The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 389: The War of Three Kingdoms

Chapter 389: The War of Three Kingdoms

While making a movie, Zhou Yu also needed to cope with the crisis of Luhua City becoming an agricultural city. And this time he really might not be able to escape it. After two days of brainstorming, he couldn\'t figure out any countermeasures. He could only watch the other party transport the Eight Trigrams Sealing magic cannon to the opposite side of Luhua City.

In Hongshan Village, there was a demon statue that looked like a big mountain. Even for Zhou Yu, this giant demon statue was still three times his height, and on its back was the legendary Eight Trigrams Sealing magic cannon.

Faced with such a mighty appearance, all the tourists in Luhua City have already run away, all hiding nearby to rubberneck. If Luhua City could survive this, then it would really be as resilient as a cockroach, and in the next village, people even started to bet on whether Luhua City could escape this disaster. Judging from the current odds, not many people were optimistic about Luhua City, and even Zhou Yu himself had also already made plans to transform it into an agricultural city.

Becoming an agricultural city was not the end, after all, if the Luhua Village was slowly developed, it could also move from an agricultural civilization to modern civilization. It would just need to take some time. The problem of having too many idols could use the \'freezing\' technique to save a batch of idols first, and then defrost them when the city has enough popularity.

The only question was whether Shang Yue and Xia Huan were willing to bear the difficulties with him.

Faced with this problem, Xia Huan smiled bitterly: "We have already come to this point, you think I will be able to go back? Even if the City Lord of Starlight City personally came to restore the name of Beidou in Starlight City, I would not give up. The future of the City of Chaos would definitely include the name of Beidou."

And Shang Yue said with a disdainful expression: "When I first arrived in the Fallen City, I was chased by the Divine Sword Pavilion using the Big Dipper Stars sword formation, but I still escaped, didn\'t I? But it\'s just a small cannon, why do I need to be scared of it?"

With these two statements, Zhou Yu was not worried about anything now. After appeasing the residents of the city, and making all preparations for the transformation, all that was left was to wait for the action of Starlight City.

Then the atmosphere became strange. The citizens in Luhua City were relatively calm because everyone was now prepared, so they all looked like bystanders rubbernecking what Starlight city was doing.

But the people from Starlight City above the demon statue were very nervous. There was the King of Thieves in Luhua City. If he were allowed to sneak in and destroy the Cannon, then this operation would fail.

In fact, the King of Thieves did want to sabotage it before, but this proposal was rejected by Zhou Yu. Because according to the latest information, the Starlight City had dispatched the Starlight Knight regiment to guard the cannon. Although the King of Thieves was strong, it seemed reckless to fight the entire Starlight Knight regiments, not to mention that they were once comrades-in-arms, so it was a bit cruel to let them fight each other.

What would come would come eventually. Anyway, it was just changing from an online game to an offline game, which was still acceptable.

During the preparation period of the Cannon, Starlight City also sent a letter. The letter basically said that as long as Luhua City surrendered itself to Starlight City and handed over all the people from the Underground Research Institute, they would forget everything, and it could even provide various resources so that Luhua City directly helped it to become a big city.

However, with Zhou Yu\'s temperament, it was extremely difficult for him to work for other people. Therefore, in response to this letter, Zhou Yu brought his children together and gave the middle finger to the envoy.

The negotiation broke up, and the rest proceeded according to the original plan.

However, something unexpected happened.

In Shiniu Village that was to the west of Luhua Village, another demon statue suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It knelt to the ground with a bang, and then the cannon on its shoulder was aimed at Luhua Village.

Zhou Yu looked at it curiously: "Which party is this group?"

Could it be that he suddenly obtained a protagonist\'s plot armor, and there were actually people who came to help him?

It was a shame that they were not here to help him. Shang Yue took a look at it and laughed and said, "Well, Brother Zhou, you completely defeated me. You can even make both cities treat you differently. This situation you are facing now is much worse than my initial start."

It turns out that the other group that had just shown up now was from the fallen city. Their purpose was also very simple. It was not safe to seal Luhua City only by relying on Starlight City. They also took advantage of the stars\' movement and pulled the Forbidden Curse Cannon out of the fallen city.

Alright then, this time, they were completely dead.

There was no more suspense this time. There was no way Luhua city would be able to defeat them.

"Boss, what are you looking at on the wall? Everyone is waiting for you to start filming."

Screenwriter Hao Jing, who wore a baseball cap and was working as a miscellaneous staff member, shouted under the wall. In the amusement park, Zhou Yu was the only one who dared to climb the wall. If other people did this, they would be bombarded by pigeons in the sky before they could get on the wall. Then a group of wild chickens would teach you how to behave.

Oh well, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I\'m going to continue making my movie.

Since there was no way to stop it, Zhou Yu decided not to worry about it, and just wait for all the dust to settle, and then clean up the mess. Anyway, there were so many adventurous places, he could just leave some to little Firefly to have fun, and the others could be transformed into grain areas to produce more food.

"Huh? Why doesn\'t Luhua city seem to want to resist? Damn it, I made a bet of 300 Moe coins! "

Among the onlookers, some people who were watching the battle with binoculars began to curse. Because Luhua City used to give other people a lot of surprises before, so some people bet that they would also be able to create some miracle this time. Now that the gate of Luhua City was wide opened, and unguarded at all, those people instantly wailed in sorrow.

Their one month\'s salary was gone just like that.

Indeed, Luhua City gave up resistance, but the King of Thieves still couldn\'t help himself but ran out of the city and posted a note saying \'We will be back\' on the head of the demon statue of the starlight city.

Being targeted repeatedly, how could the arrogant King of Thieves endure this kind of provocation? Sooner or later, Luhua City would return again and retaliate against them. Although Starlight City and Fallen City did not exist in the real world, it was not difficult to create trouble for them.

The ACG world cities that were associated with the real world were the cities that both Starlight city and the fallen city wanted to conquer. And the method they used to do it was through the broadcast on a TV station. As long as the broadcast was cut off, it would cause them a great deal of trouble.

Of course, this method of revenge was not up to the standard, but after being persuaded by the King of thieves, Zhou Yu also decided to fight back. However, Zhou Yu\'s method was to establish his own TV station and formally expand outside as Chaos City.

The prerequisite for the non-expansion policy of Luhua city was that the local forces of Luhua City would not try to attack Luhua city. Now that Starlight City and Fallen City have jointly attacked Luhua city, the non-expansion policy would naturally no longer be valid.

Then ACG world\'s romance of the three kingdoms was now formally started.

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