The Great Thief

Chapter 836 The Price Of Curiosity

What was even more problematic was the Gnomish Poultryizer.

It could turn the Boss into a chicken, which meant that it would shrink significantly.

In addition to the two Main Tanks, the most players they could bring along was only 16. However, to ensure that they could achieve adequate levels of Skill Completion, twelve melee players was the optimal number.

Lu Li asked Square Root 3 for 40 melee players, 20 Druids who had Resurrect and almost one Healer per player.

The main force of the fight wasn’t limited to these players, as Lu Li also requested for a large team of Hunters.

Azshara’s Azure Dragon was quite well known, but it didn’t attack unless provoked, so players would often mess around with it. They would strike poses next to it and take photos for the thrill of potentially accidentally attacking it.

"This is the price of your curiosity!"

Nearly the entire Azshara map could hear this announcement, so the players knew not to mess with Azuregos.

The only thing in the players’ advantage for this fight was its low HP.

Currently, the level 45 Azuregos had 650,000HP, which was considered very low for a Wild Boss and especially low for a dragon. Dragons often caused players a lot of grief because of their high HP.

Unfortunately, its complicated and powerful skills completely made up for its flaws.

Lu Li divided the Gnomish Poultryizers into the hands of several other high-ranking players and gave them a number. When Lu Li called their number, they would use the Gnomish Poultryizer on the Boss.

A player didn’t need to know how to make the Gnomish Poultryizer to use it, but the success rate would be affected by their level. The higher the level, the greater chance of success.

After Lu Li had given everyone their tasks, he gestured at Azure Sea Breeze.

"Quickly – otherwise, the other guilds will find out and we’ll be in trouble," Lu Li said quietly.

As the battle officially started, Azure Sea Breeze stepped up first to tank the damage.

"This is the price of your curiosity!" the Boss boomed as Azure Sea Breeze provoked it. All of the players in Azshara heard this.

It casually swung at Azure Sea Breeze, who was an Armor Plated Warrior and took out 1100 HP. If this attack had struck a squishy target, they probably would have instantly died.

Two healers immediately rushed to Azure Sea Breeze’s side and healed him back to full health.

The most-commonly used skill in the first stage was Cleave, which damaged melee players around it. Fortunately, Ruling Sword had no shortage of Healers.

Square Root 3 began setting up defense-teams in the surrounding areas to alert them of players from other guilds. If necessary, they could fend them off from the area.

After spending over 100,000 dollars to kill a Boss, it would be a true tragedy if it was snatched away.

It wasn’t as though Azhsara was an empty map either.

Geographically, it was close to the East of the Grey Valley Forest and the Northern part of Durotar. Both Alliance and Horde players often ventured here.

The Alliance Camp at Azshara was called Nandis, and was where the Alliance players gathered.

In addition to the Trade Skill players, there were a number of combat players travelling to the Coral Sea. Not only did it boast a beautiful landscape, but it also produced a deep-red seaweed used for Alchemy and Cooking.

The Horde’s camp, Grim Batol, was a commercial town with many Goblin merchants looking to make some money.

There were many players in Azhsara, but when the Azure Dragon Azuregos made the announcement, no one paid attention. This happened everyday when some guild tried to kill the Boss, but inevitably failed.

It was fortunate for Lu Li that almost everyone thought that Azuregos couldn’t be killed.

"Machine Bro!" Lu Li shouted.

Priest Machine Bro had been waiting for a long time. When he heard his name, he immediately started the Gnomish Poultryizer and a green ray shot from the item into the Boss.

Azuregos stopped and helplessly transformed into a chicken.

It wasn’t clear what the designers were thinking, but this chicken was taller than a normal person and was quite bloated. Even so, it looked just like a newly-hatched chick.

"Attack! Keep attacking and cast whatever you’ve got!" Lu Li shouted.

When the players saw that the Boss had been transformed, they all stopped attacking. They were afraid that attacking the Boss would transform it back, which was the case with Polymorph.

Lu Li became anxious when he saw this as it was precious money being wasted.

Fortunately, everyone was paying attention and they explosively began attacking the Boss again.

They were all quite curious as to why the transformation was still intact after their attacks, but Lu Li didn’t intend on explaining this.

The players who were responsible for transforming the Boss were Ruling Sword’s core players like Machine Bro, Cain’s Left hand, Friends of the World, Flying Fish Hater and some others in the Mercenary Group. This was intended to keep the secrets of the Gnomish Poultryizer.

If another guild found out about this, it wouldn’t be long before they could also kill Azuregos.

The biggest drawback of the Gnomish Poultryzier was that its duration was too short and it had a five-minute cooldown. Fortunately, this cooldown only applied to the caster and the Boss that had just recovered from the transformation was immediately transformed again.

"This is so much fun! There’s no Boss that we can’t beat if we use this," Azure Sea Breeze laughed in glee.

"It costs a lot to use it," Wandering said bluntly. He had taken one glance at Lu Li and immediately knew why they couldn’t do that.

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