techniques. The Lie family and Sage Sect have the common heritage of the Lie Flame Technique. It is one of the cultivation techniques to create a War God.”

“Then why are there no War Gods now?”

Lie Guang scratched his head. Actually, this type of stories had always been around in the internet, except that everyone just read it as a form of entertainment. No one would really believe it, but hearing this from the Sage, the meaning was naturally different.

“Human strength is after all limited. The legendary strength of the War Gods derives actually from the communication between man and the universe. They used the universe’s energy to the maximum efficiency; you can say that this is a type of harmonious “borrowing”. But as civilization developed, human technology broke the balance of the universe and the whole universe’s energy started to reject humans. Man can no longer feel the originally omnipresent vitality, and War Gods lost their strength, becoming normal people. The reason why we divided the Lie Flame Technique, is not to self-destroy, but at the current environment, there is no way that the complete Lie Flame Technique can be mastered. If forcefully trained, you will only lose yourself and become demented.”

The Sage softly relayed the secret story of the fall of mankind, of the ages before. Hearing it now, it was indeed like a myth, but it was not fictional. In the Sage Sect Secret Records, there were not only written records but also videoed materials.

“In the recordings of the Sage Sect Secret Records, the human civilization hundreds of years ago were at the early stage of the great maritime era, but some technology had already surpassed what we have now. They have reached the peak. At that era, personal space crystals were widely used. 1 space crystal could contain 1 mech. All the equipment of 1 troop could be brought along with just more than 10 space crystals. But the existence of so much personal space caused the destabilization of the universe space and space separated. In the end, this caused human civilization to regress. Some areas should not be touched by humans.” the Sage’s voice became tinged with sadness.

Lie Xin’s eyes moved. “Teacher, by giving us the next half of the cultivation technique now, are you saying that you can feel the vitality again? Perhaps... the damage caused by humans to the universe had already been repaired?”

The Sage looked gladly at Lie Xin. “Whether it is repaired or not, no one will know. But, vitality has indeed started to appear. Even though it is not very obvious yet, but it is enough for you guys to start training with the higher level of the Lie Flame Technique.”

“And, it is now your period of advantage. No matter Lear or Achilles, the cultivation techniques that they inherited are all incomplete versions. If they cannot find the next half of the complete cultivation technique, in the future, they will not form much worry. Oh right, the World of Saints that I have given you guys a few days ago, how was it?” Odin laughed.

Both Lie Xin and Lie Guang were stunned. World of Saints? Ah, 5 days ago, the Sage suddenly passed to the two of them a game program. He said that they could take a look when they had the time.

Lie Xin lowered her head. “Teacher, I’ve yet to open it.”

Lie Guang on the other hand was muttering under his breath: “I thought that it was teacher’s test to see how determined we are to learn this fighting art. What if I open it and get punished instead...”


Lie Guang’s head was smacked again by the Sage.

As if recalling something, Lie Xin raised her head again. “Teacher, you just said that if Lear and the others cannot find the next half of their fighting art, this means...”

“In the era of War Gods, the greatest existence of human civilization was a group called the Saint Church. Except, there was a huge change during that year and the Saint Church was attacked by everyone. And because Sage Sect was protected by Martians, we could protect and preserve the complete Lie Flame Technique. Lear’s Ares Art, Achilles’s Heavenly King Arts were all snatched over from the Saint Church. They are all halved versions. But now, with the recovery of vitality, Saint Church is reviving too. The World of Saints is just a small part of the Saint Church. Inside, there are the cultivation techniques passed by Saint Church that year. If all goes well, no matter whether it is the Ares Art or Heavenly King Arts, there are both full versions for inheritance that can be found inside.”

Lie Guang was stunned. “There actually is such an organization. Wouldn’t they be able to rule with such power?”

Lie Xin laughed and knocked Lie Guang’s head. “Are you stupid? The era has already changed. Even if the cultivation technique now had become stronger, it would never reach the level of that era. At most it would give us some advantage. To put it simply, it is a good way to train our bodies.”

Lie Guang covered his head. “You guys stop hitting my head, I’m becoming stupid.”

Odin smiled. “Lie Xin only guessed half of what happened. There was a saying in that year that all arts come from the Saint Church. They are a neutral existence. It serves the entire human race, hence facing the situation of destabilization that year; they did not resist and simply disappeared. Now there lies a chance, under the circumstance where the Saint Master is missing, whoever becomes the Saint Master can control this power. Adding in the resources you guys have now, it is possible that the Lie family’s wish may be realized.”

Lie Xin and Lie Guang exchanged looks. Obviously they had understood. If this was the case, they would really have to compete for the position of the Saint Master.

“Teacher, if this is the case, do we still need to go to Elite Academy X?” Lie Xin was very tempted upon hearing. She wanted to focus just on domineering this world.

“You can’t succeed by rushing. This is only an opportunity and not everything. Besides, whether or not you can become the Saint Master is not just dependent on working hard. You still need some luck.”

A young man appeared in Odin’s head. He had some suspicions in his heart. Perhaps there were areas that were contradictory. At the start, he had thought that Wang Zheng was the successor of the Saint Church. In many ways, he was so alike, but understanding his recent situation, he denied this thought. Things were a little mysterious. But as a Martian, the leader of Sage Sect, he still hoped that Lie Xin and Lie Guang would have great accomplishments.

All along, the Sage Sect also recognized that the Solar System was the heart of human lives. At the beginning it was Earth, no doubt. Then it was followed by the Moon. It was a pity that the life aura of Moon was too thin and could not support this world. Now the luck should turn to Mars. This time, the recovery of vitality would signal the rise of Mars.

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