The Great Thief

Chapter 702: Fight Between Brothers

"Adventurer from a faraway land, your arrival has interrupted my peace," Zaetar’s boomed as his golden eyes glowed.

This was the proper demeanor of a son of a Demigod. Remulos was simple, like an old man selling cotton candy by the road.

"We have come to complete a quest," Lu Li said after bracing himself.

"A quest... that has something to do with me. That’s funny."

The term was no stranger to Zaetar, but he shook his head as he scanned all the players present with his gold eyes before asking, "Are all of you here for the same thing?’

"No, just the two of us," Lu Li answered as he pulled Water Fairy over and signaled for the others to return to town.

No one knew what Zaetar was going to do, but currently it seemed like he was far less benevolent than Remulos. Hachi Chan got scared and obediently started channeling her return portal. Cain’s Left Hand and Deep Watersong felt like it was a bit anticlimactic, but there was nothing they could do, so they also channeled their return portals.

"Who sent you two? I can feel a familiar presence on your body," Zaetar asked as he circled around Lu Li and Water Fairy.

Previously, Carolina had given Lu Li the Moon’s Blessing which allowed him to visit the Moonlight Forest. Later, as he got closer to Remulos, this blessing was solidified and he was now a regular guest of the Moonlight Forest.

Lu Li revealed his blessing and showed it to Zaetar.

He hoped that after seeing the favor of the Moon, Zaetar would just listen to them and return to Ravenholdt Manor with them.

"It can’t be this one..." Zaetar shook his head after a moment of silence.

"I don’t know then."

Lu Li decided to give up on the idea of flattering the Demigod’s son, as the two parties had no common ground at all. After all, he had just killed his wife.

Zaetar then stared at Lu Li’s hand and there was a sudden flicker in his gold eyes.

Lu Li even noticed that his body had been solidified further. He had no idea what was going to happen next and could only bitterly smile at Water Fairy.

Paladins and Priests actually had an advantage against ghost monsters, but it was difficult for Shamans and Druids.

It was also a little hard for Thieves to deal with such monsters.

"We killed your wife – aren’t you angry?" Water Fairy suddenly asked.

Lu Li sighed internally. They were already past that, but she was still thinking about it. Lu Li really wished that Zaetar would forget about that.

Zaetar looked away from Lu Li’s finger and answered Water Fairy’s question.

"She isn’t dead; this is a special place."

As per usual, the Instance Dungeon was just a copy of space and time from the outside world. After the Bronze Ancestor Dragon, Nozdormu, received the blessing of Aman’Thul the Highfather and became Azeroth’s Guardian of Time, he and the other guardian dragons created the unique Instance Dungeons.

Now, an NPC was directly telling that everything in an Instance Dungeon was just an illusion. This new revelation would go on to puzzle players for a very long time, but it caused a strong sense of detachment for Lu Li.

"What about you? Are you just an illusion?" Water Fairy asked.

"When did I say I was an illusion? I said that this was a special place, not that this was an illusion."

Zaetar was becoming a little impatient as he turned his head and stared at Lu Li’s hand again, then said, "Show me your ring."

"Sorry, I’ve already received approval for this ring, so I can’t take it off," Lu Li complained bitterly. After the ring had been spotted by Remulos, he had come up with this phrase to prevent those who wanted it from stealing it from him.


This was Cenarius’ Ring, so there was only one person to get approval from.

This was just an imaginative reason, but it clearly affected Zaetar. His ghost body distorted for a while before re-stabilizing.

"You’re so small and weak... how did you get his approval?!" Zaetar’s said incredulously with a chill in his voice.

"When I got it, it was just an ordinary ring, but in three months, I have managed to upgrade it three times. It is now called the Supreme Four Ring," Lu Li answered. He was feeling slightly angry; this guy had been killed by his own song and he had to audacity to insult him.

Upgraded three times in three months?!

Zaetar’s expression was one of surprise.

If you considered his consciousness to be alive, then his life was basically endless. So, three months to him was just a quick flash of a moment.

Malfurion upgraded his Supreme ring three times, but it took over a hundred years...

Zaetar couldn’t help but recognize this little adventurer as a genius. Although Zaetar was arrogant, he had felt like he had been compelled.

Lu Li saw that this was his chance and tried to complete his quest.

"We have brought a message from the Ravenholdt Manor. Someone you once met wants to meet with you again."

Zaetar was currently in a ghost form which made his voice inherently raspy, so his laughter was particularly creepy.

He wasn’t sure why, but Lu Li suddenly remembered something.

When he first entered the Moonlight Forest, he felt like it was a peaceful place. However, the Druids there were quite nervous as there was an unidentified assassin who had reportedly attacked Remulos. This caused the entire Moonlight Forest to fall into a state of tension. The enemies of the Cenarion Circle were also supernatural, which made the Druids scared and suspicious.

If Lu Li had not received the Moon’s Blessing, he probably would have been immediately killed because he was a Thief.

In this world, the Ravenholdt Manor’s Assassins were probably among the best. Could it have been that Ravenholdt Manor had hired an Assassin to assassinate Remulos?

Lu Li felt chills down his spine thinking about who it could be.

It was becoming clear that the two sons of Cenarius weren’t just fighting to be favored. After thinking about the way that both Remulos and Zaetar had acted, his suspicions were slowly being confirmed.

However, this wasn’t a fight he could be part of. Although he was the number 1 player, even the strongest players were currently nothing to the NPCs. They needed to become much stronger before they could even have a right to intervene.

By that time, attacking Stormwind or Orgrimmar wouldn’t be far from reality. But right now, the only thing he could do was complete this quest.

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