The Great Thief

Chapter 1144 - Grand Master Thief

Chapter 1144: Grand Master Thief

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

One item was a skill book and the other was a rare scroll, but both were very valuable.

Now the problem was how they would divide it between them. If they were two strangers, then it would be simple as they could just roll for it. However, Lu Li and Water Fairy were at a point in their relationship where they obviously couldn’t just roll for the item.

“If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would have been able to reach this chest. You can take the items,” Water Fairy said.

She felt that if she had just directly gone for the chest, something bad would have happened. If Lu Li wasn’t there, she definitely would have just opened the chest. In fact, this is what 80% of Thieves would have done.

“I’ll take the Skill Book then,” Lu Li said. Although the Nirvana scroll was valuable, he already had the Darkmoon Card so he didn’t really need it.

Of course, the value of Nirvana was not much less than Relentless Strikes.

Water Fairy hesitated for a moment before taking the Nirvana scroll. She was often attacked by others in the wild, and would also face assassination attempts. With this scroll, she would have a little more survivability.

This was also a gift given to her by Lu Li, which made her feel a little strange.

This Treasure Chest was also incidental to what they were trying to do. If you wanted to enter the Fahrad estate, you had to face this chest and make the correct response. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to see Master Fahrad.

This test set up by Fahrad was called the ‘Deceitful Ceremony’.

The Deceitful Ceremony was to specifically test Thieves that had arrived at this location and were faced with the unknown chest. Many Thieves would just open the chest and either be killed by the monster or fail the quest. If they wanted to continue, they would still have to die at least once. There were no situations where the Thief didn’t lose something.

But why did no one warn the later players?

The players who had already lost something reasoned that everyone else might as lose something too. Why would any player freely tell another player about their hard-earned lessons? They didn’t want to be the only ones to suffer...

It was only quite some time later that someone would write a forum post about this which Lu Li had read.

When you approached the manor gate, there was another test. However, this test was quite unusual, as no one had ever given an incorrect answer to this question, no matter what they said.

The old man at the door would ask the question, “Is a Thief evil? Why?”

Lu Li had been thinking about this for a long time. He had also thought about this in his previous life. It wasn’t as though he was better; he still shamelessly took any equipment that he could.

After playing Thief in this life, he could consider this issue from a more personal perspective.

Firstly, he didn’t think that a Thief was a particularly sacred or just profession – that spot was reserved for the Paladin or the Priest. However, he didn’t think that the Thief was evil either. No one would think of him as evil because of what he was, but rather because of what he did.

Finally, Lu Li responded by saying that the Thief’s profession was unattractive to some, but justice and evil were things that could be found within the profession themselves.

This was a satisfactory answer. Water Fairy responded similarly but added an extra sentence. She felt that the Thief represented the dark side of the players’ hearts.

The old man didn’t react at all, and just opened the door. He let Lu Li and Water Fairy enter, and told them that Fahrad was waiting for them next to the fountain in the center of the manor.

There were many flowers and plants in the manor. There were some that Lu Li could recognize, but there were others that he had never seen before.

It wasn’t clear what Fahrad’s expertise was in, but it seemed to be related to alchemy or some kind of poison production. Currently, there were ordinary poisons sold in some stores, but high-end poisons still required alchemists to produce them.

Lu Li was still carrying the helmet that could detect traps, and could sense that there were traps everywhere in the garden. If the old man wasn’t leading the way, it would have been a very difficult trip.

This was the home of a Master Thief, so it made sense that it was set up like a wolf’s den.

Fahrad herself looked quite young and wasn’t shrouded in a cloak like Lu Li’s mentor. Her beauty gave the impression that the designer had poured their life into this design.

There was no doubt that Blood Elves were rarely ugly. In reality, the ugly girls that chose this profession had also improved their looks.

However, what was even more eye-catching was the sense of purity to Fahrad. It was like she was a princess who had never seen the outside world but from her glass tower.

As she stood in front of the mountain, the ripples of the water produced a gorgeous rainbow around her, giving a holy aura to her presence.

If the old man didn’t refer to her by Fahrad, no one would think that this was Fahrad, the Grand Master Thief of the legends. Most wouldn’t doubt it if they were told that this person was a Priest.

“We are some adventurers from the Assassins League. I heard that you are collecting some heavy waste bins for research. I’m not sure if we have the privilege to help you,” Lu Li looked down and greeted her respectfully.

Water Fairy looked at Fahrad, then immediately turned to Lu Li.

She saw the look of surprise on Lu Li’s face, but found that he had quickly scanned over Fahrad’s body. Lu Li hadn’t fixated his eyes on any particular part of Fahrad’s body.

Water Fairy wasn’t sure if this meant that Lu Li was just completely unaffected or if he was a man of discipline.

Ultimately, she was satisfied with her partner’s performance.

Any woman was afraid of being compared with. This was a female instinct that was given to her when God created her. The more beautiful the woman, the more concerned she would be with this issue.

“Oh, it was a failed experiment. I haven’t studied those bins for a few days now.”

Fahrad’s voice was not as charming or soft as her appearance. It was a little hoarse and she spoke a little bluntly, like someone who had suddenly started speaking after remaining silent for a while.

“Have you already given up on this research?” Lu Li asked.

“Of course not. Those seemingly useless heavy bins might be able to teach me some other things. Right now, I lack the fund to continue research,” Fahrad said regretfully.

Her beauty in expressing her regret was so great that some players would immediately resolve to do anything they could to solve her problems.

This was the reason why the game had decided to make Fahrad’s model so beautiful. If it was an elderly lady covered in a cloak, the players probably wouldn’t be so willing to pay.

Lu Li’s heart was repulsed at the shamelessness of the System. It was obvious what this NPC was trying to get at, as much as he didn’t like it.

Obviously, she wanted them to pay!

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