Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1737 - Encounter (4)

Climbing out of the bed on her own efforts, she walked out of the bedroom with nothing but a thin layer of garment left on her body that made her appear all the much cuter.

“No this isn’t right, Jin Tian is more of a scaredy cat than I am so going to him won’t help, and Auntie most likely fell asleep too, I cannot disturb her.” Patting that little head, Di Ling Yan makes a realization as she came to a halt, “If not, I can go to the Demon Mountain. I’m sure Brother Little Rice will be able to protect me.”

Thinking of this, the baby princess immediately turned towards the direction of where she last remembered where that mountain stood. As to why she couldn’t be specific and know the way, that’s because she’s too small and only went there once. Plus, there’s not a single palace maid or attendant around for some reason, how could she ask for directions like the first time around?

So in the end the girl got lost, or specifically unable to figure out the proper way....

It’s exactly then when the child’s about to lose her way and want to go back to her own bedroom, a bright light of white blinds her. Squinting those eyes until its adapted to this sudden burst of ray, she suddenly found herself standing before a mountain radiating a sacred light.

Bursting with excitement and glee at her own fortune, this baby princess didn’t even think twice at how strange and messed up this occurrence was. Mountains don’t move on their own, and neither should it appear out of nowhere when she still hasn’t left the palace grounds yet.

“This should be the Demon Mountain, I shouldn’t be wrong... But why is it different to the last time I visited?” Unable to figure out why the terrain looks different compared to before, she continues to stroll further in without any forethought.

Before long, a cave comes into her view.

Giggling at this scene: “I know, it must be Sister Suzaku and Brother Little Rice playing hide and seek with me. They must be hiding inside the cave and want me to go find them. Once I do I won’t need to be scared anymore.”

Thinking of this, the little baby disregarded any fear she might’ve had and toddled into the dark tunnel.

Compared with the magnificent glow of the Demon Mountain, this strange and out of place cave was dark and damp with a smell of muddiness lingering in the air. It’s indescribable and spooky that’s borderline unsettling to the nerves.

Di Ling Yan may be young and innocent, but she’s not immune to being scared of the spooks in this world. The more she went inside, the tenser and more afraid her body became until the bad emotions started to resurface again. Finally, unable to take it anymore due to everything being all too quiet, the baby attempts to turn tail and flee when it happened.

It’s a strange flash of red that shocked her.

This scared the daylights out of Di Ling Yan of course and sent the girl into a confused and frantic panic. Unable to control her little body, the princess trips over herself in a failed attempt to run.

“Wooohooo, Big Brother, Wooohooo, Big Brother save me....” She finally cries out in sobbing tears, the fear taking hold in all its glory.

No matter how mature Di Ling Yan behaves before the public, she’s nevertheless only two years old. A baby at best, there’s no way this child could restrain her emotions and overcome the fears of the darkness and unknown. This was especially true when she’s all alone in a dark damp cave with a strange flash of red popping out of nowhere like a ghost just swooping out of the ground.

“Shut up!” A cold and disruptive voice snaps at her weeping cry, “You cry again and I’ll immediately eat you!”

Stalling at the sound, Di Ling Yan actually stops her crying and slowly peeked through those fingers that’s covering her own eyes. That’s where she saw the man further up front. Dressed in a long red robe, this individual had all his limbs chained to the wall. Furthermore, the guy also had a abnormally long set of hair. Not the messy and ragged look of a unkept individual though, it’s sleek and smooth that gave him a more devilish air of troubling allure.

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