Global Evolution

Chapter 339

Liu Chang himself has used hand guns to launch nuclear attacks - so he believes that the sea people have the giant beasts hundreds of times bigger than him, and they have the ability to launch nuclear bombs individually .

Nuclear bombs are all ready-made, just to transform a launcher, which is not difficult for Haitians - and before willow, even humans who have no nuclear launch capability on the human side are afraid, so we should be more afraid of the weapons possessed by undersea people .

"You think willow is afraid of nuclear weapons?" Li Qingshui said that the willow problem, the happy element in his tone sharply reduced by half, and his tone brought out a strong sadness, "willow has always been afraid of nuclear weapons themselves, he is afraid of nuclear winter . "

"Nuclear winter?" Liu Chang frowned and tried to recall whether he had the knowledge reserve in his mind, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t come up with a reason . Although he has changed his brain domain now, he has only a few days because of the change . In the past few days, he has been busy and has no leisure to study systematically .

Knowledge is not because your IQ suddenly increases, and it can jump out of thin air . The flexibility of the brain will make it easier for people to learn knowledge . And after learning is not easy to forget, and can learn to apply . But Liu Chang did not learn at all, so naturally it seems that knowledge is lacking .

"Well, nuclear winter . " As if knowing Liu Chang’s predicament, Li Qingshui explained calmly: "nuclear winter . After the nuclear explosion, the dust will fly into the stratosphere, because the dust particles are very small after the nuclear explosion . So you can stay above the stratosphere for up to a year

"And because there’s dust blocking the light, so . There will be an anti greenhouse effect above the ground, causing the surface temperature to drop sharply . You know what that means? "

"The temperature drops again?" Hearing this word, Liu Chang instantly understood the serious consequences that this matter may lead to .

Now the surface temperature is very low, very low - much lower than the temperature of the earth’s glacial age . The temperature of tens of degrees below zero has already posed a great challenge to the life of the earth and the ecosystem . If the temperature drops again due to nuclear winter, the life system of the earth will collapse .

"If nuclear winter comes, what will the surface temperature drop to?" Liu Chang asked .

"If there is enough time . It can be infinitely close to absolute zero . " Li Qingshui said: "after all, heat is brought by the sun’s rays . Because of the coming of winter, the red fog has blocked a large part of the light, if there is a layer of dust on it . The double filtration of heat, the equation that blocks the light, is not addition, but multiplication or power Li Qingshui explained: "at that time, the ground may be in absolute darkness . If the heat is consumed, it will be the temperature of those stars outside the universe . It will be very close . "

"Oh, no wonder, after the night of death, the big willow tree is so honest . " Liu sighed, "that nuclear winter, how many equivalent nuclear weapons can lead to?"

"In the past, the figure given by the United Nations was 5 billion tons of equivalent, but now, it should be less than 1 . 5 billion tons . Because of the red fog’s checks and balances on the environment, the environment is less tolerant of heat loss . This is the real prophecy!" Li Qingshui said, looking at the sky in his eyes, he became empty .

Liu Chang calculated 1 . 5 billion tons of equivalent, and found that this figure would not kill the 800 feet buried willow . After all, willow trees cover an area almost equivalent to three provinces, and their roots are even deeper into the ground . It is not so easy to kill them all .

But the sea people are not stupid . If they come here this time, if they are not sure, they will not come to die .

Therefore, the problem has become more complicated . The two sides are at war . There are constraints on the balance of the environment, and there are people sitting on the side of fishermen, and there are all kinds of brainless animals to make variables .

Therefore, this is a battle, or a war, in which Liu Chang could not infer the course of the battle no matter how much brain he spent . After all, both sides of the battle are the real king level overlord species on earth, and both have the wisdom beyond human beings and the survival ability above other species .

And Liu Chang has an advantage, for the things he can’t think of, he won’t be brave enough to think about .

After retreating from the difficulties, he knew that at present, it is more important for him to recover and then make other plans .


Time waits for no man .

During the close talks between Liu Chang and Li Qingshui, the progress of the undersea people will not be slowed down because of the abortion of willow’s plan in Beijing .

Nearly a thousand kilometers from Qingdao to Zhengzhou, the sea people and the giant animals, like an expeditionary force, keep trampling on their footprints . In the distance of more than 1000 kilometers, the coverage rate of the jungle is very high, but the tall trees and dense shrubs can’t stop the monsters with the size of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters . These monsters, dressed in armour, armed with battleship’s main gun level "guns" and carrying groups of seamen on their backs, have opened up huge channels in the frozen jungle . No matter how difficult the terrain is, they can not stop the advance of intelligent creatures of huge size .

Where they passed, mountains and rivers vibrated and huge trees collapsed -

maybe the dense forest can block the tires of human vehicles, or the mountain streams can block the tracks of tanks, but they can never stop the pace of these giants . They’re smart and flexible . Above the sky, there are all kinds of seabirds and even helicopters opening their way - except that helicopters are obviously modified species, and the pilots in the planes are no longer human beings .

Those small sea creatures with protruding eyeballs, each of which seems to have very strong eyesight, are driving helicopters . They are no slower than the giant seabirds in the air . They are in the sky, exploring the way for the expeditionary troops below and protecting the navigation . (to be continued)

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