The Great Thief

Chapter 798: Into Jintha’Alor

Elevenless had been tired to death by Lu Li.

Although he had lost, it was a glorious defeat to be tired out by someone like Lu Li. Not many could go toe-to-toe with him for such an extended period of time.

As for the group match, Elevenless had totally displayed what it was like to be Berserker.

What was the class that made blood boil the most? Berserkers!

Ruling Sword against the Wings of Dawn – this was without a doubt one of the most classic matches so far in the competition. It would be difficult for any matches after to surpass this one.

Some said that matches were decided by star players, but this match had involved much more than just individual skills.

According to Dark Wind, Lu Li won with tactics, while Elevenless relied on his aura.

Those from the audience who enjoyed a bloody fight saw the Berserker, while enjoyed tactics saw Lu Li. As for those who liked to check out pretty girls, they got to see Water Fairy.

After the match, the guild channel was filled with cheering.

They shared the glory of defeating the Wings of Dawn, especially those PVP maniacs who were still fighting with the Gangnam Royals even now. They were keen to see Ruling Sword play against the Gangnam Royals in their next matches and achieve a complete victory.

When Lu Li requested to form a team to attempt Jintha’Alor, countless guild members responded.

This was morale – you couldn’t see or touch it, but it definitely existed. With this exhilarating high, no one dared to stand before their way.

When the word got out that Ruling Sword was headed for Jintha’Alor again, the major guilds who had previously fallen into Lu Li’s trap kept quiet this time.

Lu Li didn’t head for the Trial Tower; there was still some time before it refreshed. His target for this expedition was the great city of Vilebranch Trolls, which was located in Jintha’Alor.

Without a doubt, Jintha’Alor was currently the most preserved habitat of Trolls in Azeroth. The Desert Trolls (located in Zul’Farrak) and the Hakkari tribe (located in Zul’Gurub) couldn’t compare to this region in terms of population.

They were blood-thirsty and cruel, but they were definitely obedient and extremely hardworking.

A long time ago, before the great apocalypse, the Forest Trolls ruled over the Lordaeron Continent. Their empire was known as Amani.

Both the Amani empire and the Gurubashi empire had fought with the merciless Aqir race, and eventually defeated them. However, they were sent into mourning over the great cost of their victory – not more than a tenth of them remained.

The High Elves arrived at Lordaeron for the first time, and with their magic, they casted out the Trolls in the north section and established their kingdom, Quel’Thalas.

The Forest Trolls were determined to defeat these Elven intruders and overthrow Quel’Thalas. To achieve their revenge, they gathered the most respected Forest Trolls under Zul’jin and formed an alliance with the Horde in the second great war.

Some Forest Trolls headed for the battleground with their Tauren allies, including the Evil Priestess Hexs.

After the battle, Hex survived, but lost the majority of her subordinates. She was infuriated by the fact that the Horde didn’t fulfill their promise and without the slightest hesitation, abandoned Zul’jin and the Tauren.

Even after the new Horde rose up, they still kept the hatred for each other.

As soon as you entered the area, you were bound to see a Troll.

The Vilebranch Trolls mostly had green skin, which was linked with their environment. Forest Trolls were also capable of growing plants on their bodies. Soon after they were born, their skin would be covered by moss, which pigmented their skin green.

The reliability of this myth was questionable, since no one had actually conducted research into it.

There were about sixty thousand Vilebranch Trolls in the area, and once one of them died, it would take about a minute for another to refresh.

However, Lu Li was aiming for the Evil Priestess Hex today.

His original aim was only to save the Revantusk Troll elder who had been bound on the altar.

He didn’t want to cause too much havoc, but as soon as he tried to save the elder, Hex would immediately be alerted and teleport over.

At some point, people had tried to use the bug to draw Hex out from the city and kill her on the altar.

However, after they spent all of their energy to bring her down to about 20% health, she would teleport back, rendering their efforts futile.

It was different fighting her in Jintha’Alor. She won’t leave her territory – even if she was going to die, she would fight until her last moments there.

Raiding a city!

Even a one-hundred-man team wouldn’t be enough. After all, this was a Troll city and monsters refreshed constantly.

This was why Lu Li had dragged on the event until now. If it wasn’t for the fact that his 15-day agreement with the Troll elder was coming to the end, he would have waited for everyone to reach level 45 to take any action.

Most of the members from Ruling Sword were currently between level 41-45. Only Lu Li was level 45, way ahead of everyone else.

"Those who we have sent out have returned. The average monsters here aren’t greater than level 45. Each team consists of a level 45 elite. An issue would be the complex geography; the boss is located at the very center of the city. Our people haven’t been able to reach the deepest part of the city yet," Cain’s Left Hand reported in shame. He was the one who had requested to spy out the city.

"The fire pillars of this city have the ability to detect Stealth units. It’s normal for you guys to be unable to get near the boss," Lu Li said in an unconcerned tone.

"Boss, why didn’t you say so earlier?" Cain’s Left Hand cried out. "Our Thief brothers were doing good in Stealth mode, but were suddenly found. We lost two of them..."

"If a few of them were caught at the start, did you guys not bother to find out why?" Lu Li shot back with an unimpressed expression. How could they blame him for their own stupidity?

"Uhm... we’ll watch out for it next time," Cain’s Left Hand mumbled in embarrassment. He realized that as a leader, he had made a mistake that he should have made.

Ruling Sword had begun to form little groups by class like the other major guilds. These groups were all assigned a leader who was in charge of assigning these players roles to help sort out everyone’s issues.

There were a lot of Thieves in Ruling Sword, many of whom were master gamers. For Cain’s Left Hand to be assigned as the leader, he needed to have excellent technique and interpersonal skills. Some claimed, however, that he had made dirty trades with Lu Li behind everyone’s backs.

At this point in time, he still couldn’t differentiate the difference between an excellent player and an excellent leader.

A player only had to watch out for mistakes. As long as they dealt with their mistakes accordingly, they could ignore everything else. On the other hand, a leader needed to understand everything to prevent mistakes from happening in the first place.

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